Max length expansion in the tube doesn’t seem to correlate with maximum penis length growth, at least for me.
I can get a little more length from pumping for an hour rather than 20 minutes, but hour long pumping sessions for months don’t seem to produce more length gains.
I remember when I first started pumping I got much more length in the tube. But it didn’t seem to translate to growth. As the penis becomes more accustomed to pumping, the length increase in the tube seems to diminish significantly. I seem to remember being able to pump to 9.5” length in the tube at somewhere between 15 and 25 inHg when I got my first one, but it didn’t translate to gains.
Immediately after pumping for an hour, my erection is only about .25” longer than normal for about 5 minutes. After pumping 20 minutes, my penis isn’t any longer than my normal erection, but there’s growth over time.
If I use a higher vacuum pressure like 15 inHg, normally I use 4.5 - 5 inHg, I can get a tiny bit more length post pump, but it doesn’t seem to contribute to gains.
Whether it’s jelqing, pumping, or stretching, there seems to be a window where it produces growth and more is actually counter productive. Clamping is probably the exception to that rule, but clamping seems to self limit growth through injuries, loss of sensitivity, and scar tissue. You can gain significantly in a relatively short amount of time through clamping, but it comes at a heavy cost and probably will prevent you from reaching the much larger sizes as your penis becomes a flaccid lump of insensitive collagen scar tissue.
Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")
Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020
Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.