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Jelq4Life's pumping report 1 month


Jelq4Life's pumping report 1 month

Ok guy’s here she is!

First off the routine 3 on 1 off days of pe.

pump- started off slow as avocet8 and modemmer told me to

and over the month worked my way up to 2 sets of 15 min. at 5 hg.

Hanging- 15 lbs. most of the time 4 sets of 20 min. Had lots of problems this month with hanging so I didn’t get in as many hours as wanted Total hours hung for month 26.

ULI’S-first week I did 20 mins. of them then switched to 30 min. useing two strips of therma somewhere around 4-5 long and 1/4th wide tighting real tight at the base, which gave a pretty damn good uli! [just like bib’s uli thing]

Ok I have been off pe for the last 5 day’s because I lost some feeling in my head and foreskin from my wrap sucking while hanging the days I have been off I have been taking 2000mg. of C to try to help things get sealed and healed up before I start back at it again.

GAINS- nbpel 1/16th-bpel-1/4th-egms-0-egb-1/4th

which brings me to 5 3/4 and 1/16th nbp

7 bpel at least I gained bp!

4 3/4th around an inch above the base

still 4 5/8’s midshaft :(

If any one good give me some advice on how to make better girth gains and nbp gains I would really! really! like it!


I thought people would want to see this????



I have done extra exercise and really put my dick threw extendedwork-outs but found that if I slowed down I gained, I am currently doing squeezes and jelqing and small things started happening, don t pump and haven t tried hanging, but think I will buy a BIB if someone can tell me it will work. SLOW DOWN


I think it was about 60 days after beginning pumping before I saw much significant change so hang in there, so to speak.

I had real good luck on length gain with manual stretches followed by jelking, then a short pump session - repeating that routine three or four times of each day’s PE.

Can’t tell you about hanging incorporated with pumping but maybe others here can.

Anyway, celebrate every 1/16th. They do add up!




steelbender- I have done light workout’s for 2 month’s and my gain’s were 0!! at least npb at the time I didn’t measure bp.

Avocet8- How do you think my routine is going? Monday I’ll be back at it again! Had to take a week off cause of the numbness I got, from hanging wrong. I really don’t know what to do besides adding more time per set and more pressure do you have any tips? for me that I could use for my next month of pumping???
Oh yeah am happy with the 1/16! Just wish I could get some girth!! I could of sworn that I had gained! maybe I lost it cause I took a week off???


jelk4 wrote: “I really don’t know what to do besides adding more time per set and more pressure….”

Why would you increase pressure when posters to this forum are cautioning over and over that more pressure is not the answer to any changes _except_: doughnuts, tissue distortions, pigment discoloration, blood blisters, capillary breaks, thrombosed veins, and nerve damage off the top of my head?

No. Do not increase the vacuum. You haven’t been doing this long enough to tinker with that.

You’re doing fine with your pressures and your times. As I suggested above, though, you might want to consider a stretching/jelking routine between pumps.

I don’t know if hanging and pumping are compatible but we have some guys who have done or are experimenting with both. I hope they will chime in.




I’m only at 5 hg I know I can at least go to 6 right?

I just want to know how much extra I need to start adding for this next week!? As for jelqing between sets I only do 2 and take a 3 min. break so that doesn’t leave much time for jelqing, plus right after my pump I go ULI! for 30 min.

ps. I have went up to 7 hg for about a min. just to get the feel of it. modemmer has went up to 10 hg. for 10 min. before!



Can’t find the thread just now, but last week I went to 7 for just a minute or two. You’d think that after a year and a half I could easily handle that. It actually felt fine. When I came out of the tube I had an area of broken capillaries about 2 cm across on my frenulum that took two days to clear - no pumping, no PE for me during that time.

We’re all different. You’ll learn by experimenting. But try to err on the safe side so you don’t lose PE time nursing something back to normal.

Just a suggestion: for your next step up, why not just add another 5 minute pump session followed by another jelk session if you want to fit more jelking in?




Ok I won’t go past 5-6 hg anymore!
I don’t jelq at all right now I WANT GIRTH!!!
Thats why I started pumping in the first place!
When ever i get to 5-5/14 in. girth then instead of the 30 min. uli I’ll 30 min. jelq.

When you say you got an inch in 4 months was it bp or nbp???
How much girth did you gain during that time??


nbp. I didn’t even know what bp was back then!

About 0.25 in girth over the 4 mos.

You can easily incorporate any PE exercise between pumps or before or after. Personally I have this intuition that between is best, except for hanging which is so time consuming.



Well I was measuring again Today and was getting 6 and I really didn’t believe it so I trimed back all my hair and started getting 5 7/8’s so thats means I gained an 8th!

This has happened before last time I measured a month ago I got 5 7/8’s then I tired again and got 5 3/4th a few times so I called it 5 3/4th.

I wish it would have been 6 DAMN!


Well did some more measureing again and found out that my boners go from 5 3/4 to 6 nbp so I guess bp really is better when checking for gains! Oh yeah I took my measurements at all different times during the day.



Hey J4L, How is it going so far? Just wondering? :)


Going alot better now that I stoped hanging! Just to much for 1 dick to take! Now it’s time for the 1.75 cylinder! yeah!


Hi there Jelq4Life just curios like to know what when wrong with pumping and jelquin combine? Do you were working both the same day as one section of exercise or one in the morning and the other at night? Just like to have some input from people that have done it sounds like good combination for gains in both lengths and girth. Ten By Seven

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