Yes I have experienced this as well, or something similar. But lets first point out that the jelg is mainly a length exercise while pumping is primarily a girth exercise.
The theory put forth in some ancient threads was that as you expand girth wise you may loose some length. The analogy was to think of stretching a balloon; as you pull it longer it gets skinnier and as you pull it sideways, it gets shorter. This is what lead to the long standing advice of doing length gains first before attempting girth gains.
Of course we all want to grow as much as possible in any direction, so I wonder how many actually follow that advice.
I know I didn’t. What was I going to be an exception?
What I can tell you from my own experience is that after the initial “newbie gains”, gaining anything was a slow process.
Nowadays it seems like I don’t maintain that maxed out look from any PE exercise. Shortly afterwards it seems to go into hibernation. Normally that’s a good indication of over doing it, but I really don’t feel I am. Then maybe a day later the willy wakes up again and I’m walking around all day with a chubby of a dick.
I also took a lot of time off from PEing this summer. I just got too busy with other things. I did do some occasional maintenance, but nothing serious. After the first couple of weeks off I started to notice some significant gains. Gaining during rest periods is another topic that’s been discussed here as well. I think after several years of being a hardcore PE’r my wanker just got tired. I didn’t experience any ED, but I did beat the hell out of my wanker in the pursuit of gains.
I look back now and realize my wanker had gotten real tired after about the first year. Maybe sooner. The most significant gains I got since the newbies gains have come during this unplanned rest period. Which I think I’m still on. I’m now stable in the 7.5 x 6 range and on my small frame that looks huge. I wouldn’t mind that last half inch, but for the first time in my life I’m becoming okay with the size of my dick. Damn did I just own that statement?
What I’m trying to say is; Yes I have experience what you’re talking about. I would surmise that your either over doing it - don’t compare because everyone is different, or your wanker is just tired and needs a break. Either way realize that the gains will come if you’re patient and persistent. For most of us PE wasn’t and isn’t an overnight sensation. The others are just bullshitting you.
Time and again we read in these threads that we have to figure out what works for us. More specifically, what works for OUR dick. That can be a slow process also. I think I also might just know who my dick is today. Just hang in there and figure out what works for you. Sometimes during the periods when my dick was really tired from PE, a little viagra, L-ysine, L-arginine, or maca, would be just what the willy needed to get things jump started again.
Well that’s what I know on the subject. I hope it helped in some way.