Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Knockoff Bathmate

Knockoff Bathmate

Should I buy one?

I purchased a Pro Extender from Ali Express for about 12 bucks (recommended by another member who made some really good gains with it). Its basically a knock off extender but works just the same (and from the videos I’ve seen besides all the comfort stuff it works the same too - despite me having problems with mine…)

Anyway, I found a knockoff Bathmate on the site -

http://www.alie … 6030218047.html

I contacted the guy who told me straight up its the same thing just manufactured in China not the UK as the original is.

All of these extenders, pumps, and all this equipment is so expensive to buy yet so cheap to make. Whats to say this doesn’t work exactly like the "original" just because its manufactured elsewhere?

I’m having trouble with my pro extender, but its a personal thing and its just difficult for me to wrap my head around it. Nonetheless I’ve seen that the expensive extenders are nothing but the same thing with some added comfort (which is important, but you can DIY a comfort strap easily).

What are your thoughts on getting one.


There is a guy Matt on this forum he works for bathmate. Think his nick here bathmatehq. Try to ask him.

In my opinion it doesn’t look like original one. But its me.

Worth the try.

Alibaba is more trustwhorty than aliexpress as far as I know.

Originally Posted by marinera
Worth the try.

Alibaba is more trustwhorty than aliexpress as far as I know.

Agreed. I mean for 30 bucks you can’t really go wrong. Problem is I won’t really know the difference since I’ve never used a “REAL” Bathmate before….So I’ll have to go by others progress, videos, reports and such to gauge my progress and the products performance (which I don’t have a problem with). All this stuff is so basic to make (then its patented) so I doubt that its not going to work like the “real” one….just probably less quality materials and cheap labor….that’s China for you.


Here’s another thread on the same subject

Unboxing my Bathmate

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Im using the pro extender and its awesome!

Burn that tunica!

Can you guys link to the pro extender you bought? Just that there’s a few come up when I do a search.

Originally Posted by Yoshi44
Can you guys link to the pro extender you bought? Just that there’s a few come up when I do a search.

Believe they are all the same. I noticed that a lot of different sellers on aliexpress are selling identical units at various prices. However recently some do have the dual strap / noose cradle which I prefer.

Alibaba and Aliexpress are essentially the same thing. Alibaba is just for bulk orders, where aliexpress items individually. The same manufacturers use both sites most of the time and just raise the price for individual packages on aliexpress.

I actually ordered this one in early feb. They didn’t ship it until exactly a month later (despite saying it shipped within 7 days). It still hasn’t even made it to the US, so I can’t tell you anything about the quality yet.

Thanks for the heads up, I bought one. Can’t go wrong for $31 and free shipping, and the feedback looks positive.

Only looking to gain girth --> only clamping.

3/15/09: 6 inch EL x 5 inch EG.

Mine came in last night. Took 40 days from when I ordered it. Shipping was pretty quick once they finally shipped it. I haven’t seen or used a “legit” one, but I couldn’t tell you if there is any difference. I have a feeling they originally used a manufacturer in taiwan and eventually switched to the UK, but that manufacturer is still pumping them out and selling them on the ALI… sites. I bet most of the products on those sites are like that as well. I couldn’t wait, so I’ve already used it. It held a great seal and worked flawlessly. I guess only time will tell if it holds up. Getting the neck strap included was definitely worth it though. It made it a lot more comfortable and I was able to clean myself while it was being used.

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