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Pumping after jelqing. Any benifits

Pumping after jelqing. Any benifits

As you can tell I’m new to the whole p.e. Thing. I’m about a week into it and was just wondering if pumping after my jelqing and kegel exercises has any benefit or not.

Originally Posted by redryderfx4
As you can tell I’m new to the whole p.e. Thing. I’m about a week into it and was just wondering if pumping after my jelqing and kegel exercises has any benefit or not.

Sorry , but this is mainly pulling on the reins answer.

You really would do best working in the Newbie routine at first; and getting your penis used to being ‘manhandled’ in new ways.

This puts stress on your unit, and it is all too easy to put stress on by jelqing, then putting extra stress by pumping and overdoing the strain. Believe me. It’s happened.

You have also asked about girth increase in another thread. I can appreciate your wish to get gains quickly. It’s what we all want. But far better to do it gradually, rather than strain something and then have to lay off for a period. Because you have lost erection quality. or have bloodblisters on your dick. I’m speaking personal experience here; and it’s not good!

So by all means, read up the various routines that are here, so you know what needs to be done, and then you will be in a better position to know what’s best for YOU. Rather than get other’s routines which may be good for them, but cause problems for yourself at this early stage.

But good luck in your quest, and we all hope that you are able show some good gains in your journey.


Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Ok thank you. I am just getting a lot of different advice and opinions from everyone I talk to. I know it takes time and I’m willing to dedicate myself to it. Nothing happens over night, and I’m just trying to get as much knowledge on the safest and most efficient way to go about things.

Originally Posted by redryderfx4
Ok thank you. I am just getting a lot of different advice and opinions from everyone I talk to. I know it takes time and I’m willing to dedicate myself to it. Nothing happens over night, and I’m just trying to get as much knowledge on the safest and most efficient way to go about things.

No harm in that rd, But it’s probbaly better to do routines one at a time at first. Just to be better safe than sorry.

By all means read as much as you can. And when you are ready to move on. You may have enough knowledge to work out your own routine to do exactly what you want. And you will be more aware of the questions you want/need to ask from the vets here

And then you will become a vet yourself and be able to help others :)

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Just confirming what Petit Faun said —

It is best to do a newbie routine first. WHY?

You learn many things about your penis. How it responds to PE, How it responds to stress. How to keep from hurting it.

That is very useful information to have when you start pumping later. If you were to dive into pumping without that knowledge it is possible you might hurt yourself.

By the way, besides the regular newbie routine take a look at this thread:

NEW newbie + advanced routine

I did something similar and had good results with it.

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