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Pumping without jelqing?


Pumping without jelqing?

I am wondering, if anybody are pumping with results without jelqing?

I jelqed some years ago with a pretty bad result: I ended up with a broken frenulum and it took a long time to heal. And just not a long time - a very long time with no sex and many problems.

I tried to start again very softly, but apparently I am not made for jelqing. Therefore I thought of pumping - where the presssure is distributed much more equal.

Does anyone pump as the only thing PE thing in their routine?

Hi jlichtenberg

Yes, You can pump without jelqing. It will more likely give you girth rather than length though. But do it gently. Don’t go above 3 Hg to start with and see how you get on

You could try gentle stretching- but do it gently and see how it goes for you.

Let’s know how you get on.


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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Thanks, petitfaun

I will give it a try then… and report back.

I’m brand new to this, just starting a basic routine, and doing research to formulate a strategy. You’ve probably heard about the Chartham study (70’s), which seemed to have published decent results. That method was basically, warmup, pumping, and jelqing. I found this link, and the author did some informal follow ups with a bunch of guys who tried this, and he said the results were "very positive." He also lists some recommended supplements for people who try this technique.

http://www.heal … ponsiveness.pdf

Basically, all I’m looking to do is add 0.5"+ girth (extra length would be fine too), and if the numbers from that study are indeed true, seems like that was the minimum gain. We’ll see.

Originally Posted by petitfaun
Hi jlichtenberg

Yes, You can pump without jelqing. It will more likely give you girth rather than length though. But do it gently. Don’t go above 3 Hg to start with and see how you get on

You could try gentle stretching- but do it gently and see how it goes for you.

Let’s know how you get on.


I just started doing this. It seems as though when I took the jelqing out of the equation, it looked like I was started to hang more. You know how in pumping 101 it says you know you will start to see permanent gains after you can walk around with a larger than normal flaccid for a couple of days…. Well I’m finally walking around with an impressive looking chubby. All I’m doing right now is a ten min warmup, follow by getting a semi, and then 4 sets of 12 minute water pumping with a heat wrapped around the cylinder. I think jelqing contributed to me overtraining. Oh well, so far so good.

Originally Posted by computerguy
I’m brand new to this, just starting a basic routine, and doing research to formulate a strategy. You’ve probably heard about the Chartham study (70’s), which seemed to have published decent results. That method was basically, warmup, pumping, and jelqing. I found this link, and the author did some informal follow ups with a bunch of guys who tried this, and he said the results were "very positive." He also lists some recommended supplements for people who try this technique.

http://www.heal … ponsiveness.pdf

Basically, all I’m looking to do is add 0.5"+ girth (extra length would be fine too), and if the numbers from that study are indeed true, seems like that was the minimum gain. We’ll see.

I started my PE career using the Chartham method back in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, and it was this system that laid the foundation for substantial gains. I have to say that it was the pumping that did it for me - I found the manual exercises boring and didn’t do them very much. Where did you find this article?

Originally Posted by djam07
I just started doing this. It seems as though when I took the jelqing out of the equation, it looked like I was started to hang more. You know how in pumping 101 it says you know you will start to see permanent gains after you can walk around with a larger than normal flaccid for a couple of days…. Well I’m finally walking around with an impressive looking chubby. All I’m doing right now is a ten min warmup, follow by getting a semi, and then 4 sets of 12 minute water pumping with a heat wrapped around the cylinder. I think jelqing contributed to me overtraining. Oh well, so far so good.

I agree with you, I believe when I combined jelquing with my pumping it slightly overtrained my penis. Though I experienced no injury, my pumped flaccid hang was better before I added the jelquing.

I tried mixing jelquing and pumping together for a couple of weeks. Next week I am going to alternate days (pump morning & night Monday, wet jelqs Tuesday, etc.). I am interested in what the difference will be.

I read a post somewhere before I began pumping that it is better to do jelquing and pumping on separate days. I feel everyone has to find what is right for them. I am anticipating the best thing for me will be to keep them separate.

Big to bigger.

Originally Posted by irishjim
Where did you find this article?

I found that link by googling for the Chartham method.

Originally Posted by irishjim
I started my PE career using the Chartham method back in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, and it was this system that laid the foundation for substantial gains.

I found a lot of references to that 70’s study, but was unable to find a description of the method anywhere. I emailed the author of that paper, and he said it was a combination of warming, followed by jelquing, followed by pumping. He indicated that all the feedback he received was “very positive.”

Irishjim, could you give a brief description of what you did, how long, etc? Thanks.

Last edited by computerguy : 11-20-2009 at .

“Irishjim, could you give a brief description of what you did, how long, etc? Thanks.”

Now remember I did this routine a very long time ago, so my recall may not cover everything. As far as I can remember the main elements were;

1. Hot wrap
2. Manual stretches (all directions plus helicopters)
3. Jelqing
4. Pumping

The kit supplied included a cylinder and a very basic pump - the rubber bulb type. I think there was a bottle of lube.

My experience was as follows;

1. Hot wrap was fine - 10 minutes with face cloth warmed in hot water
2. Manual stretches were very difficult and I didn’t stick with them very long. I’m uncut and at that time didn’t know about various gripping strategies. I was trying to grip with the foreskin in place - useless!
3. Jelqing was Ok, except that I kept getting rock hard and ejaculating (I was a lot younger!)
4. The pumping was the main thing that I worked with and it gave me very good gains (around 1”). The cylinder was pretty good quality (about 8” x 2”), but the pump was one of those rubber bulb types, so vacuum pressure was difficult to gain and maintain. In those days it was probably a good thing as I couldn’t have handled high pressures.

When you look at Chartham’s system, it was sound - a lot like the newbie routine with pumping. I owe it a lot and after a break of some 10 years I returned to serious pumping (based on my previous success) and gained maybe another half inch or so.

I am also new to this. Started beginners jelquing about 5 weeks ago and pumping about three weeks ago. No positive results from jelquing yet. Beginning to get some temporary results from pumping. Now concentrate mostly on pumping with a few minutes of jelquing between sessions. My morning routine starts with a cylinder filled with warm water and a bulb type vacuum pump. I pump the bulb until the vacuum pressure feels good. I disconnect the bulb from the cylinder and proceed to shave and brush my teeth (about 10 min}. Reattach the bulb and increase vacuum a little more. Disconnect the bulb and take a nice 10 minute shower. After showering I increase vacuum a little more and turn shower water temp up to highest level and leave only the tube under the shower water for about 5 min which warms the inside water back up to a nice temp. Than wait five minutes and remove the cylinder. After drying off, I lube my penis, do a few jelques, and place a band around my penis base. I am now ready to pleasure my wife with a nice thick penis. More permanent growth would be a bonus, but for now the temporary girth increase (4.75 to 5.25+) is great.

IrishJim: Thanks, that description is perfect, combined with what I have read here, PEGym, and in Kemmer’s book.

Originally Posted by IrishJim
When you look at Chartham’s system, it was sound - a lot like the newbie routine with pumping. I owe it a lot and after a break of some 10 years I returned to serious pumping (based on my previous success) and gained maybe another half inch or so.

Is that in length or girth, and about how long did that take? One thing I find a bit hard to believe is that almost every person in the Chartham study had a girth increase, with the minimum being 0.5 (average 0.87 or so) an that was only 3 months. I know there are people doing the beginners routine and some may make that kind of gain, but it doesn’t seem typical. Seems way too quick for increased girth, from what I’ve read.

Last edited by computerguy : 11-20-2009 at .

I forgot to say that I gained a lot of girth as well through this system. I have been at 6” EG for many years now and it is the one thing women have always remarked upon. Unfortunately I never took measurements pre PE, so it’s hard to be accurate about gains, but I would say at least half an inch of girth was gained, maybe even more. I would say that I started out with an average to below average cock, and I owe a lot to the Chartham method.

For me the pumping was the biggest, and possibly the only, factor in my gains. Everyone of us is different in our responses to PE, so it is likely that others who would be more consistent with the manual exercises in this program will do better with that particular element.

Is the Chartham method still being marketed? I haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere in the UK or Ireland for very many years.

I forgot to comment on the time taken to get gains. Unfortunately I can’t remember exactly how long I was on that program, but I would guess about 9 months with breaks. Gains started to kick in after about 3 months.

Originally Posted by IrishJim
Is the Chartham method still being marketed? I haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere in the UK or Ireland for very many years.

In the article I posted, there is a link to the course (called the Pentatone 100 day course). It is listed as out of stock, but they say it was sold for 7 years and is now discontinued, something about not being able to get a particular “part” (of what I don’t know). They have a pump, and bathmate recommended by Richards, but not “the course.” I found it strange that it is quoted on every PE site, but I couldn’t even get a description of it! Thanks again.

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