Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Enhance Your Pumped/Unpumped Bulge - The Velcro Wrap

Thought this deserved a bump. How’s everyone’s progress with the wraps, any new users other than myself and rainsea (assuming I even get mine)?

I ordered mine from health connection and although the picture showed a Thera-P band I got a health connection one.

It’s 12” long and I wouldn’t mind but it’s 2” wide! It doesn’t look as comfortable as the Thera-P and I doubt it’s neoprene like the Thera-P.

What do the more experienced users think? Will the 2” width matter?

ICM, after re-reading previous posts, I found Peforeal mentioned his wrap’s size was also 12”x2”, so that I figure that Health Connection one is actually exactly same as Thera-P one, but it’s just their OEM product with their own brand on it. How do you think?

For those who have used this for a long time and gained, I have some questions. I just got mine this morning and tried on. It is comfortable, but I don’t know how tight do you wrap. If wrapping too tight, I cannot wear it over a hour, but if wrapping looser, I would doubt if it would be effective.

Because I use baby oil to do jelq and other girth exercises, I have to clean it up after workout, but then it would be very difficult for me to get hard-on again. What I did was to wrap at the 25% erection, and then massage head and remaining part of shaft to get it harder. Is it necessary to wear it with full erection or at least over 80% erection?

I want to increase my flaccid size, is it better to wrap whole package including balls or just wrap shaft only?


With the Thera-P model, it seems just about impossible to wrap it so tight that there is a “strangle hold.” This may be because of the position of the Velcro. What I would call “tight” on the Thera-P is still very comfortable for hours of wear. The difference between that and a bit looser is only that you get a more prominent bulge. I’m sure the gain factor is not compromised when it is a bit looser.

I don’t do shaft-only wraps but others do, like peforeal, and I’m sure they’ll chime in.

Not necessary to put it on with a full erection; whatever you happen to be dealing with at the time will do.

I wrap both cock and balls. It’s my perception that over long-time use my balls hang lower. They also appear fuller than they used to be.



avocet8, thanks for the reply.

Yesterday, all I tried was wrapping shaft only and I found, if too tight, the circulation in head will be stopped for a long time, but too loose, it’s not so comfortable. Either way, I can not wear it longer than a hour.

Maybe it is a good idea to wrap both shaft and balls so that the circulation would not be a problem for a long time wearing, and the erection would also not be a problem. Will try it later again. Have tried once yesterday, but found the bulge was too obvious that is another problem because I don’t want to be embarrassed in public:D .


Wrapping both cock and balls is the easiest and most uncomplicated way to use the Homedic Thera-P strap. As avocet8 said it is almost impossible to wrap too tightly doing it this way. Also, it’s not necessary to have an erection. Hard or soft, it works fine.

Now, wrapping the shaft only takes a little bit of trial and error. It requires a little bit more experimention on the individual’s part regarding tightness of wrap, erection level, etc. I’d suggest just wrapping your shaft and balls for awhile and try to maximize its use this way first.

As far as “showing too much” with the strap on, you can counter this dramatic effect by wearing briefs rather than boxers or freeballing. Good luck!


“As far as “showing too much” with the strap on, you can counter this dramatic effect by wearing briefs rather than boxers or freeballing. Good luck!


Of, just flaunt yourself. There have been times when this has been fun.



Originally posted by peforeal

Wrapping both cock and balls is the easiest and most uncomplicated way to use the Homedic Thera-P strap. As avocet8 said it is almost impossible to wrap too tightly doing it this way. Also, it's not necessary to have an erection. Hard or soft, it works fine.

Now, wrapping the shaft only takes a little bit of trial and error. It requires a little bit more experimention on the individual's part regarding tightness of wrap, erection level, etc. I'd suggest just wrapping your shaft and balls



Oddly I started out wrapping my dick only. Usually wrap after I’ve pumped…I stretch dick out as far as I can and begin at base…pulling as tight as I can as I encircle strap. I can usually posiiton front edge of strap behind coronal ridge.

The strap is very comfortable to wear…I wear briefs.

Seems like I tried wrapping my dick and nuts together but it didn’t seem to work that well for me. But at your suggestion I’ll try again.


OR eon

By wrapping the whole lot, are you not in any danger of starving your balls from oxygen?


There’s plenty of room for blood circulation. The wrap is sort of stretchy. You can get a hard-on while wearing it and still have space for that.




The technique you described is pretty much how I wrap my dick only. What I also do is experiment with the erection level of my dick when I wrap. For example, if I get to about 80% and then wrap tightly at the base of my dick, I get an excellent engorgement for as long as I want. But at this erection level, I unwrap and rewrap frequently to allow for continuing blood circulation. The more flaccid I am when I wrap, the longer I can leave the velcro strap on.

When I wrap my dick and balls, I don’t have the same concerns about wrapping too tightly.


Uninhibited bulge flaunting is great every now and then! It’s just so damn empowering. I just have to be more circumspect when I’m being in my professional capacity.

Screw your ‘professional capacity,’ peforeal. That’s the furthest thing from their minds when they look at your crotch.



Thank all you guys for sharing the tips!

Peforeal and Avocet, following your advices, I found comfortable to wrap whole package and can leave it as long as I want, and without any circulation problem. You mention it doesn’t matter to wrap whole package with an erection on. I understand it is to maintain the engorgement to help increase the girth when wrapping with a hard-on, but I’m wondering what is the purpose to wrap in flaccid status then? Can you explain it a little bit more and what have you got by doing this?

Peforeal, thanks for the tip to wear briefs! I’m wearing boxers now. Will try it later. And you are right, if wrap shaft only and very tightly under 80% erection, the hard-on can be maintained as long as keeping the wrap, but the circulation is then a serious problem, and you need unwrap and rewrap very frequently. I think wrapping whole package is a better choice for me now so that I can keep the wrap during work. Oreon, be careful of the circulation, if you wrap shaft only!

Avocet, I am also concern about the ‘professional capacity’, but I don’t want to increase my professional capacity by showing a huge bulge. LOL

Are you guys growers or show-ers? If growers, those with flaccid gains are you now more of a show-er?

On average, how many hours per day total are you wearing the wrap?

Once I hit my length goal and start working girth again, I plan to use the wrap, and am hoping it will turn me into a shower, if this is at all possible…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Originally posted by RB
Are you guys growers or show-ers? If growers, those with flaccid gains are you now more of a show-er?

I was not a shower, even after I had put on some serious erect gains. Now, though, my flaccid size has caught up with those gains and looks proportional to them.

In the great scheme of things this is trivial probably. But to me the relief of being able to pee alongside any guy in any public rest room is very wonderful. I just don’t care anymore and this used to be an anxiety-provoking issue to me. I can’t say with any sort of scientific validity that it was the velcro wrap that did it, but since I started wearing a leather one, then the velcro wrap, my flaccid size increased.

Length of wear for me is anywhere from three to eight hours a day, eight if I forget I have it on or just don’t want to be bothered to take it off.




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