Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

It's working.

It's working.

I gained 1.25 inches in length doing a kind of stretcher hanging thing which involved hanging 2.5#’s four to six hours a day attached to a Vac 3 for a year and a half, . I also gained some nice girth, possibly from jelqing with a small hand held hard rubber roller, but I never took measurements.

Anyhow, I think I have gained all that I will gain in erect size doing what I was doing, but I was disappointed to get very little in flaccid gains, so for the last two months I have been pumping using a modified Whisper pump, with an LA cylinder. I have a foot valve that I use to periodically dump the vacuum. I do this twice a day for a half hour each time, and I am starting to get a better flaccid. It is just how other pumpers said it would be. The results are lasting longer and longer after I pump. I wrap the tube with a heating pad. I go in flaccid, and it takes about five minutes to get up to my full size. Then I start to dump the vacuum every few minutes, and let it build up again for a few minutes. I still use my Vac 3 and hang the 2.5 pounds, but about half of what I was doing.

The Whisper only pumps about 4.5Hgs, but that seems to be enough. I am taking a day or two off per week. I am very happy with the results so far.

Try going in erect. I think that’s essential for flaccid as well as erect gains.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by repeter
I gained 1.25 inches in length doing a kind of stretcher hanging thing which involved hanging 2.5#’s four to six hours a day attached to a Vac 3 for a year and a half, . I also gained some nice girth, possibly from jelqing with a small hand held hard rubber roller, but I never took measurements.

Anyhow, I think I have gained all that I will gain in erect size doing what I was doing, but I was disappointed to get very little in flaccid gains, so for the last two months I have been pumping using a modified Whisper pump, with an LA cylinder. I have a foot valve that I use to periodically dump the vacuum. I do this twice a day for a half hour each time, and I am starting to get a better flaccid. It is just how other pumpers said it would be. The results are lasting longer and longer after I pump. I wrap the tube with a heating pad. I go in flaccid, and it takes about five minutes to get up to my full size. Then I start to dump the vacuum every few minutes, and let it build up again for a few minutes. I still use my Vac 3 and hang the 2.5 pounds, but about half of what I was doing.

The Whisper only pumps about 4.5Hgs, but that seems to be enough. I am taking a day or two off per week. I am very happy with the results so far.

Do you mean 2.5 lbs.? @ 4-6 hrs.

Deadwood joined again after being banned. Here's his end as sven217. For some reason he delights in trolling this board.

Originally Posted by Titleist
Try going in erect. I think that’s essential for flaccid as well as erect gains.

I appreciate the reply. You and some of the other long time pumpers are what has given me the incentive to try pumping.

A few years ago going in erect would have been a good idea, but I am at a point in life when erections just don’t happen like they used to. It is actually what got me started on PE because I was losing size. Nature doesn’t intend for us to father children in our 60’s, I don’t think nature even intended for us to live past our 40’s. Anyhow, I got my size back, and then some. So, working with a flaccid is the best I can do, it has become part of the experiment, and it seems to be working. I have on occasion pumped when I was erect, and I have made marks on my tube at that time. Like I said in my O/P it takes about 5 minutes to pump up to where I would be if I had gone in erect (full size). Then when I start to dump the vacuum my size will immediately drop over an inch, and when I start pumping again I will quickly go back up to full size. If I was erect I wouldn’t get the change in size when I dumped the vacuum, and the change in size I am thinking is allowing an exchange of fresh blood, so I can go longer in the tube, and there seems to just be something about the repeated expansion and contraction. Time will tell how this all turns out, but after just a couple of months I have more flaccid length and girth, and it seems to be lasting longer between sessions. I have also noticed a slight increase in length when I pump up. I make marks with a Sharpie and then cover the marks with invisible tape. These marks last through washings, and greasy fingers quite well.

I am happy with the erect size increases I have already achieved. Flaccid gains are my main goal at this point, and they are coming along nicely. I do some nude recreation, and I am looking forward to a nice social flaccid this summer.

Originally Posted by deadwood187
Do you mean 2.5 lbs.? @ 4-6 hrs.

Yes exactly. It’s like using an extender, but it is gravity instead of all the springs and adjustments.

I use one of Monkey Bar’s original Vac 3’s. 2.5 pounds is equal to the highest setting on the Penimaster I wasted $200 on. I made my weight out of some pipe fittings and used lead slugs. I usually go for 1.5 hours at a time, but I have gone as long as 3 hours. Now that I am pumping I am just doing 3 hours (1.5 x 2), and pumping 2, 1/2 hour sessions. I think I am done with my gains extender hanging gains, but I don’t want to lose length from pumping. Pumping tends to favor girth, but in my case, I just want more flaccid hang.

Monkey Bar now has a new (improved?) Vac3, and I don’t know anything about it, but my Vac3 is the best PE investment I made. I wear my homemade weight while I am working around the farm, so it takes up very little of my time.

Wow nice gains.

I take it you wear the vachanger with auto xleeve?


21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

I’ve had amazing gains in just 1 week of Jelking

Originally Posted by cheeba
Wow nice gains.

I take it you wear the vachanger with auto xleeve?


Yes. I like wearing the medium soft (the thick yellow one) instead of the collar which came with the old Vac3. I cut it off at about 1.5 inches. It is more comfortable and holds better. I don’t know what the collar, if any, is like on the new Vac 3.

I got basically no gains until I started using the Vac 3. After working up to the 2.5 pounds, most of the gains came during a 9 month period. I lost 1/4 inch when I started to pump, and then gained it back when I quit pumping, and started hanging the 2.5 again, but I kept the girth I got from pumping. Girth seems easier for me. I am hoping to keep the length this time when I pump by still hanging a little.

I haven’t had any more gains from hanging the 2.5 pounds for a few months now. I think that is how it goes for most people. I could try some more desperate measures for gains, but I am happy with what I have as far as erect length, and girth. Now if I get a little more flaccid, I’ll call it good enough.

Originally Posted by Jcmiamifl

I’ve had amazing gains in just 1 week of Jelking

Welcome to the forum. There are a great bunch of people to help you along, and it is fun to experiment and share your results.

Do you feel the 2.5 lbs. using the weights was more productive than 2.5 lb springs in the extender? I assume you gave it equivalent time in each device?

Originally Posted by cheeba
Wow nice gains.

I take it you wear the vachanger with auto xleeve?


I just want to make sure I understand our question. I am using an old “Vac 3”. I use an auto xleeve with it, so I think we are talking the same thing, but I am not using Monkey Bar’s weights (ADS). I do have some, but I found gains didn’t come until I upped it to 2.5 pounds. I use the M/B’s weights as supplements, but that is all.

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
Do you feel the 2.5 lbs. using the weights was more productive than 2.5 lb springs in the extender? I assume you gave it equivalent time in each device?

Well, the weight is a lot easier to put on, and the Vac3 is a lot more comfortable, so I tended to wear it longer, and gravity is constant, were as the spring extender needed constant adjustments. Then there is a working load factor when the weight bobs around. I like the weight a lot more, and didn’t see gains until I did it that way. I used the weight a lot more than the Penimaster I started with, so I can’t answer your question as asked.

So the weight worked better for me, but I can’t compare results to a Penimaster. I hated wearing the Penimaster, and found the Vac 3 enjoyable. The gains are about what one would expect given the amount of time I wore it, and the amount of tension the weight created if I could have tolerated a spring loaded stretcher.

I can see your point. Extenders really lose effectiveness unless they are worn straight out. Trying to flip them up or down to hide in pants is no good. I’ve been trying my Vacextender4 without the extender as a hanging device recently. Usually about one hour a day, straight out, right, left. Even BTW. Give that a try Repeter, it’s interesting. Best of luck for your continued gains.

Originally Posted by Titleist

Try going in erect. I think that’s essential for flaccid as well as erect gains.

I agree. Also, flaccid pumping seems to stress more my unit.

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