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just started pumping


just started pumping

Hey guys, I have just started pumping and was wondering if you could help me out with a few questions.

I have been jelquing and stretching for the last month and have now have incorportaed pumping at the end of my session. I am looking at 5 sets of 3 mins at very low pressure, perhaps 2-3Hg.
Just one problem, when I pump the gauge does not move, is there something else I have to do to make the gauge move apart from obviously pumping?

Secondly, once you have pumped to optimum pressure, should your penis grow or remain the same whilst in the tube?????

Also, I place my tube in hot water in between sets, does anyone have any opinions on whether this is benefical?

Thanks in advance

Regards Rolo

Re: just started pumping

Originally posted by rolo
Hey guys, I have just started pumping and was wondering if you could help me out with a few questions.

I have been jelquing and stretching for the last month and have now have incorportaed pumping at the end of my session. I am looking at 5 sets of 3 mins at very low pressure, perhaps 2-3Hg.
Just one problem, when I pump the gauge does not move, is there something else I have to do to make the gauge move apart from obviously pumping?

Secondly, once you have pumped to , should your penis grow or remain the same whilst in the tube?????

Also, I place my tube in hot water in between sets, does anyone have any opinions on whether this is benefical?

Thanks in advance

Regards Rolo

Hey Rolo, The gauge should move, if you bought your pump from LA pump there is no mark for the one there is just a little prong sticking out that stops the needle on the gauge, try to put your finger over the male coupler and start pumping if the needle doesn’t move then the gauge might be broken, As for the growth after you’ve reached optimum pressure, I pump to 3.5hg and stand at 5.5 inches after 10min I grow to 6.5 inches, tho it’s better to go in erect to stop lymph fluid buildup.


Thanks for the reply N2H. It appears that the gauge works, when I place my finger over male coupler the gauge moves, however when I connect it to the tube, no go. Should I be tightening the the connection at all, I have done a few times but with no luck.

Regards Rolo


” Should I be tightening the the connection at all “

Hey rolo, you shouldn’t have to tighten the connection at all, try to tighten the female coupler on the tube ( DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN ) if this dosen’t work, try putting the tube to your leg and start pumping if the gauge still dosen’t move, try to contact the company about this maybe they have heard of this before.



Hi Rolo !! Did you buy your pump from LA pump ?

The reason I ask this, is because that is the pump set up that I have. When connecting the hose to the tube I hear a click, this lets me know the connection is good.

I hope this helps, if not maybe someone with more experience with various makes and models could help you.



Rolo, another thought !!

When you use the pump, do you feel the pressure on your penis ? If so then your connection is good, you just may be pumping at such a light pressure that it isn’t registering on the gauge. This happened to me the first couple of times that pumped.

Now I can handle slighlty higher pressures, and the gauge is registering. Take it slow and don’t hurt your penis, stay at pressures that feel good, push it up slowly. You have time and future growth on your side.



Terran & N2H, much appreciated!! The connection is good, in so far as clicking in well and yes I do feel pressure. I do not believe that I am pumping at such a low pressure because my penis can definitely feel it and if anything I do not want to feel that harsh pressure. I have contacted La Pumps (purchased the deluxe model) and they pretty much said what you guys recommended.
I tightened the female coupler and tried but to no avail. On the actual gauge itself there seems to be a little pin, does this hold any significance?

Regards Rolo


Hey Rolo, by pin do you mean the little pin on the bottom side of the pump, all this one does is release the pressure that’s in the tube, or are you talking about the little pin inside the gauge itself, this one stops the needle on the gauge at zero. Try putting the tube on your leg and start pumping if you pump for like ten strokes and nothing happens with the gauge I would say that the gauge is broken. When I first got mine the needle didn’t move either, all I did was press the pressure release pin on the bottom of the pump and the needle went to zero ( when I got mine the needle on the gauge was past 30 hg I thought it was broken but after pressing the pressure release valve everything went back to normal. )


Guys, I finally got the gauge t o work somehow!! I ended up tightening the coupler on the tube. But now I have another problem, after I enter fully erect, my penis loses size rather quickly once in the tube. probably say after 20 seconds. I guess this is the result of a bad seal, but I seem to pressing as hard as possible against my pubic bone. Pubic hair is shaved slightly, I will shave it down even further tomorrow and see how that goes. Any suggestions would be great.

Regards Rolo


Hey Rolo, Just some tips

Put lube on the flared edge for a better seal.
After you get in the tube try pressing the pressure release valve, because when you enter the tube you create a little pressure that pushes your member down but when you release the pressure your member should expand just a little ( mine does ).

Glad to hear it’s working! :)


Last edited by new2hanging : 08-21-2002 at .

N2H, I generally always release the pressure valve once I have pumped up. I go in nice and hard with my dick pointing at virtually 90 degrees, so when I go in I have to stick my butt out as if I am crouching. I tried pushing the tube extra hard but about 20 seconds after I pump up I lose about 1/2 inch, maybe more. I am roughly 5 inches and slightly under 5 in girth, my tube is 9 inches long and 1.75 inces in diameter, I am virtually packed at the bottom but thin out at the top, could this have something to with it? Also are there any products that I could use to create a better seal? Also when you guys come out of the tube are you the same size as when you went in? I came out smaller and less harder, but thicker is this correct?

Regards Rolo

Hey Rolo, If you go in erect and 20 seconds later after pumping up you lose 1/2 inch, this sounds like your losing pressure try putting lube on the seal and turning it a quarter turn then back to it’s starting point. I’m 6.75 bpl and 5.5 eg my tube is 1.75 and 10 inch’s long, I only pack at the base 3 inch’s up and the ring of my head packs also, and I have no problem with pressure. Every 5min I start to lose pressure and all I do is go back up to 3.5 hg. As for the coming out of the tube soft after going in hard this is normal.


Instead of a regular lube, try Vaseline (just a thin coat) on the flange end of your tube. This’ll help you keep stuck to the cylinder, assuming you’ve shaved some at the base of your shaft.



You may want to also check the fitting on the top of your tube. Make sure it is tight, but don’t try to overtighten it if it is leaking. Take it apart and use a small piece of teflon tape around the threads. Also, the small “O” ring on the male connector at the end of the hose dries out and leaks sometimes. Rub a very small amount of lube on the “O” ring and then try it. The “O” ring will not get damaged by the lube, but soap does dry it out.

Hope this helps, just some things to check.

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Just thought of that white plumber’s tape available at hardware stores. Very thin stuff and easy to work with - normally used for faucet and pipe fixtures. Wonder if that would work.



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