Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Enhance Your Pumped/Unpumped Bulge - The Velcro Wrap

Originally Posted by None
Hey guys,
…I was wondering, do you know the pregnant women have a similar problem when the baby is growing, but I have heard that they use a cream to stretch their skin. Does anybody have heard bout and know its name?


I think you’re referring to something like cocoa butter cream:

“Palmer’s Cocoa Butter cream helps smooth and blend stretch marks and scars. This cocoa butter cream also helps tone skin. Palmer’s cocoa butter cream is an excellent all over moisturizer or after tanning lotion. It is ideal for hands elbows, knees and all over. Most of all, it is widely recommended for stretch marks during and after pregnancy. You can use it daily for a soft, youthful appearance.”


s Cocoa Butter.webp
(6.9 KB, 186 views)

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by None
I started to use the TheraP and just in 2 day it has worked greatly, I am having a huge balls, and my penis thicker. I am using it daily so I don’t if the effect is permanent. I would like to know why it works. Peforeal says that this effect is not caused by the magnets. well, then what is it caused by? if this is caused just by wrapping, then if I just tie a sock around my penis will I get the same results?


Actually, I DO think there is some (but unproven) synergistic benefit to the magnets. But that’s just based on personal experience. Tying a sock around your dick just doesn’t do the same thing. You can experiment with both yourself to see the difference.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

But the ACE elbow strap you suggested also works, and no magnets.



Hi guys,
Is it possible to purchase the thera wrist wrap outside USA ? (Online)


Start : 4.45"X4.15" NBP (Feb 2002) Today : 6.70"X5.00" NBP 7.10"X5.00" BPEL Goal : 7.00"X5.32" NBP


For a slightly different spin on the overall usefulness of the TheraP band,
here’s some of my anecdotal experience:

I have basically 2 major elements to my PE regimen:

1) I stretch using a modified Penimaster using heat early in the day and then without heat;

2) I pump alternating sessions between an LAP setup and a CTC in the mid to late evening for nominally 30 minutes at 5 mm Hg.

I generally use the stretcher about an hour each session with normally 3 sessions at different times during the day - sometimes more, sometimes less.

After each stretch session and/or pumping session I wrap up with the TheraP and stay wrapped until the next session. I find that I “feel” better, and I don’t have to use marathon stretching sessions as suggested by the Andro, JES, and PeniMaster sites to get results.

My rational is simple: I apply external forces (stretching for moderate periods) during the day followed by enhanced internal forces (via pumping) at the end of the day. Each force causes engorgement and stimulation - therefore, I try to hold that excited physioligical state over time using the TheraP strap. The cycling between external forces and internal forces creates synergy, I believe, and keeps my unit from adapting and taking on a more rigid, tougher set which could impede progress over time.

I believe that this approach is working as I have gained nearly an inch in BPEL and 0.35 inch in erect girth since August, 2004 with a couple of significant breaks suring that time frame. During the downtime, I still used the TheraP during 3/4 of all waking hours.

Conclusion: Based on “feel” and observed increases in erect and in flacid hang, the TheraP pays dividends irrespective of which primary element(s) you choose to use in your PE routine(s).

Again, thanks to Peforeal and A8 for all of the incredibly valuable insights.

All the Best,


BTW - The custom modification to the Penimaster attachment has made all the difference in the world to me in terms of comfort and usefulness of the device. Check some of my other threads for details if interested.

mmm…cocoa butter :)

Originally Posted by MrTips
My rational is simple: I apply external forces (stretching for moderate periods) during the day followed by enhanced internal forces (via pumping) at the end of the day. Each force causes engorgement and stimulation - therefore, I try to hold that excited physioligical state over time using the TheraP strap. The cycling between external forces and internal forces creates synergy, I believe, and keeps my unit from adapting and taking on a more rigid, tougher set which could impede progress over time.

I believe that this approach is working as I have gained nearly an inch in BPEL and 0.35 inch in erect girth since August, 2004 with a couple of significant breaks suring that time frame. During the downtime, I still used the TheraP during 3/4 of all waking hours.

Conclusion: Based on “feel” and observed increases in erect and in flacid hang, the TheraP pays dividends irrespective of which primary element(s) you choose to use in your PE routine(s).



Thanks for the summary explanation of your combination techniques. Interesting connections that you’re making based on your personal experiences. Also, congratulations on the one inch gain since August 04.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap


Thanks for the kind reply & encouraging words. Your tip on the TheraP magnetic strap has made a BIG difference in my progress (and, I’m sure in that of many other members) - thus, illustrating the power of the forum and the willingness to share info.

On that note, in my previous post I neglected to mention my favorite heating technique that I use both with the stretcher and with the pumping tube. I first started using a microwave heated flaxseed sock but found that I couldn’t keep it hot enough for the extended times in the stretcher or tube and using a heating pad was a bit cumbersome (not enough hands - LOL).

What I have settled on is an electrically-heated sock that the bikers use made by Gerbings. It slides right over the stretcher or the tube and I can further insulate it by covering the apparatus with a long shirt or sweater.

The Gerbing sock(s) come with a really rugged wiring harness complete with a back-lit, on/off switch. The light is handy because its brightness correlates well with the voltage level of the 12Volt gel cell I use for current. Typically I charge my gel cell on the weekend and I get about 1 week between charges. I use a car battery charger to charge the gel cell. The gel cell is large enough to give several amp-hours of current yet small enough for me to set it on my desk or computer work bench so I can pump or stretch under heat while working here in my office.

Once I slide the sock on, connect the cable, and flip the switch, it’s hands off unless I need to turn it off for 5 minutes or so because I get too hot. I have learned by using a Radio shack digital thermometer together with trial and error about when I need to cycle power to the sock to maintain a nominal 110-114 degF internal sock temperature.

The sock is really handy, too, for pre-heating my pumping tube. I’ll slip it on the tube for 10-15 minutes before a pumping session to warm the tube. Much longer than that and the tube gets too hot.

I really like the convenience of the electrical sock because it matches the physical shapes of both the stretcher and the pumping tube and the setup gives me a consistent method to control the application of heat in my routine.

All the Best,



I like the heated sock idea too. I’ll have to check for a local supplier or order on the internet.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Here i found a site for European members to purchase the Homedics theraP wrist wrap :

Start : 4.45"X4.15" NBP (Feb 2002) Today : 6.70"X5.00" NBP 7.10"X5.00" BPEL Goal : 7.00"X5.32" NBP


Here’s the link:

You will note that at 22 watts, the maximum current would be 22/12 or
about 1.83 amp at 12 volts. I think that is for both socks so current draw per sock would be about 1 amp. The wiring harness is fused for safety. I
modified the harness by replacing the circular battery clips with Hecon clips that were compatible with the lugs on my gel cell as the harness is designed to connect to a car battery that uses lugs with wing nuts.

Another power option I am contemplating is to use a 12 volt plug-in wall transformer that you see various manufacturers use these days to power low voltage appliances, computer peripherals, and games. I have one such supply in my office that sources 12 volts at 1200 milliamps (1.2 amp) that should work. To use it, I would have to splice the Gerbings wiring harness to the cable from that supply. Going in that direction would eliminate charging the gel cell.

Irrespective of how one would choose to wire the Gerbings harness to a DC, 12 volt power source, be sure to keep the fuse as supplied by Gerbings just for safety sake.

All the Best,


Cool Portugesus, thanks.

Originally Posted by peforeal

I think you’re referring to something like cocoa butter cream:

“Palmer’s Cocoa Butter cream helps smooth and blend stretch marks and scars. This cocoa butter cream also helps tone skin. Palmer’s cocoa butter cream is an excellent all over moisturizer or after tanning lotion. It is ideal for hands elbows, knees and all over. Most of all, it is widely recommended for stretch marks during and after pregnancy. You can use it daily for a soft, youthful appearance.”


Well, I tried Cocoa butter, I think it’s too quick to say if it works or not for PE. The problem I have is that it contains alcohol which makes to feel that the balls burn when wrapping. Anyway I will continue trying just using it in the nights. I will let you know.

Another thing I found is that the TheraP doesn’t work if I wear a Cock ring, also I thing it doesn’t work in the same way if I place cotton under the wrapping. I seem to be that the material needs to be in contact with the skin.

I know the TheraP gains lots of praise for helping to increase flacid gains, but how about erect ones? I’ve seen a few quick notes about it, but is there anyone who’s stretch/jelq/pump routine provides greater erect length and girth gains with the post-workout theraP, then without?

Also, how tight should one wrap? It seems like wrapping would actually compress the base of one’s cock and therefore limit girth (at least) at the base?

Any tips on where to buy an Ace Elbow Wrap online?

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