Updating my Homedic TheraP and ACE Elbow Wrap Uses
It’s been difficult to find the TheraP strap in the local stores recently. I purchased some online a couple of months ago just to be sure I’d have enough in stock for the rest of my PE life. I can still purchase ACE Elbow Wraps in my local K-Mart. As far as which strap to use (Homedic TheraP or ACE Elbow), it’s a matter of personal taste. But here are my own current personal observations and present uses:
HOMEDIC THERA-P STRAP: I now like to use this as the WRAP at the base of my semi-erect dick and then apply a CABLE CLAMP. I can do this for hours, unclamping every 15-20 minutes or so. Like Big Girtha, this works well for flaccid size results in both length and girth.
ACE ELBOW WRAP: a)I now like to use this to wrap firmly around my dick and ballsac for stretch to the ligaments and ballsac and semi-engorgement to my dick. VERY COMFORTABLE to wear for extended periods of time. b) Also, I’ve just begun experimenting with hanging using TPS’s Redi-stretcher. I use a cut down 6 inch piece of my ACE WRAP as the wrap around my dick before applying the Redi-stretcher and hanging. I also put a piece of soft foam between the ACE WRAP and my dick for more hanging comfort. I’m a newbie hanger and only using 5 lbs for now, which works well for me.
That’s my update.