Originally Posted by Akiko
I would love to hear about vac mod ^^
Akiko, I’m not sure what krt’s mod is, but I’ll share mine. I love it, since it allows me to increase the vacuum a good deal further than I could with just pushing against my body. Here’s how it’s made.
Parts: 1 empty caulking tube, cut roughly 3” (not counting the nozzle) from the top; 1 flexible PVC coupler; 1 hose clamp; 1 hand pump (mine came from a bottle of hand lotion); a length of 1/4” flexible hosing. Assemble as shown in the attached image.
Use: After pumping the Hydromax normally to create the initial vacuum, place the coupler assembly over the top, then connect the hose/pump assembly to the caulking tube nozzle. Start pumping. When you’ve reached the desired level of vacuum, just slip the end of the hose off the nozzle to release the vacuum that you created over the top of the Hydromax.
Cautions: 1), there’s obviously no pressure gauge for this rig, so be very careful about how much of a vacuum you’re creating. It’s very easy to pump a lot of water out of the tube with this device, and there’s certainly the potential to go too far and cause injury. 2), note that the hose/pump assembly and coupler assembly aren’t permanently attached. This is critical. When in use, the coupler assembly covers the top of the Hydromax, meaning you will not have access to device’s the release valve. If the hose and coupler assemblies are permanently attached, you won’t be able to easily get them separated from the Hydromax to get at the release valve.
I have an X40, so I can’t say for certain if it would fit properly on an X30; but I suspect it would.