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Jelqing after pumping

Jelqing after pumping

AS a relative newbie to pumping-been about 2 months now- I seem to get the donut effect easier when i jelq between pumps than when i finish pumping and then do a jelq session then .Might this be because I am circumcised ? Usually the main fluid buildup is at the bottom of my penis just below the glance, any idea why this is happening?
I do not use extreme pressure and stay in the tube 5 minutes at a time before releasing pressure and massage.
Current routine:
5 min hot wrap
5 minutes stretching
5x5 min pumping in tube
10 min jelq
5 min uli
every second day of.

current stats:
7,4 by 5,5

Read the other current threads about doughnuts. Some guys are just more suseptible to them than others but almost all of us get them if we stay too long under vacuum or stray too high in pressure.

From discussion here there seems to be no connection between when jelking is done and the occurance of doughnuts. If, though, you find you tend to develop one when doing intermittant pumping and jelking, then by all means change your system.



Thanks avocet8.

I seem to get donut from more intense exercises like uli or bends very easily, so perhaps i am just more susceptible because of circumcision.

Will look more carefully at my program pressures and times.

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