Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Just started pumping yesterday, it's not working

Just received the one with the gauge today. It is built in to the top. It is non removable. Is it okay to clean it while it is attatched since it’s unavoidable? Will soap/water affect the gauge in any way?

This is what it looks like^^

So I just looked at it and I think the Gauge on it is broken, because the arrow pointer is pointing to -5 hg already, when it should be on 0? I put it on and it basically starts at -5. So it’s broken.? What do I do now? So I’m basically back where I started, the quality is slightly better. The silocon sleeve is tight though, can that be dangerous? Too tight silicon sleeve?

Originally Posted by Luck7
So I just looked at it and I think the Gauge on it is broken, because the arrow pointer is pointing to -5 hg already, when it should be on 0? I put it on and it basically starts at -5. So it’s broken.? What do I do now? So I’m basically back where I started, the quality is slightly better. The silocon sleeve is tight though, can that be dangerous? Too tight silicon sleeve?

If it’s a needle gauge, and it still works, but the only problem is that it starts at -5, then that’s your new 0. Pump to -10 and you should actually be at -5.

A gauge built into the tube usually indicates a cheap bad quality pump though… so if it’s not too late I’d return it and buy something quality. A separate pump that connects to the tube using a tube with quick-disconnect fitting. Then buy a good quality cylinder only.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Originally Posted by richardfitswell
If it’s a needle gauge, and it still works, but the only problem is that it starts at -5, then that’s your new 0. Pump to -10 and you should actually be at -5.

A gauge built into the tube usually indicates a cheap bad quality pump though. So if it’s not too late I’d return it and buy something quality. A separate pump that connects to the tube using a tube with quick-disconnect fitting. Then buy a good quality cylinder only.

I see, well I have a question. Why is it when I pump, the needle moves slightly up but then moves down a little after. Does that mean the seal is faulty or that’s just how it’s meant to be?

Originally Posted by Luck7
I see, well I have a question. Why is it when I pump, the needle moves slightly up but then moves down a little after. Does that mean the seal is faulty or that’s just how it’s meant to be?

While you’re pumping, the needle will go up and down just because of how it works, but the reading that matters is where the needle stays after you stop pumping.

If the needle is slowly going down, it means there is a leak somewhere. The most likely place is the base of the tube not sealing well with the skin around the base of your penis. If you haven’t yet, you should shave the area since the hair can allow air to leak around it.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Originally Posted by richardfitswell
While you’re pumping, the needle will go up and down just because of how it works, but the reading that matters is where the needle stays after you stop pumping.

If the needle is slowly going down, it means there is a leak somewhere. The most likely place is the base of the tube not sealing well with the skin around the base of your penis. If you haven’t yet, you should shave the area since the hair can allow air to leak around it.

Roger that. Also, is it okay that the silicon sleeve is uncomfortable/tight? It’s meant to feel that way?

Originally Posted by Luck7
Roger that. Also, is it okay that the silicon sleeve is uncomfortable/tight? It’s meant to feel that way?

That’s very relative so it’s hard for me to answer that… all I can tell you is that it doesn’t feel the most comfortable for me either 😂

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Originally Posted by richardfitswell

That’s very relative so it’s hard for me to answer that. All I can tell you is that it doesn’t feel the most comfortable for me either 😂

Okay then, I will persist in that case. I will titrate slowly to 5 hg and do 1-2 minutes daily and work my way up to 20 minutes a day. Is that a safe routine? I’ve noticed most people prescribe the 5 minute a day routine at 5hg for beginners, however I’d like to ease into this. Is it okay to do 7 days a week?

You will need to continue pumping while your dick enlarges. As your dick gets larger in the cylinder, there is less space for the air which means the pressure increases. Increasing pressure means decreasing vacuum.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters

You will need to continue pumping while your dick enlarges. As your dick gets larger in the cylinder, there is less space for the air which means the pressure increases. Increasing pressure means decreasing vacuum.

I see, you explained that well. Cheers

UPDATE: So used the new pump today, did roughly 5 minutes in total on probably roughly 1 HG (Still getting the gist of this pressure gauge) and I’ve noticed more sensation/sensitivity in penis, feels way better; normally it feels more numb but I’m impressed by the chance. Also libido has increased, has anyone noticed that also? I don’t think it’s a placebo. Cause usually (for me at least) increased penile sensation/blood flow translates to increased libido.

These are notable benefits just by doing a very low negative pressure. Thoughts anybody?

UPDATE: I’ve noticed my member is clearly slightly longer/thicker, all from roughly 1-2HG, is that an exceptional result? I see people talk about doing 5 HG being the standard, so if I’m getting these types of results from a super low amount of negative pressure, I can’t imagine what it’ll be like at 5 HG. Is this what all porn stars do to get this type of effect? I’ve never seen it this big before.

Originally Posted by richardfitswell
If it’s a needle gauge, and it still works, but the only problem is that it starts at -5, then that’s your new 0. Pump to -10 and you should actually be at -5.

A gauge built into the tube usually indicates a cheap bad quality pump though. So if it’s not too late I’d return it and buy something quality. A separate pump that connects to the tube using a tube with quick-disconnect fitting. Then buy a good quality cylinder only.

UPDATE: I tried today, went in fully erect, but changed lubricant to coconut oil because I have no water based lubricant left. I’ve been doing roughly -1- -2 HG according to my gauge, but today things felt more intense than usual. I tried to pump to around -2.5HG which would be on my gauge around -7.5HG. Today felt more intense than usual, and the feeling in the erection felt more intense. It felt like it was almost going to explode, but I did around this negative pressure yesterday. So why is this? I attempted to pump to around the same number as yesterday, but it felt increasingly intense until it started to hurt at the base, it felt like a tugging/tight feeling at around the base near the left side of the base. I stopped immediately and inspected it all.

Perhaps I increased the pump maybe too quickly? How long are you meant to wait between pumps? I would wait a few seconds to check if there’s leakage before I’d increase it to the goal number. It was a scary feeling though. I inspected my penis after, and seems okay, seems like I can maintain an erection fine. Thing is, it wasn’t any negative pressure out of the ordinary. But the sensation felt intense and borderline extreme.

What I’ve noticed using coconut oil instead of water based lubricant, there’s more friction against the silicon sleeve, is this the reason you think? That’s the only thing I’ve changed this time. I read other members talking about using it. I’m confused and worried now. I thought I was doing things correctly, and have been satisfied with my results so far. Should I take a break? What should I do guys? I tried to pump a few times after.

Please need advice/help

I’m so stupid, it says the sleeve is made of rubber not silicon. I didn’t know this would be so detrimental.


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