Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Enhance Your Pumped/Unpumped Bulge - The Velcro Wrap

After I pump and I take out my unit it’s almost 8 inch flaccid. Yesterday I wrapped my base and my unit got thicker. Not sure it’s a good idea to walk around with that under my pants. Looks kinda stupid.

Originally Posted by keybord
After I pump and I take out my unit it’s almost 8 inch flaccid. Yesterday I wrapped my base and my unit got thicker. Not sure it’s a good idea to walk around with that under my pants. Looks kinda stupid.

Wrapping after pumping is a good way of keeping your dick enlarged for a longer period of time, encouraging a permanent size increase over time. Unless you’re an exhibitionist and like showing off, it might be better to stay at home while wrapped and just kick back.

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by peforeal
Wrapping after pumping is a good way of keeping your dick enlarged for a longer period of time, encouraging a permanent size increase over time. Unless you’re an exhibitionist and like showing off, it might be better to stay at home while wrapped and just kick back.

Yea ok. But wrapping after a pump or a PE session mainly works for girth or does it help with length gains also? Naa I really don’t like to show off, depends on who’s looking.

Where can I find this magnetic velcro wrap. Its not all the walgreens site and it doesnt appear on a google search. I want that wrap

Current: BPEL 7.0, EG 5.0 at base, 4.75 mid shaft, 4.25 under head (thanks mom and dad for the circumcision)

Goal for August 1st 2012: BPEL 7.75, EG 5.5 / Goal for December 21,2012: BPEL 8.0, EG 6 (Lube and water will be scarce afterwards)

Lifetime: A third leg

They don’t make it anymore. Try E-bay, though.

I don’t think the magnets had anything to do with the wrapping gains, anyway.



Anyone still wearing the wrap?

Well wearing a velcro wrap it like 2 inches thick behind the shaft n balls. Wondering if this will if worn long term help with length as it started behind and maybe with low hangers.

Bump. Also interested in knowing if there is a replacement.

Peforeal ref bigjack ref.12/28/02

in reference to Walgreens link [which section is the Homdedicwrist Wrap in.



How long are these wrist wraps? 8”? 12”?

Anyone tried this behind the balls? Since I have a turkey neck, it is hard to wrap it around my base without skin issues.

Secondly, has anyone seen good flaccid gains from this?

When I do a wrap, it is always around both cock and balls.

Gains? Yes, but it takes a while. :)



Word of caution! I purchased couple of these magnetic wrist wraps a while ago and have been using them from time to time. I don’t even know if they are available for sale anymore but please be advised that one of the materials used to make this device is neoprene. I just read that this can be quite toxic if absorbed through the scrotal sack.


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