Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Donut (lymph buildup) Removal Suggestion Using Duct Tape

Donut (lymph buildup) Removal Suggestion Using Duct Tape

I’ve written about this suggestion of using duct tape to remove the donut in previous threads by others, but I thought I’d separate the suggestion in a new thread due to many inquiries I’ll get on and off.

Basically, when I have lots of additional time on my hands, I’ll do an elongated pumping session for 1-2 hours with many breaks. I can get ridiculously thick when I do this. To counteract any resulting “donut” effect, all I do is:

1. cut or tear off a 3-4 inch strip of duct tape,
2. slide/fold my upper shaft skin/donut area over my glans,
3. place the tape on one side of my now skin-covered glans and over to the other side.

What this does is basically tape the “donut” area or upper shaft area tightly over the tucked in glans,forcing gentle fluid redistribution back into the rest of my cock and the elimination of the pronounced “donut”.

I’ll hang much thicker and fuller once I remove the tape (after 15-30 minutes) for the rest of the day and into the next day. Great flaccid results, thicker, symmetrical and even-looking shaft and NO DONUT.

The method is very cheap and it works. I keep a roll of duct tape under my bathroom sink where my pumping paraphernalia is, and I even traveled with all my gear this past week while on the mainland. DONUTS ARE FEARED NO MORE!


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Hey - that sounds like a great idea. I have yet to begin pumping - I will be receiving my pump next week.

One of the side-affects I don’t exactly look forward to is the “donut” effect. I will definitely try this if I get the “donut” effect, mainly because condom pumping doesn’t give as great results as regular pumping does (From what I hear, correct me if I’m wrong).

Originally Posted by TheRealExodus
Hey - that sounds like a great idea. I have yet to begin pumping - I will be receiving my pump next week.

One of the side-affects I don’t exactly look forward to is the “donut” effect. I will definitely try this if I get the “donut” effect, mainly because condom pumping doesn’t give as great results as regular pumping does (From what I hear, correct me if I’m wrong).


I prefer regular pumping. Condom pumping didn’t accomplish much of anything for me. Plus, I can pump now without fear of any residual donut by using my duct tape method. Good luck to you and happy pumping.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Awesome idea! Condom pumping doesn’t work for me and I was just about thinking I’d have to be resigned to donut dick. Thanks for the idea!

:_pump: :donatecar

Originally Posted by clgpalmer
Awesome idea! Condom pumping doesn’t work for me and I was just about thinking I’d have to be resigned to donut dick. Thanks for the idea!


I’m glad to share the little tricks I’ve learned through the years of trial and error PE.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Doesn’t hurt, comming off?

Just don’t get a donut in the first place. By doing this.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by UlcasterDropout
Doesn’t hurt, comming off?

It sticks, as tape will, but just pull it off slowly. It doesn’t hurt me since my skin is conditioned to PE’ing. There should be no tape adhering to the glans which is tucked under the shaft skin. All I can say is to use the technique, if a donut happens, or you can follow many of the suggestions offered in the forum on donut prevention in the first place.

Here’s a link to a thread I did years ago on donut prevention using the ACE self-adhesive bandage:
“Donut” Prevention - Another Wrap Suggestion

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Last edited by peforeal : 11-27-2005 at .
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