Thunder's Place

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Getting Unwanted Gains (Girth)

Getting Unwanted Gains (Girth)

My EG is only 4.5, so it is something that I need, but I would rather get some appreciable length gains first. I’ve been PEing on and off for about a year, and I did some lazy PE for about a year before that. To the best of my knowledge, my EG has never changed. The only change in girth I’ve ever noticed is that, providing I’ve been jelqing for at least two months, my FG when my penis is having a very good hang day is large, bigger than my EG (see my picture in the member pics forum). While I found this curious, it has never bothered me, because my EG has always remained 4.5 inches. I started pumping some weeks ago, and I notice what I thought was a very small increase in girth. I based this on appearance only, I didn’t think to measure my girth until last night.

I’ve noticed that my wife seems a little tighter, but I just attributed it to extra arousal or something. My penis doesn’t look much different, really. At any rate, I was masturbating yesterday, and I noticed that my cock felt different in my hand—thicker. I grabbed the measuring tape and was shocked to see that my penis was only mm’s away from being 5” EG. This bothers me, because I subscribe to the thinking that thicker penises are harder to make longer—of course this is totally based on what I’ve read other members saying here.

I do want a thicker penis, but I don't want a thicker penis right now. Is there some way I can wrap my penis (I’m using a 2” cylinder) to take care of this, or should I run over to Petsmart and buy a smaller cylinder? I’m confident that my penis will go back to 4.5 EG, because I was lucky enough to catch this problem before I’ve had any time to cement the gains by jelqing and the like, but it’s something I’d like to avoid in future. If I an avoid it without having to purcahse a new cylinder, it would be great. But I thought I’d toss the quesiton up in the air and see what some more experienced pumpers have to say about this before I go trying to do something that I don’t really know anything about.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

I take it you are pumping for length only. You know, KOG, I am not an experienced pumper and don’t have a qualified opinion. I will say that some members gain a little girth while staying on strict length routines. I say accept the girth gains and keep going in the direction you are going. I think the general theory is that when given a choice between working on length or girth first, work length. But if you gain a little girth along the way, then that is not a bad deal.

"Reports that say something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we don't know we don't know." ~US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld

Originally Posted by grigli31
I take it you are pumping for length only. You know, KOG, I am not an experienced pumper and don’t have a qualified opinion. I will say that some members gain a little girth while staying on strict length routines. I say accept the girth gains and keep going in the direction you are going. I think the general theory is that when given a choice between working on length or girth first, work length. But if you gain a little girth along the way, then that is not a bad deal.


Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’m feeling better about it now. Last night I had the longest FSL I’ve ever seen, pre-PE session to make it better. Normally, if I pull good and hard, I can pull it out to 6.5” and have gotten it to 6.75” in the past. But last night, I did a FS before doing (I did a lazy ass session last night anyway) my PE and the damn thing went right out to 7 inches. After my PE session, it went about a half cm past 7 inches. It felt nice seeing my dick beside the seven inch mark on a ruler, even though it wasn’t erect. It felt damn nice.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger


I think Grigli31 is right on the money. Accept the girth gains as they come. You know you are working on length, you are bound to gain a little girth to stablize (sp?) the monster growing down their. Gains are good even if they are a bit unexpected.

My Current Stats: NBPEL : 7.5" BPEL: 8.0" EG : 6.0" GOAL ACHIEVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just Maintaining......

You do realize that pumping is the premiere exercise for gaining girth? If you pump, then you must accept the fact that girth is the main thing to gain and length is secondary. But even combining the pump with other length exercises, there is no way that 5” girth is going to get in you way of making length gains.

If anything, 5” girth is more proportional to the length you are seeing now. Just trust the fact that your cock will pretty much grow proportionally by itself and leave the fine tuning for a much later stage in your PE career.

To my eye, at 6.5 to 7 inches in length, 5.5 girth is just right. Now that I am just going over 7.25 length I am going for over 5.5 girth.

Originally Posted by KOG
This bothers me, because I subscribe to the thinking that thicker penises are harder to make longer—of course this is totally based on what I’ve read other members saying here.

Anyone have any real facts?? I mean hell I was told for years that stretching your penis will make it skinnier but we find out that most hangers increase at least base girth and lose no girth. What gives?

KOG - The way I see it is , results are results. I’d be happy with what you got so far. Pumping will increase the length but most people do see girth gains first. Good job.

For stretching ligs, I don’t think girth has anything to do with that… but when stretching tunica, a thicker penis is harder to stretch, it’s just physics. That is IF we presume that the amount of tissue needed to be stretched increases as the general girth increases.

a gain is a gain is a gain


A gain is a gain is a gain. Take what you can get when it happens. PE is not an exact science, if you’re trying to control the rate and amount of length vs girth gains. I’ve been predominantly a pumper/jelqer in my three year personal history of PE, and I’ve gained over 2” in both erect length and girth size. All of these gains sort of happened along side each other. My flaccid gains have been even more dramatic and my major PE goal.

Now when I started out, I was a complete newbie, and there wasn’t the voluminous access to information that there is available for free now (Thundersplace). So I didn’t PE with the intent to separate length vs girth gains. I just wanted to be bigger anyway I could get, and it happened. Was it easy? No. It took and continues to take focus, commitment, patience, refinement, adjustment and a willingness to believe. The payoff comes through the evidence of the ruler, which doesn’t lie.

So enjoy the PE ride. Just do it.

(7.5” x 7.0” EBP and unpumped, and still growing)


Don’t sweat it dude. 5” is not super thick, it is average. It’s not like it’s 7” thick and tough as a rock. Be happy!


Up to a certain point (you have to decide) there is no such thing as unwanted gains. :-)



Originally Posted by avocet8
Up to a certain point (you have to decide) there is no such thing as unwanted gains. :-)


I have to admit, I did feel kinda stupid saying that I was getting unwanted gains. I noticed a small change about a week ago, but I didn’t really think much about it. I like pumping, so I’m gonna have to deal with my gains however and whenever they come. I have no plans to quit pumping that sucker up any time in the near future.

Besides, it’s always great to see that your effort is paying off. As peforeal said, a gain is a gain is a gain. My dick’s bigger. Why the hell was I complaining?

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

I agree,

Any gain is a good gain length or girth wise! I’m into my 3rd month now and noticed that some days my girth is nice and fluffy while other days it stays normal size, around 5 1/8” all day. I was wondering why this is but do know that many changes come and go throughout this pe journey. I was reading on Newart pumping site the other day where a guy was talking about pumping for length gains.

He speculated that pumping is like bodybuilding, in that a bodybuilder will start out with a comfortable weight and work that weight until he feels it’s no longer giving gains then slowly, cautiously, up the amount of weight some more slowly putting more stress on his muscles (he says in our case it’s vacuum pressure).

By slowly upping either time or pressure “over time” just above what we are normally use to the penis will adapt to these changes and grow larger. This sort-of makes sense, but, knowing the penis is not a muscle was wondering If anyone here has used such a routine? It appears with pumping there are only two variables to deal with 1. Time, the other is 2. Pressure.

Question is, should you try to increase pressure over time (over months) as you increase time (session times). I’ve tried going up to 5”hg for a couple of times but find I only get a big-ole doughnut from it- not good! But If I keep the hg low, around 2-3 I don’t feel enough pull/stretch, 4-4.5hg feels about right with less doughnut effect after 50 min session so I’m sticking with that.

What do you guys think and what pressure/time are you using?

KOG, perhaps using a smaller tube would help with length gains.


Hi, indeed9;

I’m thinking it’s probably spurious to make comparisons to weight lifting since we are working tissue, not muscle.

It is about time and pressure, for sure. But we all have our tissue tolerance limits as to pressure and time in the tube. Above those and we start getting little, sometimes big injuries or distortions.

I still think that less works better, only because I made my best gains doing it that way. A good manual workout combined with a good pump workout seem to gradually increase size without erectile problems or bruises, and keeps lymphatic fluid build-up to a minimum.

Only you know what you can tolerate, though. If 50 minutes at your pressure feels right, trust that.



Thanks avocet,

Yep, I know you are totally right about less is better. I have found that out the hard way when I pushed to far with the pressure, just thought I’d experiment a little. Won’t try that again for a long while. I only thought the post was interesting but I do know better. Slow and steady wins the race.

I’m only hoping that in 6 months time I will see some more measurable length in the tube, only seeing about 1/8” increase thus far. I will stick with 4” hg and stay steady with the daily routines. Hopefully will cement new gains as they come.

That’s the secret right…stick-a-bility?

Avocet, something else. Some time back I developed what I believe is a thromboised vein on the left side of my member from being overly excited and jelking to close to erect state 80- 100% erect (newby PE’er then). It’s developed a slight bend to the left when erect..sometimes but not all the time. Dosen’t hurt any though.

I’m getting a little nervous about jelking over the 50- 75% erection level thinking this might get worse as I continue to PE but not sure If it can get worse or not. It is only superficial but somewhat noticiable.

Just wondering If has happened to others and If it might get worse If I continue. I don’t want to give up PE but want to be safe with my only unit.

Thanks for any advice!


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