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Does a cheap electric vacuum pump exist?

Does a cheap electric vacuum pump exist?

I have a 2.5 watt electric aquarium air pump that I converted to an “air-mover” for another project so that it could be used to re-cycle the air inside a container over and over while staying on the outside. Essentially it is now both an air pump and a vacuum pump capable of about 2-2.5” hg.

I have been using this as a way to maintain a constant vacuum for extended periods of time with minimal effort (already had so cost was an additional $0 with an initial cost of around $10 I believe it was a cheap one). Can this be bought? Cheapest I have found is a $30 electric penis pump on ebay.

Try looking into cheap breast pumps on ebay.

RENA 200. Search.

5.5 x 4.5 going for 8 x 6 by the time I reach 100

I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can

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