Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Enhance Your Pumped/Unpumped Bulge - The Velcro Wrap

So, the wrap is back. I haven’t checked this thread for a while. This wrist wrap was probably brought back in demand because of the PE industrial boom this forum has generated. Between the mag-wrap and the CableClamps I bet Thundersplace is responsible for someone somewhere getting very rich.

tecra: the magnets don’t weigh enough to be beneficial as a hanging tool, in fact the wrap works better with clamps if you remove the magnets. Some feel they increase blood flow to enhance quicker healing, I’m not so sure about that, but it is a great wrap. I’ve been using the elbow and knee wrap lately. I think I actually prefer the elbow wrap for clamping and the knee wrap for wrapping both dick and balls, but any of these neoprene wraps are really good. The wrap and the clamps have become a must have staple for The Craft. I never go into WalMarts that I don’t grab a few.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Hey guys -

Sorry to be a pain but I went to the Walgreen’s site and found every thing except the one for the wrist (neck, back, etc.). And when I click on the link above, I just get a blank page. I have been looking for something very discrete to use for stretching.

Sorry guys.. I finally read all the posts (duh) and found the other websites.

The velcro wrap really works - I wore it after a session one morning and even under loose, pleaded dress slacks it was noticeable - my secretary said “wow, you are really hanging !” - not a bad way to start the day !

You gotta appreciate your secretary for the comment. :)



Originally Posted by TNT86
The velcro wrap really works - I wore it after a session one morning and even under loose, pleaded dress slacks it was noticeable - my secretary said “wow, you are really hanging !” - not a bad way to start the day !

Well, you certainly have an open relationship with your secretary. If mine ever said that to me, I’d probably fall out of my pants.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Got the Homedic Thera-P wrist wrap with the Hot / Cold gell pack and tried it out last night and today at work (wrapped around balls and cock). It IS really soft and comfortable and did a good job of keeping my penis extended in the semi-soft flaccid state. The gell pack is removable and fits in a 2” x 3” reinforced pocket that is centered on the wrap and crosses it at right angles. Anyway, I wore the wrist wrap so that the pocket part pressed against my pubic bone, while the strap was wrapped around my balls and cock. With this orientation, the pocket helped force my penis downward, and minimized the “tenting” in my pants. Of course, if you like to show, then you can position the pocket somewhere else. By the way - no problem peeing with the wrap on. Does that mean it’s too loose? I’m planning on breaking in the wrist wrap over the next week or so, so that I can wear it most of the day and also after bedtime stretch / jelq sessions. Thanks to peforeal for coming up with this technique :-) MC

Originally Posted by mrconvertable
Got the Homedic Thera-P wrist wrap with the Hot / Cold gell pack and tried it out last night and today at work (wrapped around balls and cock). It IS really soft and comfortable and did a good job of keeping my penis extended in the semi-soft flaccid state. …By the way - no problem peeing with the wrap on. Does that mean it’s too loose? I’m planning on breaking in the wrist wrap over the next week or so, so that I can wear it most of the day and also after bedtime stretch / jelq sessions. Thanks to peforeal for coming up with this technique :-) MC


Thanks for posting on using the Thera-P wrist wrap with the hot/cold gel pak. I still use the original without the gel pak. As long as you keep your penis extended in a semi-soft flaccid state, you’re probably wearing it tight enough. This is all about longterm wear for gradual and incremental permanent flaccid gains. Here’s to some good results for you!


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Hey Perforeal,

I went to Walgreens yesterday to get a Thera-P wrist band, but they didn’t have any. So I bought a substitute instead called “Futuro Sport adjustable knee strap”. Its made of Polyester and Neoprene and has this notch that makes the strap adjustable and is pretty comfortable. the only downside is the “Pressure Pad” it has that supposedly supports beneath the knee cap, but I just turn it inside out. Last night I wore it around my cock and balls the entire night and woke up this morning just fine with no irritation or loss of circulation. I even wore it to work and school with jeans. A little bulge, but chicks really check you out from far away I noticed. It is a “hoot” like Advocet says. Do you wear yours overnight? Is it dangerous to do so? I will try to wear it whenever I can’t physically use my JES extender (which by the way is a form of torture and stone cold dicipline). And to “Never Let It Turtle!”

Originally Posted by jackhumble
Hey Perforeal,

I went to Walgreens yesterday to get a Thera-P wrist band, but they didn’t have any. .. Do you wear yours overnight? Is it dangerous to do so? I will try to wear it whenever I can’t physically use my JES extender (which by the way is a form of torture and stone cold dicipline). And to “Never Let It Turtle!”

I personally don’t regularly wear mine overnight, although I have in the past. I like to give my dick a rest while I sleep. As long as you’re not using too restrictive a wrap and you have good circulation happening, it should be fine. Good luck! As BG says, NEVER LET IT TURTLE!


P.S. - Any method that is “torture” should be reevaluated and probably replaced. All the gains I’ve made doing PE have always been done in fairly comfortable fashion. When it comes to PE, I believe the phrase “no pain, no gain” SHOULD NEVER APPLY.

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Like the reinforced pad envelope on the Thera-P hot cold wrist wrap

Well, I like the reinforced pad / envelope on the Thera-P hot / cold wrist wrap. For me, the wrist wrap is well made and really comfortable. I can wear it all day when I wrap it around my cock and ballsac (love that word: ballsac). It’s easy to put on, and the reinforced pad sort of holds everything in place, and directs my penis downward, so it’s comfortable to wear with clothing. I’m hoping that wearing the wrap will help with gains after stretching / jelq sessions and with increased flaccid length. I’ll post a pic of me wearing it soon. OK - a funny note: So, last night, after wifey drifts off to sleep, I’m doing my heating pad warm-up, half hour stretch, half hour jelq routine. Well, I fell asleep during the stretches, which was quite a surprise, as I really enjoy giving my cock a workout. Had to resume the routine an hour later. One more thing: I especially like the feel of my ligaments stretching when I first start the stretching routine, when I pull my cock straight up my stomach. I find the whole stretch / jelq thing very relaxing and satisfying. I’ve noticed that I’m sleeping better, even with the one hour routine during my normal sleep hours. Anyone else had similar experiences? MC

Mueller Jumper's Knee Strap at WalMart

Have any of you guys used the Mueller Sport Care Jumper’s Knee Strap? I noticed WalMart started carrying it a few months ago so I picked one up last week to replace my worn Thera-p wrap. It’s very similar to the Homedics Thera-P wrist wrap in it’s construction. I removed the tubular insert by slicing the material and sliding it out. I then cut the non-tapered edge down to a comfortable length for a wrap (approx 12”) and tacked the cut edge with a needle and thread.

In my opinion, the Mueller wrap is actually a little more comfortable to wear for extended periods of time due to it’s tapered edge. In the past, there were times were the Thera-p wraps velcro edging would rub against my exposed skin. Not a big problem but slightly uncomfortable at times.

Before posting today I used the search function and found a post by Revolution from last July regarding the Mueller wrap but it didn’t look like there were many views.

By the way, Peforeal, I picked the Mueller’s strap up at the Mililani WalMart. Aloha.

Originally Posted by Moto
Have any of you guys used the Mueller Sport Care Jumper’s Knee Strap? I noticed WalMart started carrying it a few months ago so I picked one up last week to replace my worn Thera-p wrap. It’s very similar to the Homedics Thera-P wrist wrap in it’s construction. …By the way, Peforeal, I picked the Mueller’s strap up at the Mililani WalMart. Aloha.


I’m glad you found a substitute that works for the TheraP wrap. That should help other guys who can’t locate the TheraP wrap. Mililani Walmart is where I originally purchased my TheraP strap and others before they discontinued the supply. You should post more often. Three posts in a year and a half will not win you the Thundersplace Poster of the Year Grand Prize which is a year’s supply of TheraP wraps or facsimiles!

Aloha back,

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

I bought one, too, Moto, but for my knee. : ( Haven’t tried it as a cock/ball wrap because it looks so unpliable. Hmmm.




Sorry, I’ve been pretty much lurking and just trying to read and utilize the invaluable information from this forum.

I’ll definitely try to post more often. The Thundersplace Poster of the Year Grandprize of a years supply of Therap wraps is pretty motivating!


Once you take out the tubular insert the strap becomes very pliable as it is constructed from a neoprene blend.

Stay safe,



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