Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Just started pumping yesterday, it's not working

Originally Posted by merlinthewizard

If you can’t afford a new pump you’re going to have to work with what you have.

When you do go in erect and get a good seal make a mark with a marker pen (I borrowed nail varnish from the wife) where you reach.

That way as you get the hang of things you will be able to see whether you have increased in length at all (without squinting your eyes 😂).

I would start working on pumping to that length you marked and holding a good seal for 5 minutes. Then you’re done for the day. Then start adding a little time every week. Until you get to 10 mins with a good deal.

Then you can start trying to increase the pressure just a little to surpass the line.

But save up for a proper pump with a gauge.

After each session, should it be obviously pumped up thicker/longer or will it be very subtle? Because in the videos I’ve seen the difference is pretty obvious.

Depends on many factors. Time in he pump, pressure, slkin elasticity are a few I can think of.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

Originally Posted by redmorsilla

Depends on many factors. Time in he pump, pressure, slkin elasticity are a few I can think of.

Assuming the negative pressure is enough to make the erection go 20% above baseline, and is stuck on it for 5-10 minutes. Would the difference be subtle or dramatically noticeable?

If you do things correctly, you should see a very noticeable difference in girth, while not that much in erect lenght, although flaccid should look a tad longer.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

UPDATE: Tried again today, and next to zero results. Semi came out slightly fuller/girthier however nothing like what is advertised. I will invest in a pressure gauge because blindly doing it based off of how it feels seems borderline dangerous.

Originally Posted by Luck7
UPDATE: Tried again today, and next to zero results. Semi came out slightly fuller/girthier however nothing like what is advertised. I will invest in a pressure gauge because blindly doing it based off of how it feels seems borderline dangerous.

So, here is the thing….

There are 2 kinds of pumping.

One which is to help erection quality and hopefully over a very long term, also add a little bit of extra size to your actual erectile tissues

Then there is another type of pumping where you just want to get as much edema (lymph fluid) in the skin and soft tissues of the penis to temporarily make it look all swollen and and puffy.

I feel like you’re doing the former and expecting the latter.

The type of pumping we do for PE tries to AVOID edema (low vacuum pressure, slowly working up to longer pumping sessions)

If you are looking to blow up your penis skin like a balloon for a few hours and have a bigger, but very squishy penis, you’re looking at very high vacuum pressure for very long stretches of time, which pulls all that fluid into your skin tissue.

For that, I suggest the pumping forum on newart….

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Originally Posted by richardfitswell
So, here is the thing.

There are 2 kinds of pumping.

One which is to help erection quality and hopefully over a very long term, also add a little bit of extra size to your actual erectile tissues

Then there is another type of pumping where you just want to get as much edema (lymph fluid) in the skin and soft tissues of the penis to temporarily make it look all swollen and and puffy.

I feel like you’re doing the former and expecting the latter.

The type of pumping we do for PE tries to AVOID edema (low vacuum pressure, slowly working up to longer pumping sessions)

If you are looking to blow up your penis skin like a balloon for a few hours and have a bigger, but very squishy penis, you’re looking at very high vacuum pressure for very long stretches of time, which pulls all that fluid into your skin tissue.

For that, I suggest the pumping forum on newart.

You hit the nail on the head mate. Is that style dangerous? Also are those types of puffy results solely cosmetic but non functional? Surely there’s a space in between? Is that where the PE style comes into play?

Originally Posted by richardfitswell
So, here is the thing….

There are 2 kinds of pumping.

One which is to help erection quality and hopefully over a very long term, also add a little bit of extra size to your actual erectile tissues

Then there is another type of pumping where you just want to get as much edema (lymph fluid) in the skin and soft tissues of the penis to temporarily make it look all swollen and and puffy.

I feel like you’re doing the former and expecting the latter.

The type of pumping we do for PE tries to AVOID edema (low vacuum pressure, slowly working up to longer pumping sessions)

If you are looking to blow up your penis skin like a balloon for a few hours and have a bigger, but very squishy penis, you’re looking at very high vacuum pressure for very long stretches of time, which pulls all that fluid into your skin tissue.

For that, I suggest the pumping forum on newart….

I don’t agree with this description of two types of pumping and I think many many veterans here would disagree.

The healthy erection quality type can give very substantial size gains over the long term.

I get very little edema and have never aimed for it.

Luck7 I think most of us work in that ‘space in between’. I for one have zero interest in anything but a normal healthy big dick.

The best thing you’ve said recently is about getting a gauge. You seem to be very concerned about hurting yourself despite not seeming to achieve much. At least with a gauge you will have some ‘facts’ you can work from and then if you have issues we can help.

Get a gauge. Pump at 3hg for 10 mins. I doubt you will have an unnoticeable experience. Then your motivation will increase and you can start a real routine without worrying about breaking yourself.

Originally Posted by merlinthewizard
I don’t agree with this description of two types of pumping and I think many many veterans here would disagree.

The healthy erection quality type can give very substantial size gains over the long term.

I get very little edema and have never aimed for it.

Luck7 I think most of us work in that ‘space in between’. I for one have zero interest in anything but a normal healthy big dick.

The best thing you’ve said recently is about getting a gauge. You seem to be very concerned about hurting yourself despite not seeming to achieve much. At least with a gauge you will have some ‘facts’ you can work from and then if you have issues we can help.

Get a gauge. Pump at 3hg for 10 mins. I doubt you will have an unnoticeable experience. Then your motivation will increase and you can start a real routine without worrying about breaking yourself.

Thank you very much for your feedback and wisdom. You’ve answered many of my questions and given lots of insight. I have a few more questions. Ever since I attempted this, the feeling of my penis has more of a spongey feeling to it, while flaccid/semi state. Is this usual or a sign for concern? I took a Cialis to test if any possible response/reaction has changed in the erection quality but I can achieve a 100% good erection on Cialis, so does that indicate I’m in the clear for any possible damages? Also, is it possible to over pump without feeling/noticing it? Or would it be super obvious? Cause the first day I was attempting to use this thing, many blogs/websites/youtubers would all suggest to enter the pump while flaccid and pump until an erection is achieved. So I was going by that, kept attempting to pump while no erection was being achieved, however the negative pressure was constantly being increased, so is there a chance I could have caused damaged without knowing or would there be big telltale signs?

I’ve noticed many people in this thread have mentioned they never go into it while flaccid and I recall a member saying something along the lines of “I’m not sure how the pump could get you from 0% to 100% from strictly using the pump alone.”, But I’m confused by them saying that, because isn’t that exactly the main reason for what these things were invented for? Creating artificial erections via vacuum as a remedy for impotence? So there’s still some clouds of confusion.

Originally Posted by Luck7
Thank you very much for your feedback and wisdom. You’ve answered many of my questions and given lots of insight. I have a few more questions. Ever since I attempted this, the feeling of my penis has more of a spongey feeling to it, while flaccid/semi state. Is this usual or a sign for concern? I took a Cialis to test if any possible response/reaction has changed in the erection quality but I can achieve a 100% good erection on Cialis, so does that indicate I’m in the clear for any possible damages? Also, is it possible to over pump without feeling/noticing it? Or would it be super obvious? Cause the first day I was attempting to use this thing, many blogs/websites/youtubers would all suggest to enter the pump while flaccid and pump until an erection is achieved. So I was going by that, kept attempting to pump while no erection was being achieved, however the negative pressure was constantly being increased, so is there a chance I could have caused damaged without knowing or would there be big telltale signs?

I’ve noticed many people in this thread have mentioned they never go into it while flaccid and I recall a member saying something along the lines of “I’m not sure how the pump could get you from 0% to 100% from strictly using the pump alone.”, But I’m confused by them saying that, because isn’t that exactly the main reason for what these things were invented for? Creating artificial erections via vacuum as a remedy for impotence? So there’s still some clouds of confusion.

There is a difference between the advertisement and reality.

Sure they’re advertised for impotence, but I doubt they will be of any real help to a true case of impotence, I.e. severe ED. If you can’t get any type of erection, I don’t know how hard a penis pump could get you. For sure more than 0%, but how much more?
The medical way of using them is to pump up to 100% erection, slap on a cock ring, and quickly do the deed before your erection subsides.

The PE way of using them is to get the most expansion at the lowest vacuum pressure. You want to expand all the erectile tissues and keep them expanded, but without getting a lot of edema..
The cosmetic way of pumping is to maximize edema for that puffy swollen look. Totally different goals.

I would say the most important thing is to get a gauge so the you know what level you are pumping at. Without knowing it, you can be doing something different every time. You want to do the same thing over and over, and slowly over time change 1 variable and see how that effects things, then change the variable again, or keep that one constant and change a different variable. (Pressure, time in the tube, number of sessions, number of sets of sessions, tube diameter, etc.)

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Originally Posted by richardfitswell
There is a difference between the advertisement and reality.

Sure they’re advertised for impotence, but I doubt they will be of any real help to a true case of impotence, I.e. Severe ED. If you can’t get any type of erection, I don’t know how hard a penis pump could get you. For sure more than 0%, but how much more?
The medical way of using them is to pump up to 100% erection, slap on a cock ring, and quickly do the deed before your erection subsides.

The PE way of using them is to get the most expansion at the lowest vacuum pressure. You want to expand all the erectile tissues and keep them expanded, but without getting a lot of edema.
The cosmetic way of pumping is to maximize edema for that puffy swollen look. Totally different goals.

I would say the most important thing is to get a gauge so the you know what level you are pumping at. Without knowing it, you can be doing something different every time. You want to do the same thing over and over, and slowly over time change 1 variable and see how that effects things, then change the variable again, or keep that one constant and change a different variable. (Pressure, time in the tube, number of sessions, number of sets of sessions, tube diameter, etc.)

I’m confused because you say two conflicting statements next to each other. You said “For sure more than 0%, but how much more?” then you say
“The medical way of using them is to pump up to 100% erection, slap on a cock ring, and quickly do the deed before your erection subsides.”, so I’m unsure which is achievable. You said you were unsure it could get you to 100% then said in the next statement, that it can?

Why wouldn’t it be able to create an erection if you are fully impotent? If the negative pressure is enough, wouldn’t it undeniably force blood to that area to the point it resulting in an erection, regardless? How could it remain flaccid with all the blood rushing to the penis?

Originally Posted by Luck7
I’m confused because you say two conflicting statements next to each other. You said “For sure more than 0%, but how much more?” then you say
“The medical way of using them is to pump up to 100% erection, slap on a cock ring, and quickly do the deed before your erection subsides.”, so I’m unsure which is achievable. You said you were unsure it could get you to 100% then said in the next statement, that it can?

Why wouldn’t it be able to create an erection if you are fully impotent? If the negative pressure is enough, wouldn’t it undeniably force blood to that area to the point it resulting in an erection, regardless? How could it remain flaccid with all the blood rushing to the penis?

Sorry, I can see how that can be confusing.

As you have seen first hand, if you go into the tube totally soft, despite a lot of pumping, it doesn’t feel like you get to even 100%.

At the same time, if you go into the tube fully erect or almost erect, and you kegel with each stroke of the pump, you can get an erection that feels like it will explode from the inside, and you feel harder and more erect than you ever feel outside the tube normally.
That’s what I means.

So in practice, if you suffer from a little ED, but can still get almost fully hard, you can use the pump to get to 100%+, and then when you put a cock ring on, you should retain that erection for a little while, at least hopefully somewhat better than you can without pumping.

But, if you’re totally impotent and you can’t get any kind of erection…. I doubt the pump will be nearly as effective. I only ever tried to pump myself up from totally soft once to see that it just didn’t work. So I never tried it again. I go in as close to fully hard as I can every time. That’s what works for me at least.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Originally Posted by Luck7
I’m confused because you say two conflicting statements next to each other. You said “For sure more than 0%, but how much more?” then you say
“The medical way of using them is to pump up to 100% erection, slap on a cock ring, and quickly do the deed before your erection subsides.”, so I’m unsure which is achievable. You said you were unsure it could get you to 100% then said in the next statement, that it can?

Why wouldn’t it be able to create an erection if you are fully impotent? If the negative pressure is enough, wouldn’t it undeniably force blood to that area to the point it resulting in an erection, regardless? How could it remain flaccid with all the blood rushing to the penis?

Ask your doctor.

If you do have severe ED problems a penis pump will not work for you.

The basic usage: get an erection, add lube, insert penis, pump to 4hg, wait for 15~20 min, remove vacuum.

You can’t expect to have “video” results in one day.

Originally Posted by Pumpbra
Ask your doctor.

If you do have severe ED problems a penis pump will not work for you.

The basic usage: get an erection, add lube, insert penis, pump to 4hg, wait for 15~20 min, remove vacuum.

You can’t expect to have “video” results in one day.

I don’t have severe ED problems. I was using that situation as an example to support my question. Is it possible to over pump while flaccid?

Since starting doing pumping, even though I haven’t found substantial success, I have noticed better penile sensitivity/sensation. It feels better than before. Is that because of the increase in blood circulating around there? I have noticed a slight increase in libido also, is that common or this may be placebo?

Originally Posted by Luck7
I don’t have severe ED problems. I was using that situation as an example to support my question. Is it possible to over pump while flaccid?

Since starting doing pumping, even though I haven’t found substantial success, I have noticed better penile sensitivity/sensation. It feels better than before. Is that because of the increase in blood circulating around there? I have noticed a slight increase in libido also, is that common or this may be placebo?

Luck7 you ask so many questions! You are going to get paralysis by over analysis.

Buy a gauge and a correctly sized pump.

People go into a pump erect and others flaccid.

For size and general health most recommend low pressure (I’m one of those. 3-6hg).

Learn how to get a good vacuum and become regular with your pumping.

I’m not a doctor but I doubt you broke yourself. If you’re ‘spongy’ it’s probably some edema. Not the end of the world. Get the gauge and start to pump at a measurable sensible level.

I go in flaccid (mainly because I don’t masturbate) and come out bigger but not hard (normally). If I get stimulated then I’m rock hard.

It depends what you’re going for. I want a healthy penis long into life and some size increases. I’m getting that with nothing exciting. Short sessions 10-30 mins @ 5-6hg and longer ones at 1 hr @ 4hg.

I built up to this and have 1 or 2 days off roughly a week. Sometimes only one session a week if I’m travelling.

I’m growing, I have excellent erections, morning wood, wet dreams in my 40’s despite a healthy sex life.

Don’t overthink it. Just do the basics. Pumping has been around for long enough with happy advocates.

Again calm down, wait to get your pump with a gauge, go slowly, patiently and consistently.

Smile 😁 life is good.


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