Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Enhance Your Pumped/Unpumped Bulge - The Velcro Wrap

I’ve tried to read the entire topic, since the very far beginning up to now.

While it’s pretty clear the effect of ‘bulge enhancement’, could anyone please summarize and explain the positive effects on PE which these wraps bring?

Originally Posted by theleviathan
<SNIP> could anyone please summarize and explain the positive effects on PE which these wraps bring?

See post #4, on the first page - bolding is mine — original poster, avocet8, and others report this. I am noticing this myself:

Originally Posted by avocet8
Guys, he’s on to something here.

<SNIP> I had been doing PE for almost a year and was getting great erect gain but not much flaccid gain. Because I had never been a shower, I was actually more interested in flaccid improvement than erect gain.

After only a few weeks of using the strap I began to notice some flaccid size coming on. After several months, it was obvious that I was becoming a shower. It may be that this change was just a flaccid catch-up, kicking in after the erect gains, but I don’t think so.


As a result of using a cock/ball strap, (I think, anyway) my flaccid gain, with or without a strap, is now proportional to my erect gains.

Ok, I saw this reported flaccid gain, but I miss the reason for it.
It’s just like keeping continuously on a low pressure traction device, as some anti-turtle sleeve?

I guess you wrap this way , so I wonder also what effect this has on the balls. Lower hang?

Originally Posted by theleviathan
Ok, I saw this reported flaccid gain, but I miss the reason for it.

No one is a hundred percent sure why any PE method works. But there is some theorizing about this on the first page.

From the post I quoted above:

Originally Posted by avocet8
The theory was that maintaining more engorgement post-workout might cause the mini-tears to heal and “fix” in that larger state rather than in a smaller flaccid state.

From peforeal’s original post:

Originally Posted by peforeal
I think that this kind of prolonged daily engorgement has also provided me with another passive mechanism for enhancing my flaccid gains.

I did not follow your link - somewhere there is a picture on thunder’s of a member showing how he wears it, but I am not having any luck with the search function today to find it for you.

I remember the thread title being something like “Me Wearing My Velcro Wrap.” Maybe somebody else has it bookmarked.

peforeal describes two ways to wear it. Wrap around both the balls and shaft at the base of both. Or wrap around the base of the penis only — that method you must be very cautious with.

The guy with the picture shows method one.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
I did not follow your link

You mean, you had problems following it? Try this
It’s just a simple drawing.

Thank you, anyway

I meant that I did not click on your link because I am at a computer with others in the room with me so I do not want to pull up pictures.

Argh, I am going crazy searching the entire Internet, is there no place that ships the Homedics TheraP Magnetic Wrist Wrap internationally?

Check out the McDavid Jumper’s Knee Strap . I seen it at Walgreens, CVS and Kmart.

There’s a piece of foam attached to it that can be easily torn off. Then you can trim the width down a bit with a pair of scissors. Make sure when you trim it that you leave it about a 1/4" wider (on each side) than the narrowest part. You’ll understand what that means when you start cutting. The reason for leaving it a little wider is because over time the elastic stretches so much that the hard plastic Velcro sticks over the edge and it will become uncomfortable. I learn that lesson the hard way and the second time I cut it as I described and it’s never been a problem.


It seems that the older TheraP Magnetic Wrist Wrap has been replaced by this one , which seems a little too bulge-y for my taste. I was wondering if these magnetic wrist wraps would be good alternatives to the other TheraP strap (which seems to be no longer available).

Here are the links:

http://www.amaz … /dp/B000JWPS6U/

http://www.amaz … /dp/B0007YT1Q8/

Would these work? If so which one would you recommend? Are there any other alternatives to the old wrist trap?

Thanks in advance for any input.

Is there any reason this strap should not be utilized by a newby? I am about two weeks into PE,my regimen consists of jelqs and kegels.Would this circumvent the gains I might see,or would they compliment each other well?Thanks.

Originally Posted by Nskrd
It seems that the older TheraP Magnetic Wrist Wrap has been replaced by this one , which seems a little too bulge-y for my taste. I was wondering if these magnetic wrist wraps would be good alternatives to the other TheraP strap (which seems to be no longer available).

Here are the links:

http://www.amaz … /dp/B000JWPS6U/

http://www.amaz … /dp/B0007YT1Q8/

Would these work? If so which one would you recommend? Are there any other alternatives to the old wrist trap?

Thanks in advance for any input.

As long as they’re not too bulky, they could work. Looking at the links, the bioflex product looks most similar.

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by fummins
Is there any reason this strap should not be utilized by a newby? I am about two weeks into PE,my regimen consists of jelqs and kegels.Would this circumvent the gains I might see,or would they compliment each other well?Thanks.

Newbies could certainly use this strap or a similar product to help keep longer lasting flaccid size and encourage permanent gains.

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Blood drain and pins and needles.

I have PE’d quite regularly for a year+, also took a decond break for 4 months after not noticing any effects just to reset things. Generally I do the PEforeal routine, minus the pumping, and I do not use extreme pressures at all, just what is a comfortable internal pressure and squeeze.

After jelquing my flaccid size doesn’t stay “plumped” as has been described in many threds. I understand that this is an important physical indicator and am curious if anyone has made gains without getting the post PE plump effect? For me, my volume immediately begins to reduce as I stop Jelquing. Even with dedicated post PE warming via showers etc, my plumping is only minimally affected. Even when using a wrap, after about 10 minutes I get a slight pins and needles feeling (reduced circulation) through the penis. It manages to keep engorgement a bit, but again the blood just wants to drain it seems…

Regarding has anyone else had similar experiences with blood draining out and been able to solve?
How crucial is the post-PE plump in producing growth?

Some alternate ideas for simple wraps:

Simple Ace Bandage, tied or buttoned not too tight and allowing some give
Strip of felt, tied or buttoned. (What I used, just a strip of felt tied off at the base not too tight)
You’d need to make a button with some kind of fabric tools id bet, but it probably works just as good..

I still have yet to see cemented flaccid or erect increases. I feel like PE should work. If anyone has general thoughts on how I should approach PE considering these PI (physical indicators) that would be great as well.


BPEL - 7" MaxBPEL 7.375" EG – 4.75” FL – ranges 4” – 5.5” FG – 4” - 4.3 Short Term Goal: cemented results of any kind

Originally Posted by EnergyTekie
For me, my volume immediately begins to reduce as I stop

Correction: It’s not immediate but after about 10 minutes I’m back to 120% or so flaccid, and if I wrap it would be more like 15 - 20 minutes


BPEL - 7" MaxBPEL 7.375" EG – 4.75” FL – ranges 4” – 5.5” FG – 4” - 4.3 Short Term Goal: cemented results of any kind


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