Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dynamic or static pumping better?


Dynamic or static pumping better?

It seems all the really expensive penis pumps are dynamic vacuum that alternate between various pressures, but maybe they just threw that feature in to distinguish their product from other pumps?

I have minimal experience with alternating vacuum pressure right now. It seems like during the first 20 -30 minutes dynamic pressure is detrimental, but after that it’s positive because of increased blood flow.

Anyone with experience in this?

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

I set it and forget it. I let heat and time work for me.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Unlike Titleist I have been going with dynamic pumping sets for more than a year now, but it’s out of laziness and being cheap.

My four year old pump has a slow leak in it that is due to an aged female quick disconnect adapter on the chamber. In trial and error I replace the actual pump and male side adapter, but that didn’t fix the problem. I then purchased a new female adapter and that didn’t work, so I after that I just rolled over and hit the snooze button. In writing this maybe I will put some lubricant onto the chamber’s quick disconnects o’ring, lol, that could be the issue! Pure laziness!

So my process is by default constantly dropping and reintroducing pressure.

Long story short, my cock still expands over time.

Like Titleist said, add heat and let it simmer, should work just fine. If you want to experiment with pressure cycling, give it a spin.

Always more than one way to skin the old cat.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

I should of put this in the OP, I am planning on testing this soon.

It might take a month or two to test something, but it will be worth it to me to establish the most effective protocol since it seems maintaining penis size requires life long maintenance.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

I do some pressure cycling for maybe one set mid way in my sessions. I’m always hanging at between 3-4hg, so I’ll pump up to 5, hold for 5 seconds, drop below 3 for a few seconds, then up to 4-4.5, then down again, then up to 5, down again, etc.. I like it. Not sure if it does a whole lot but it feels good. You can also pull on the cylinder and that raises pressure, when you let go it drops, I can make the cylinder pressure fluctuate from 3-4hg doing this. Hope any of this helps!

Starting length, Spring 2003: bpel 6 3/8", bpfsl ~6 1/2", flaccid ~3-4" (never measured flaccid stretched or hanging flaccid; starting girth was probably ~5"-5 1/4")

Summer 2004: bpel 7 7/8", bpfsl 8 1/8", flaccid ~4", erect girth 5.3"

Spring 2018: bpel 7 1/4", bpfsl 7 5/8", erect girth 5 1/8"; Spring 2020: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth 5 3/8". Current - August 2023: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth mid shaft 5 1/4" (5 1/2" at base)

Vacutech Pulsar For dynamic Pumping

I’ve had two Vacutech Pulsar pumps over the past two years and I’ve had pleasant experiences with them. For me I’ve had greater expansion and less donating and fluid buildup from using dynamic rather than static pumping. Plus it allows me to pump longer on higher hg’s due to the fluctuations. And it’s a lot more enjoyable. With the pulsar it’s all hands free but it’s expensive. I posted and sold my first one on here back in 2017 and I’m actually looking to sell my second one, for what it’s worth. There’s nothing wrong with it nor was there anything wrong with the first one I sold, it’s just they are quite an investment and both times I’ve needed the money. Each time I’ve had to make a choice in either recouping some of the money or have a big dick in poverty. Planned on posting it today.

As far as EQ is concerned, Gprent advocated pulse pumping because it mimicks the natural process your dick goes through at night during REM sleep. I believe it also has a positive affect on girth gains as well.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

I have been reading a lot about Leluv cylinders throughout this forum so I’m interested in checking them out. The previous pumps I have used had automatic settings on them, which makes it convenient to set it, wrap the cylinder with heating pad, and multi task without having to use the trigger pumps. I see Leluv has an automatic hand pump but I seen no gauge with it. Is it possible to use a gauge with the electric pump that Leluv offers? Can I possibly use the pump that works with size matters pumps? I am referring to the black hand help pump that takes batteries if that helps any.

09/23/2018_BPEL 6 5/8, EG - 4 3/4

06/13/2019_BPEL - 7 5/8, MSEG - 5 1/4, BEG - 5 3/8

Ultimate goal: 9.5 BPEL, 6.5 EG

Originally Posted by MagFitz19
I have been reading a lot about Leluv cylinders throughout this forum so I’m interested in checking them out. The previous pumps I have used had automatic settings on them, which makes it convenient to set it, wrap the cylinder with heating pad, and multi task without having to use the trigger pumps. I see Leluv has an automatic hand pump but I seen no gauge with it. Is it possible to use a gauge with the electric pump that Leluv offers? Can I possibly use the pump that works with size matters pumps? I am referring to the black hand help pump that takes batteries if that helps any.

There is nothing negative with mixing and matching pumps, gauges and tubes/cylinders. You just need to make sure all of the fittings and tubing are the same size. If so, it just becomes plug and play.

Specific to your question of adding a gauge to the Leluv electric pump, or to any pump- yes you can do so. A gauge is strictly a monitoring device and does not interfere in the operation of your vacuum system.

A gauge will allow you to be more aware of the vacuum pressure you are working with and so can more easily return to that same setting later. And of course be more safe.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters
There is nothing negative with mixing and matching pumps, gauges and tubes/cylinders. You just need to make sure all of the fittings and tubing are the same size. If so, it just becomes plug and play.

Specific to your question of adding a gauge to the Leluv electric pump, or to any pump- yes you can do so. A gauge is strictly a monitoring device and does not interfere in the operation of your vacuum system.

A gauge will allow you to be more aware of the vacuum pressure you are working with and so can more easily return to that same setting later. And of course be more safe.

Ok and yes I prefer electrical pumps while monitoring air pressure with a gauge since they are more convenient, while allowing you to achieve the same results as you mentioned. I’ve been accustomed to those cheap $30 pumps, but those pumps in my opinion can only take you so far, especially since most of them only go up to a certain length and you can’t get those tubes in a custom size like the famous Leluv tubes that are discussed here. But I did find value in those cheaper pumps having the electrical pump with the gauge. So I’m mainly looking towards using quality tubes that are more fitting for my size, but using the same sort of system to monitor pressure as well. Thanks for the reply and hopefully I can find something to accommodate my needs so I can continue making progress. If anyone has input on something specific they purchased/used that’s along the same lines as what I’m looking into doing, let me know so I can get a good idea where to spend my money so I will not waste too much more on getting this right. And of course if I come up with a system that works out, I’ll definitely be sure to share it here.

09/23/2018_BPEL 6 5/8, EG - 4 3/4

06/13/2019_BPEL - 7 5/8, MSEG - 5 1/4, BEG - 5 3/8

Ultimate goal: 9.5 BPEL, 6.5 EG

I use Leluv tubes (2”, 2.25” and 3”) and a $20 pistol grip brake bleeder vacuum pump from Harbor Freight and this package works well for me. You can get any length vinyl or silicone hose you wish from the big box stores or local hardware stores. If you make sure the hose connections and fittings are secure, you wont have any loss of vacuum and the system will work very well. Good luck with your search for equipment you are comfortable with.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters
I use Leluv tubes (2”, 2.25” and 3”) and a $20 pistol grip brake bleeder vacuum pump from Harbor Freight and this package works well for me. You can get any length vinyl or silicone hose you wish from the big box stores or local hardware stores. If you make sure the hose connections and fittings are secure, you won’t have any loss of vacuum and the system will work very well. Good luck with your search for equipment you are comfortable with.

Thanks for putting me on the right path/mindset with interchanging things. I will definitely be researching and experimenting with this. The results from pumping are worth the trial and error. If all else fails, I’ll be getting that handheld from harbor freight to hold it down in the meantime. I’ll ensure to make sure I do all as mentioned to prevent as much air leakage as possible when I get my tube next week. I used handheld pumps in the past and maybe due to them being cheap, they leaked air, which I hear or have read here rather, that some leaking is normal. But once I tried the automatic pump with gauge, it pumped everything back up automatically for me. I guess I kind of got used to that process because I been trying to pump for a long time and until I got that automatic, I really couldn’t stay consistent because I didn’t like my equipment. But at this point I been doing it long enough to see results, so if all else fails and I do not achieve the set up I’m seeking, that handheld will not be a road bock to further gains.

09/23/2018_BPEL 6 5/8, EG - 4 3/4

06/13/2019_BPEL - 7 5/8, MSEG - 5 1/4, BEG - 5 3/8

Ultimate goal: 9.5 BPEL, 6.5 EG

Yes it gets frustrating when you’re having to constantly pump to keep the vacuum where you want it. My first tube had a built in gauge in a screw on cap with o ring. After some time, the cap developed a slight leak and I never could get it to seal up and was constantly pumping up. That’s when I searched for other cylinder options and tried the Leluv. I like the thick flanged tubes as they seem to seal against my pelvis better than the small flanges. I also keep my pubes trimmed down and lube up well which also also help keep the seal.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

So I ended up purchasing the size matters electric pump and the brake bleeder pump from harbor freight. With that electric pump, it does allow you to pump using a dynamic method. In my personal experience, I usually prefer the dynamic method because it sort of feels like when you’re pumping up it’s in a way stretching the penis at the same time. Another benefit of dynamic pumping that I have had experience with the head blisters and fluid build up due to the alternating air pressures. Now with this pump in particular, it pumps up to 3.5 HG automatically and it will drop down to 3.0 then pump back up, which allows you to basically turn the pump on and not worry about it, if 3.5 HG is a level you like to pump at. You can also manually pump it up and it will go down on its own if 3.5 HG is too high. For example: if you generally like to pump up to 3.0 HG and you wanted to use a dynamic method, you can press the start button on this pump and when it reaches the air pressure that you would like, you can press the stop button and when it drops down to the level that you would like, you can press the start button to pump it back up. When done altogether it does have a release button to let all the air out. I typically like to let it drop down about .5 HG and then pump it back up when dynamic pumping. It typically takes about 12 seconds for it to drop .5 HG. I just used the same hose and connector that came with the Leluv pump I ordered on this electric pump. As far as the harbor freight pump, I like it too because 1) it pumps up fast, 2) it holds the air pressure pretty steady for a few minutes unlike the cheap hand held pumps I’ve experienced in the past. Once either 3.5 HG is not enough pressure to pump with and I want to use slightly more air pressure, or I just want to go the static pumping method, I’ll swap to the other pump.

As far as which method is better, I can’t say which is better overall. My opinion so far, it’s personal preference and once I gain 2 years of total experience with pumping, I would feel better qualified to shed more light on which may or may not be better.

09/23/2018_BPEL 6 5/8, EG - 4 3/4

06/13/2019_BPEL - 7 5/8, MSEG - 5 1/4, BEG - 5 3/8

Ultimate goal: 9.5 BPEL, 6.5 EG

How loud is the size matters electric pump? I had heard videos saying the Vacutech Pulsar is nice and quiet compared to others, but I just watched a video on youtube of a demonstration of the pulsar, and… yeah that’s not going to work with my roommates haha.

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