Originally Posted by billythebob
Apologies if this is the wrong area to ask this, but I’m restricted to post in the correct area.I recently picked up a Bathmate and tried it out today and I have a couple of questions. From what I have read online you basically pop the pump on, pump it once and leave it there for 5 mins. Do this 3 times, that’s the recommended amount of time/pumps.
So my questions are:
Is this right?
- You don’t need to follow it to the letter but I have been pumping and leaving from 4-5 minutes (I built up to 20 minutes in total)
Should I be erect at any stage of this ?
- If you enter the pump flaccid the vacuum from pumping will slowly inflate your penis however it doesn’t necessarily have to be an erection to get results, when you pump you will feel the discomfort of being stretched, as your penis continues to inflate and the structure relaxes, it will start to feel more comfortable, it’s at this point a bit more pumping is needed to slowly build up the tension keep repeating this until you complete your 15-20 minute session
Would this simple method still allow me to gain the temporary gains?
- The temporary gains happen each time you follow that process
I noticed my EQ was atrocious after it, is this normal?
- The Bathmate is quite an intense work out, I’m not surprised that your EQ was low straight after. I usually wait an hour before trying to get hard, that’s when you’ll experience the megaboner.
Thanks for your time.