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Lap pump = harbor freight tools pump

Originally Posted by Biscuit Head
Can’t tell from the picture, does it have a safety pressure release valve? I use mine often to decrease pressure when it becomes to much.

Yes, it does. It’s near identical to the LAP pump.

I have never seen the LA pump but Sounds cool. There is a store about 40 miles from me. I have to decide if I want to go pick it up which will cost about $20 in gas or just have one shipped.. I think having it shipped is cheaper now-a-days.


8/06 First measured @ (starting over again) BPEL-6.0" X EG-5.25"

10/06 (2 months) BPEL-6.00" X EG- 5.50" BUT NO LENGTH :0(

Second goal to measure on 12/06 (4 months) Bpel-6.25" X EG -5.75"

I got the Harbor Freight tools pump. I was gonna make my own cylinder or try to find one cheap, but I broke down and ordered one from boston pump for $71 including shipping.

Now, what exactly do I need to pair my cylinder with the pump? The two items I’ve been looking at are:

1. PN 5012k251 Male coupling. 1/8” coupler size to connect to 3/16” tube

2. PN 53955k14 plastic tubing, 3/16”

Anything else I need?

I answered this in your PM, but that is correct. You get those from McMaster.

Originally Posted by rage
This is an awesome thread so far!

From the notes I have been taking all that is needed to make a homemade pump is:
(For the sake of putting everything in 1 post)

1. Harbor freight tools pump Harbor Freight Tools – Quality Tools at Discount Prices Since 1977

2. Male coupling to attach to the pump
IE: McMaster-Carr Quick disconnect male fitting PN: 5012k251 $1.42

3. A cylinder…
constructed of McMaster-Carr Polycarbonate cylinder material 1.75" ID, PN: 8585k18 @ $7.00/ft
or (for a larger cylinder) Polycarbonate cylinder material 2" ID, PN: 8585k46 @ $8.19/ft
the cylinder material would be cut to the right size and then a top would be made for one end (but how and out of what material??) and then the Quick disconnect female fitting with shut off valve PN: 5012k29 $6.74
would be attached to the top (but by what means?).

Please feel free to add on to my post.


This is a great summary for someone who’s looking to conserve their loot and start pumping. Thanks rage!

However, I’m left with the same questions that he puts forward here- i.e. how is the actual assembly accomplished?

It’d be awesome to have someone take rage’s start here and take the assembly process of the DIY pump that’s growing out of this thread and clarify it step-by-step….I’m sure there are other journeyman mechanical dodos like me who would love to do this themselves….if…they…could…just….figure.. .out….exactly…how…to put…it…all….together….~!!!

Like, what, do you ***glue*** a piece of polycarbonate onto the end of your cylinder? And then what? Do you drill a hole to put on the fitting? Uhhh….and ***what size***hole would you drill….?

If anyone with the front to back know how on how to get this pump together could express the full process and all the details, that would truly be a merciful and generous act~!

Thanks in advance to anyone kind enough to take a minute or ten to lay it down!

Last edited by gprent : 05-04-2011 at .

OK, let’s see if I can contribute to moving this a step forward.

McMaster also sells part number 8574K26, which is a 12” X 12” piece of 1/8” thick clear polycarbonate sheet for $5.78. This would be enough to cap several tubes. You’d have to be able to cut it to shape, of course.

As to glue, I found a site that states that cyanoacrylate (also known as Superglue) will bond to polycarbonate. No problem there. Cyanoacrylate glues are readily available and not expensive. You might want to get the cyanoacrylate gel to make it easier to work with.

If I’m reading the information right about part number 5012K29, the Acetal Quick-Disconnect Tube Coupling Socket, 1/4” NPT Male, 1/8” Coupler, Shut-Off, this is what McMaster calls a panel-mount socket and plug or a bulkhead coupling. They say you would need an 11/16” diameter hole to mount the 1/4” coupler size. Note that this is a THREADED fitting, so I don’t know how you get the 11/16” hole threaded. I’m sure there are threading tools around, or perhaps you could just glue it in place.

You would still need some technique to smooth off the tube edges for the end that contacts your body.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Last edited by gprent : 05-04-2011 at .


Lampwick: Now that I’m up and pumping with my auto parts store/aquarium gravel cleaning rig, I’m going to start looking into building my own high quality tubes. It’s much more fun to experiment and build when you’ve already got something to use! Thanks for pushing it a little more forward. I’m going to buy some polycarbonate and parts now and see what comes from it.

Are pumps the effective way to girth gains?


In my opinion it is a great way to get girth gains.

What I have been doing lately is pump for 15 mins. and then Jelq for about 10 and throw in some plump bends then back in the tube for 15 mins. more. I like no more than 6 hg but if you are new to it start with 3 or 4 and go slow.

Good luck

Sometime in 2005: Bpel 5.7, eg 4.3: 7/15/07 bpel=6.1, eg 4.6

Now bpel 6.50, eg 5.30 bpfsl 6.50

Goal bpel 7.0 - 7.5, eg 5.5

Will the hose that comes with the harbor freight unit work on L.A. Pump fittings?

Originally Posted by rvman
Will the hose that comes with the harbor freight unit work on L.A. Pump fittings?

They will work, but the hoses are not very long.

1. Harbor freight tools pump Harbor Freight Tools – Quality Tools at Discount Prices Since 1977

2. Male coupling to attach to the pump
IE: McMaster-Carr Quick disconnect male fitting PN: 5012k251 $1.42

3. A cylinder…
LA Cylinder $70

Total of $97, would this work, or would i need to buy something else?

06/01/2007 Bpel: 6.75" Nbpel: 5.75" Eg: 4.30"

06/25/2008 Bpel: 7.25" Npbel: 6.25" Eg 4.50"

12/22/2008 Bpel: 7.50" Npbel: 6.50" Eg 4.50"

While you are ordering at McMaster I would also buy about 10 feet of PN 53955K14 polyurethane tubing for $0.47/ft.


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