Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Enhance Your Pumped/Unpumped Bulge - The Velcro Wrap

Hi guys! newbie Horseman here. I just found another source for the HoMedics Magnetic Wrist Wrap tonight. A site called “” I ordered two with a special night discount (including shipping) for $25.41

Got to say thanks again to Peforeal and esp. Avocet8 for the personal message replies. I think this forum is great and look forward to learning lots from all of you. Many thanks. Can’t wait to show a nice basket bulge like lots of you guys….Cheers!!

Originally posted by horseman
Peforeal and the rest of you guys here are just great!! It's so gratifying to hear from so many guys and learn so damn much. … I'm also only a couple months into PE and also continued foreskin restoration…. I got a power jelq several weeks ago and recently got a penimaster. …Like Peforeal (who I think is one hell of a great guy here!), I have always been a grower and not a shower…. I have been more or less happy with my erect size and have never had complaints in that dept. and partner comments have always been very complimentary. … Anyway, I'd love more than anything to have a shower that hangs big and loose!! … Would appreciate any info or suggestions from guys doing PE and Foreskin restoration and wonder if wrapping can help the restoration process too. Additionally great to actually hear guys talking about the mind process of adjusting one's thinking about the experience of showing a basket. This is something I have been thinking about for some time and wanting to feel great and proud to show a nice bulge and not feeling self conscious about it. You guys are so cool! :)


Thank you for your comments. You share and experience many of the same feelings I’ve had about my erect and flaccid pre-PE size vs my present size. Considering how far I’ve come in 3 years of making gains, I can’t begin to express the contentment and freedom from penile size insecurities that have occurred all due to PE. So, it’s with great concern for others experiencing similar issues that I willingly try to share as much PE info as I can and support others trying to reach their own personal goals.

Like you, my greatest initial PE concern was centered around increasing flaccid size first and erect size second. If for nothing else, going from a pre-PE flaccid 1.5” - 2.0 incher to a 5.25” - 6.25 incher has been worth every stretch, pump, jelq, squeeze and wrap I’ve ever done. For many reasons, expressed in other Forum threads, I’ve suffered my own penis size insecurities since entering puberty. It’s practically miraculous to me how much growth PE techniques have provided. Having ventured into the realm of PE about 3 years ago with the discovery of the term “jelq”, the increase in the amount of PE information on the internet has been practically exponential. And that’s a good thing for all of us!

To address some of your posted questions:

a) I’ve used a powerjelq on an off for about 2 years and like it. Like many other PE options, I like the variety of having this apparatus on hand. Just used it this morning for 20 minutes - two hand pull/grip.

b) I’ve never used a penimaster, so I can’t comment on this.

c) Vacuum pumping ( one of my favorite regular activities) has given me great girth results and some foreskin restoration results. You may want to eventually incorporate this into your PE life.

d) The Homedic TheraP wrap is excellent for providing an immediate “package” for anyone interested in being more visible (but not obscene). By the tightness of your wrap, you can control how much you want to be bulging or not. Also, the continued wearing of the wrap does help, I believe, in flaccid size growth by keeping the dick in a slightly more engorged/stretched out state for extended periods of time with minimum effort.

It’s a great feeling to feel proud of one’s dick and to lose the self-consciousness and revel in one’s new size. In many respects, freeing myself from my dick insecurities has also freed me from so many other longheld issues. PE has been a source of tremendous all-around personal liberation.

Best to you and good luck in your PE journey.


Originally posted by horseman
Hi guys! newbie Horseman here. I just found another source for the HoMedics Magnetic Wrist Wrap tonight. A site called “” I ordered two with a special night discount (including shipping) for $25.41
Got to say thanks again to Peforeal and esp. Avocet8 for the personal message replies. I think this forum is great and look forward to learning lots from all of you. Many thanks. Can't wait to show a nice basket bulge like lots of you guys….Cheers!!


Thanks for the new link. Guys, I just visited it, and the Wrist Wrap is on special sale tonight for $8.99 (cheaper than Walmart). Great deal, if you’re interested!


Well if it helps with flaccid gains, why would it not speed up erect gains?

If God is all powerful, then the devil must be nothing more than a darkness in the mind of God, however if the devil is something real and seperate, then perfection is impossible and God cannot exist except in the aspirations of fallen angels.

Originally Posted by SerpentMage
Well if it helps with flaccid gains, why would it not speed up erect gains?

It might well do that but I can’t verify. I started using the wrap after I already had the erect gains I wanted. Flaccid never increased much even after the erect gains, until I started using the wrap. From then on, flaccid increased more proportionally to the erect gains.

The guys who started using it earlier in their PE work can maybe tell you.



I’ve been using the wrap for about a month now and have noticed a better flaccid hang. Plus the fact that I wrap after I PE, it helps keep the engorged look for most of the day. It’s really comfortable and you hardly ever notice it’s there.

Thanks to all who recommended it.

My Current Stats: NBPEL : 7.5" BPEL: 8.0" EG : 6.0" GOAL ACHIEVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just Maintaining......

Ok, thanks for the response avocet, i’m going to get it too.. as soon as my bloody bank card arrives!

If God is all powerful, then the devil must be nothing more than a darkness in the mind of God, however if the devil is something real and seperate, then perfection is impossible and God cannot exist except in the aspirations of fallen angels.

I pump and PE at night before bed. Is there any benefit or danger of using the wrap while sleeping? Is there any benefit in putting it in the morning? I usually still have a pretty pumped hang then but it’s not quite as large when I come out of the tube the night before.

Originally Posted by tallythwacker
I pump and PE at night before bed. Is there any benefit or danger of using the wrap while sleeping? Is there any benefit in putting it in the morning? I usually still have a pretty pumped hang then but it’s not quite as large when I come out of the tube the night before.

Great username, tallywhwacker.

The TheraP wrap is very difficult to make too tight on you. Even wrapped snuggley there’s plenty of room to have an erection happen and allow blood flow. I haven’t worn it during sleep. I do, though, put it on around morning wood when I wake up especially if I have done a PE workout a day or two before. I wear it then for a few hours after.

Because the wrap does hold some (even low) percentage of engorgement, the benefit is that micro-tears resulting from a workout heal in a larger rather than a smaller flaccid state.



Thanks avo. I’ll give it a try. Maybe even at night as well if it’s still comfortable.

Forgive me if I missed any comments by you guys that have gained from this wrap - but does this affect flaccid girth? What about ball size? I’ve been wrapping for about a week and have definately noticed a fuller sack. It appears to be fluid buildup similar to a penis post pumping. Jury is still out (I know it’s only been a week) regarding flaccid girth/length gains.

Thanks for your input.

It did affect flaccid girth for me. And length, too. I hang much thicker and longer now. But it takes a long time. You have to stick with it.



Thanks Avocet - I will stick w/it - it’s the easiest form of PE - I’ve tried just about everything, bib, pm, pump, jelp, pj. Right now I’ve gone back to a basic jelq/pump routine. The wrap before and after as well as half the night, seems to be doing something.

Originally Posted by feolds
Forgive me if I missed any comments by you guys that have gained from this wrap - but does this affect flaccid girth? What about ball size? I’ve been wrapping for about a week and have definately noticed a fuller sack. It appears to be fluid buildup similar to a penis post pumping. Jury is still out (I know it’s only been a week) regarding flaccid girth/length gains.

Thanks for your input.


Wrapping around both my dick and ballsac has definitely helped to loosen, stretch and give a much longer hang to my ballsac. I used to have a very tight sac, but now I’m very happy with the longer and fuller permanent look I now have.


I can’t wait to get started with wrapping but I’m a little concerned that wrapping the ballsac, could hinder the flow of testosterone from the balls to the body. Could this be an issue?


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