Help with cylinder size?
Hey guys. I’ve been PE’ing for about 6 months now and I feel like I am conditioned well enough to get into pumping. I have been clamping for the past 2 months with no luck at all, my MSEG is still at a silly 4.0”, 4.1” on a good day. I want to give pumping a try. I just spent the past 2 hours reading up threads on pumping, but I need advice on what cylinder size I should choose. I saw the chart posted in another thread, according to the chart I should get a 1.5” cylinder but I don’t want to get the cylinder, and one month later have to purchase a new one so should I just go for the 1.75” and work up to it or should I just start off with the 1.5”?
I’m hoping to get some length out of pumping as well, it seems like I have depleted my newbie gains by now and have plateau’d for a good 2 months now =(