Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Enhance Your Pumped/Unpumped Bulge - The Velcro Wrap


For most of my life, I was a grower and very far from being a shower and lived through feelings of inadequacy in this regard. My pre-PE normal flaccid size would be only about 1.5 - 2 inches. I’m over 6 feet tall, and I definitely need some decent flaccid size that’s proportional to my height.

I would now definitely consider myself a “shower”, hanging flaccid regularly between 5.25 - 6.25 inches with base girth at 5.5+ inches and still getting bigger. Like Avocet8, I had made erect length gains, but it was really larger flaccid size that I wanted. I do believe that the regular use of the velcro wrap in combination with all of the other PE techniques, really helped to accelerate my flaccid gains. I can only attribute this to the ability to maintain an extended pull, stretch and engorgement on my dick/balls when using the velcro wrap. It’s comfortable to wear for long periods of time, and as a completely passive activity I really don’t have to do anything but leave it on for however long I want - 1 hour to all day.

Today, I can now proudly use public men’s urinals without having to turn to the wall, walk around the locker room at the gym, shower and change clothes openly and feel confident that my flaccid size is one of the biggest around. For this I am eternally grateful to my personal discovery of PE and to all the guys whose input and support have helped me over the years.


If you ever come to Hawaii, peforeal and I will be the guys who saunter up to any urinal rather than checking out first where everybody is standing. The closest or the farthest one, we don’t give a hoot. If there is such a thing as “male liberation,” we’ve at least got that far with it. :-)



Damn right and proud of it!


4 great posts, guys, very encouraging. Congratulations to you both. I’m also a grower, and while my erect size puts me in the upper percentiles, as soon as I start working on girth, I’m gonna try the wrap, as I want all the eye candy I can get :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.


You know? It’s weird. With all the focus in today’s cultures on sex and penis size, all of that, there is still some foggy prohibition about men revealing what they have. Watch any soft-porn movie or TV sex scene. You will see most of women’s bodies; seldom do you see male genitalia. What’s that about, do you think?

I told peforeal when we talked about this device privately and earlier in my use of it that having a flaccid bulge after decades of not having one was actually a difficult thing to adjust to, from a being-in-public point of view. The brain part of flaccid gain for me was not as easy as I maybe make it seem. I got over it, but I had to do some mental gymnastics to get there.

Fact: All but the very youngest of children on the planet know that men have dicks. Revealing them, even under clothes, seems to be a major problem somehow.



Actually, I think my wife will see it as more of a problem than me :)

I don’t see it any different than a woman with nice ta ta’s in a tight fitting shirt. Hell, you know they have them, and they’re covered up. What more can you do?

It should be interesting, what with all the crotch watchers I seem to attract anyway :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Well they’re not very good looking really, are they? Dicks I mean. Plus then the director might have to start thinking about camera angles to make the guy look big etc. and then finally, you’re not allowed to show an erect penis on British TV unless in a documentary, I think.

Oh and thanks for the heads up on this strap, got one now, giving it a go. Thanks :)

Went for it today at the bank

After making my earlier post, I went for it today by going to the bank wearing my black denim jeans and my velcro strap while freeballing. Even as I entered the front door, the information receptionist shot an immediate glance downward to my crotch. As I later exited and crossed the parking lot, I also got a couple of crotch gazes by passing motorists.

Today, I’m showing particularly large, since I did a good jelq routine followed by a half hour of pumping in my 2.5 inch diameter cylinder. The velcro strap just emphasizes the already large flaccid pumped look I already have. I don’t know what’s in me today, but I feel like jumping my wife as soon as she gets home from work. She was grabbing me in the kitchen last night, so I think we’re both on the same wave length. I think the testosterone levels are running particularly high today.

Like Avocet8, I’ve had my own issues with transitioning to having a larger size and dropping the inhibitions that I used to harbor. Getting much better at it!

To all, have a great 3-day weekend!


peforeal; It’s probably just about raging testosterone. Take advantage of it. Jump your wife.

I don’t believe the looks are about shock or dismay. They have more to do with sexual curiosity. Maybe we think the former and that’s the issue that makes us feel self-conscious at first.



Peforeal, I really admire your courage to show your huge bulge in public :D , but damn, the feeling must be great!

I only have an average one, with the size of 6.5”x5”, but after using wrap, the bulge seems incredibly big. I tried your advice to wear briefs, but then found it would make the bulge shape even unnatural and obvious, like a big ball hanging there, LOL. I can only make it look smaller and more natural by wearing a loose boxer and wrapping not so tightly.

Peforeal and avocet, your stories are really encouraging! I wish I could show like you in a not too long future! Cross fingers!


As you can see through your own experimentation, you can control the degree of “bulge show” that you can get with the velcro wrap and whatever combinations of freeballing or using briefs/boxers you choose.

I’m not an exhibitionist by nature, and at the college where I teach, I generally keep myself in check. But every now and then, it feels great to just go for it and enjoy some of the fruits of all this PE labor. Your day will come and probably sooner than you think. Best…


Thanks, Peforeal! I’m looking forward to that day :) !

Originally posted by rainsea
I only have an average one, with the size of 6.5''x5'', but after using wrap, the bulge seems incredibly big. I tried your advice to wear briefs, but then found it would make the bulge shape even unnatural and obvious, like a big ball hanging there, LOL. I can only make it look smaller and more natural by wearing a loose boxer and wrapping not so tightly…

I think either freeballing or boxers is the way to go when wearing this wrap, if you can get used to the initial feeling of being “exposed.”

If we’re all bound up in briefs, then the feeling of movement of pants fabric against genitals doesn’t occur and those “micro-erections” we often experience during the day are less likely to happen, too.

When our brain turns on to a visual stimulus or sexual thought during the day, blood moves to the penis. Similarly, just walking down a street while freeballing can be a stimulation in itself, causing blood flow and some entrapment. It’s not necessary to keep getting bona fide hard-ons, while wearing this thing, only to heal from your PE stress in a slightly larger state than norma as frequently as you can. The more opportunities there are to be a bit engorged, the better for flaccid gain.

I see peforeal’s point and was only razzing him. If you are teaching a class or presenting a business or work program in front of people, you don’t want the concentration focus to be on your groin, rather on your other presentation.



One other nice little bit for those undecided on whether to start with the wrap…

You risk absolutely nothing by trying it.

(Well…OK, $10)

It’s not like a Ulie thing (my cock might burst!), a bend excercise (Ack! What if I get Peyronies!), Jelqing (I don’t trust the Arabs…), streching (ED?), Blasters (my hands are too big!), etc…

It takes all of a couple seconds to wrap, then you generally forget about it for the rest of the day.

Actually, if anything, it feels nice.


Keep doin' what your doin' ...

And you'll keep getting what ya got.

If you are teaching a class or presenting a business or work program in front of people, you don't want the concentration focus to be on your groin, rather on your other presentation

That is true….unless, of course, your presentation sucks. And you’re only in Japan to sleep with your cute students.

And to become Emperor, natch’.



Keep doin' what your doin' ...

And you'll keep getting what ya got.


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