Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Enhance Your Pumped/Unpumped Bulge - The Velcro Wrap


That one looks waaay too wide to me and maybe not nearly flexible enough to use when walking or sitting down?



I ordered it here:

Magnetic Therapy Sales

They also ship this outside US, europe in my case. Some users here were looking for a shop that could do this (cascade?)


Pumpman :wave:

You can order in UK by: Price: 9.99 pounds plus 2.75 pounds P&P. They delivery overseas, but may add extra P&P charge.


I just wanted to say that this thing really works! I have worn it for only two weeks and have increased my flacid 1.5 length to 6-6.5”. Thank you For this, cause flacid size was all that I was looking for from PE and I’ve finally got it!


Thanks for the new confirmation of the effectiveness of the Homedic strap. Since I first e-mailed avocet8 about this, I’m glad he convinced me to do a more detailed thread for anyone who might be interested in my Walmart discovery. You’ve made ncredible gains in flaccid size, which has always been my principal goal. Here’s to more!


Pack it on, guys!




Thanks for introducing TheraP Wrist Strap to us. I bought one at Walgreen’s about month ago.

I’ve got what I call a “rubber band” dick….after I pump and take my dick out of cylinder….in few minutes my dick has snapped back.

When I think about it I put TheraP on after pumping….I can position one edge of strap behind my dick head. TheraP strap is quite comfortable to wear for long periods of time.

First day I had TheraP strap I wore it to bed…it was not uncomfortable, but was not tight enough for me. I discovered couple years ago, when I unintentionally wore my leather wrapped cockring to bed, that my nocturnal erections (NEs) and piss hard ons (PHs) were very hard - nonbendable….so that is routine practice.

I’ve tried wrapping around my nuts but haven’t gotten that down yet….being a Texan, I don’t give up easily though

OR eon

TheraP wrist strap is to facilitate increasing flaccid length….as mentioned above, I put it on my dick after pumping….I can wear TheraP for many hours.

In evening I like doing Fowlers while I’m watching TV…my understtanding is that Fowlers can increase flaccid length by stretching suspensory ligament.

Our ongoing quest for donkey/horsedicks!

OR eon

neworlnssteel, congratulations to your enormous flaccid gains! This gives me more confidence. I just ordered mine and am waiting for coming.

By the way, many of you guys mentioned to use it after pumping. However, I don’t pump, and I’m going to wear it after my girth exercise. Does it matter?

Originally posted by rainsea
neworlnssteel, congratulations to your enormous flaccid gains! This gives me more confidence. I just ordered mine and am waiting for coming.

By the way, many of you guys mentioned to use it after pumping. However, I don't pump, and I'm going to wear it after my girth exercise. Does it matter?

I’m certainly no authorithy and this is rather a novel, flaccid length increaser for lack of a better term. Try it and see what happens.

With many of us wearing TheraP at various times…we’ll accumulate some data.

I just pumped going from 1 3/4 x 8” > 2 x 9” cylinders and my girth measured 6 1/4….didn’t measure length and with my rubber band dick, dick has already snapped back some.

I’ve wrapped my “phat” dick in TheraP and will wear strap most of the day.

OR eon

rainsea asked: “By the way, many of you guys mentioned to use it after pumping. However, I don’t pump, and I’m going to wear it after my girth exercise. Does it matter?”

Shouldn’t matter a bit. When you finish your PE, try to end up with a hard-on. Put it on then and leave it on for at least a couple of hours. The wrap is not so tight that it works like a cockring. There’s plenty of room for blood circulation. Your erection will deflate, but you should be able to keep some engorgement so your micro-tears are healing while you are in a larger state than normal.



oreon and avocet8, thanks for the reply!

Cause I use baby oil when jelqing, I have to wash it right after PE. I guess I will have to stroke to achieve a hard-on, and then wear the wrap.

Originally posted by rainsea
You can order in UK by: Price: 9.99 pounds plus 2.75 pounds P&P. They delivery overseas, but may add extra P&P charge.

Rainsea have you ordered one? I thought I would to treat myself. I don’t have any PE type gadgets like bib hangers or starters etc. so I thought one of these would do nicely.

The ordering system looked a little dodgy for an online store though, what do you reckon?

Hi ICM, I also thought their online system was not so good, so rather than ordering online, I called them and paid by credit card, but I haven’t received it. I am hoping it will arrive tomorrow, and will let you know once I receive it.


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