Thunder's Place

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Loss of EQ because of the pumping

Loss of EQ because of the pumping

Guys I need your suggestion. I promise this is the last time I ask something about the speech “pumping”, and then I am committed to not talk about it anymore :)

I’m making a last attempt to use the pump, with the hope that it will be able to give me something in length.
I’m following a routine on the same way as that indicated by an user in some thread a few days ago, with the addition of stretching, divided into 2 phases 2 days on 1 day off:

5 minutes rice sock
60 wet jelq
6 minutes pomping dynamic from 0 to 2 hg very very slow in getting on and off
60 wet jelq
6 minutes pomping dynamic from 0 to 2 hg very very slow in getting on and off
60 wet jelq
6 minutes pomping dynamic from 0 to 2 hg very very slow in getting on and off
60 wet jelq
3 minutes cold water
3 minutes hot water

5 minutes rice sock
5 minutes jay stretch downwards
5 minutes stretching upwards
5 minutes rotations
5 minutes inverted V-stretch
BTC 5 minutes stretching
5 minutes rice sock

I’m already on the 3rd day of this routine, I do not have fluid accumulation, I think partly because of the times and reduced depression, but also as previously, my EQ suffers a lot.
This reflected in the spontaneous erections that usually I had during the day and nocturnal erections, and are now close to zero in both cases.

I have read around a lot and I asked very often to some of you, and I think that the loss of EQ is a temporary matter that is felt at the beginning and which should fade with time, after the penis get used to the pump.
[b]My question is:[/ b]: how much time will be needed, so that the penis becomes accustomed to the use of the pump and that the EQ will be fully restored?

I really hope to get answers and sorry me in advance for the answers :) .

Starting sept 2012: BPEL 15.5 cm - NBPEL 13.5 - EG 13,0 cm

Today: BPEL 18.8 cm - NBPEL 15.3 cm - EG 14.0 cm

Goal: BPEL 19 cm - NBPEL 17.0 cm - EG 16 cm

You are going too hard, something similar happened to me take some time off and get back a little more easy on your cock.

Las Medidas no importan, la quiero mas grande y punto!

Too hard with time of pumping or too high pump’s pressure?

Starting sept 2012: BPEL 15.5 cm - NBPEL 13.5 - EG 13,0 cm

Today: BPEL 18.8 cm - NBPEL 15.3 cm - EG 14.0 cm

Goal: BPEL 19 cm - NBPEL 17.0 cm - EG 16 cm

Well in my case its hard to tell what caused my drop on EQ could be a recent depression or increasing the preasure and time on the pump to quick… I think the reason why our EQ drops is because our dicks are sore or healing, the perfect amount of intensity should be enough to maintain the same EQ and the increase should be small in a constant way.

Try doing shorter sessions of PE maybe

Las Medidas no importan, la quiero mas grande y punto!

Thank you Frutimax, but My matter was caused only by the used of pump.

Never had EQ problems before.

I don’t understand what I wrong in pumping.

Starting sept 2012: BPEL 15.5 cm - NBPEL 13.5 - EG 13,0 cm

Today: BPEL 18.8 cm - NBPEL 15.3 cm - EG 14.0 cm

Goal: BPEL 19 cm - NBPEL 17.0 cm - EG 16 cm

Considering you’re new to this and your EQ is dropping, I immediately see a lot of room for improvement here.

1). Drop the Rice Sock!!! This is a surefire way to not fully and properly warm your dick up, and possibly get injured. I still don’t know why so many people advocate it’s use (I assume because they are new and ignorant of the much better options), because it only heats the surface tissues and not the deep inner tissues of the penis. Rice socks are a shitty, shitty warmup - I used one for almost six months. Replace the rice sock with warm water submersion for 5-10 minutes, or ideally with an Infra Red lamp such as this one:
That’s my exact lamp. Copy the name of it and search for it on amazon or google to purchase. I suggest ordering this now, and in the meantime using warm water submersion. It’s a night and day difference between these two options and a rice sock. Rice sock is a good way to get injured and grow less. I guarantee you’ll see more expansion and more stretchability with the infra red lamp - well worth the investment. Will completely change your PE. Infra Red is the best possible warm up, with warm water submersion being a decent second place.

2). You’re doing way too much for a beginner. I would drop the jelqs in between your pump sets, and also maybe drop one of the pump sets (for now).
Check out this thread: sta-kool’s Icicle Diary
It’s Sta-Kool’s ‘icicle diaries’, AKA his first pumping log, where he gained a permanent .5" in girth in just 4-5 months. He had jelqs in between his pump sets like you do, but several workouts in he realized that he gains more and his eq improved if he dropped the jelqs. This came at the suggestion of gprent, who is one of the most highly touted and experienced pumpers on this site. All those jelqs in between your sets might just be too much man - you’d be surprised how true the saying ‘less is more’ really is (at least for some people). Sta-Kool’s progress report is a superb thread for any prospective pumpers out there.

3). Your stretches seem MUCH to intense for a beginner as well. 5 minutes each direction is way more than necessary. Most people only stretch for 30 seconds each direction - but I’ve seen many gain with just 15 seconds each direction! 5 minutes each direction is definitely overkill for manual stretches, and could possibly make your dick even shorter due to (temporary) retraction rather than making it longer! Happened to me when I was stretching for too long like yourself. I’ve been reading on these forums for almost a year now and I’ve seen thread after thread of people who only started gaining when they LESSENED their routines. I know it’s counterintuitive, but trust me, it’s real! Try less and I bet you’d be surprise with how well your dick responds.

4). Consider your 2 days on, 1 day off routine. This may be perfectly fine for you. But for pumping (especially just starting out), it seems a little much. I’d suggest a 1 day on, 2 days off schedule (rest is VITAL. More vital than your workouts!), or a 1 day on, 1 day off routine. Sta-Kool (in the thread I linked to above) utilized 1 day on, 2 days off for his gains. Many people around here are doing crazy routines like 5days on, 2 off, etc. That’s just asking for injury in my opinion, especially if you’re starting out with a smaller, skinnier penis (smaller can possibly mean more sensitive to stresses and more prone to injury than larger fatter units). Try pumping a little less often and see where it gets you. Definitely don’t wanna beat your dick into the dirt at the beginning phase - and easing into it can produce greater results!

5). I like your idea of using cold water near the end of your pumping. Reminds me of ‘hot/cold’ therapy. Honestly, I would drop all of this though (both the 3 min cold water and the 3 min warm water). I don’t see that accomplishing much.
If you’re intent on keeping this though, you need to switch the order. With hot/cold therapy you always want to start with warm water and END with cold water. Ending with cold water insures less inflammation. After the cold water (assuming you’re using ice water), dry your dick off with a towel and put a sock over your balls and dick for a while to let it warm back up.
Always use hot/cold in a 3:1 ratio - aka 3 minutes of warm, 30 seconds of cold water. NEVER go more than 30 seconds of ice water for your dick/balls. If you really want to keep this warm/cold water, switch the cold/warm order you currently have and try doing it on your off days instead of when you PE. It could keep your mind occupied on off days and possibly help you recover from workouts faster. I’m not sure of this though - just an idea. I currently use 3 min warm water, 30 seconds ice water, 3 min warm water, 30 seconds ice water about once per week for an injury I sustained from jelqing, and it seems to work great. Damn my dick and balls are tiny when I pull out of the ice water though! lol…again, NO MORE THAN 30 SECONDS for ice water.

Sorry this was a little hodgepodged, I’m in kind of a hurry so didn’t have time to make this post more organized. If you have any questions please ask. All in all, I feel that if lessen the intensity of this routine, you’ll see your EQ (and gains) skyrocket.


Last edited by Smallja : 06-17-2013 at .

Also, once you get the Infra Red lamp (if you do), I’d suggest aiming it at your pump for the first set (thus keeping your penis warmed up during the first set).

On your second set, go ahead and turn it off (I wish I could remember the link, but someone posted a thread here w/ multiple clinical studies showing that ligaments, tendons, and other tissues stretch better when the stretch is held while your dick is ‘cooling down’ back to normal temps from previously being heated. That’s why I suggest your last set to be without the IR lamp pointed at the tube.

This suggestion assumes that for the time being you’ve dropped your third pumping set. Many people would start with maybe a single six minute set, then build their way up to 10 minutes, and then additional sets slowly over time (Sparyx is a big advocator of this - starting w/ very short durations in the tube IE just a few minutes, then slowly building up to ten, and then to multiple sets, etc). This way you get your dick (and yourself) accustomed to pumping and also gain with the least work possible.

Really, if you can bear it, I’d also suggest scrapping your whole routine for now (quit PE) and just do some reading for another month or so. Knowledge is power here - from what you learn on these forums in one month, you could emerge a completely different person than you are now, with completely different opinions as to what may or may not work for you. Spend some time in the Pumpers forum (as I’m sure you have). Read over any/everything from sparyx, peforeal, gprent, stay-kool, avocet. These are the pumping icons around here. There are a few others but their names didn’t come to mind. Search for threads theyve posted - memorize their profiles and read as much as you can from them.

Also keep in mind that if you’re reading posts from say, 2002 or 2003 (from more seasoned members like avocet or peforeal), that their opinions on their methods and routines may have changed since then. Keep an eye on the post dates for relevance. For example, peforeal started out in 2002 advocating higher pressures and lots of time (as did gprent). peforeal also used to think (back in 2002) that pumping gains could not be permanent.

Now, both of their opinions have completely changed. Both advocate low pressure, reasonable time in the tube and peforeal now knows that pumping can bring permanent gains if done properly.

Last edited by Smallja : 06-17-2013 at .

Interesting reading smallja :up:

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

If you ask me, your loss of EQ has nothing to do with pumping. You are pumping so lightly it probably isn’t doing anything. Your problem is you are going way overboard on your jelqing. All you need is about 20 minutes of jelqing per day. Then you can easily pump safely for 10 minutes at 4”hg.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

I second Gprent, with the slight difference that I think stretching could be the culprit (or concurring with the jelqing).

Here’s a couple descriptions (which another TP member wrote) and links to the articles that I spoke of in Post # 7 of this thread (regarding increased stretchability of tissue when stretched during initial heating followed by stretching during the cooling period):

‘Lehman and associates (1970) studied the effects of heat and stretching on rat tail tendons. The results indicated that heating alone produced no significant elongation and that stretching alone produced no residual elongation. Significant elongation occurred if heat and stretch were combined. A greater increase in length was maintained if the stretch was held during the period of cooling since “reorganization of the tissues is thought to occur during the cooling period.” Overall, the most effective method of producing a plastic deformation of connective tissue was to apply a sustained stretch during the application of heat and to maintain the stretch during the period of cooling.’

Heat and stretch procedures: an evaluation using rat tail tendon EDIT: (this is just the abstract :( the original two links I posted here have since died…sorry guys! From this abstract it seems they only talk about the benefits of heat - says nothing about cooling. But I’m sure if we could get access to the full article, we would see where this cooling idea comes from. Try googling the name of the article. Embarrassed that I even made this post now, sorry! :/)

‘Other studies dealt with the subsequent elasticity of the connective tissue, i.e., ligaments and tendons, after the application of ice. Doctor Mennell felt that this was due to the decreased sensation, which enabled the patient to stretch out muscle spasm. Others felt that stretching was best achieved in the "cooling stage" after "eating by use of hot packs, massage, or ultrasound. Therefore, for best results, stretching of the part should be maintained while cooling the tendon. This was found to produce a longer-lasting increase in length than those treatments in which the stretch was stopped after heat was applied.’ … 8,d.aWc&cad=rja (downloadable pdf document)

Last edited by Smallja : 06-19-2013 at .

Thank you Gprent, marinera and thank you very much Smallja, very professional opinion! :)

Starting from the initial warm-up, I’ve always done under the jet of hot water for 5 minutes and then for another 5 minutes I made a jay stretch down to 5 minutes under hot water. The problem with this kind of heating, in addition to an excessive waste of water, is the warming of my balls and the consequent excessive vessel dilation in the vicinity of that area.

I used the IR lamp only 3 or 4 times, but I don’t like it as a method of heating while keeping it at a distance of 40-50 cm from the penis, producing an excessive vasodilation, sometimes worrying, with the feeling that the heat does not enough to penetrate deep into the tissue. Finally, I do not think that the use of this device is healthy for the balls and to the quality of sperm in the future. But this is just my opinion.

I am using the rice-sock for just 2 weeks and I’m finding it good, I feel the warmth penetrate deeply, and heating also affects the ligaments, but does not go on the balls.

Returning to the routine that NOT includes the pumping. During the last 4 months, my routine was this:
5 minutes heating
5 minutes jay stretch downwards
5 minutes stretching upwards
5 minutes rotations
5 minutes inverted v-stretch
BTC 5 minutes stretching
250-300 wet jelq
50 kegels
5 minutes heating
3 days on / one day off

This routine gave me my only gains in length, about 1.5-2 centimeters. I was never tired, iron erections during the day and night.
The problems always take over when I insert the pump into my routine.
When I did some experiments pumping, previously, I had about 5-10 minutes max 3HG. The result has been a disaster: the fall of the EQ immediately, excessive accumulation of lymphatic fluids and an important “gummy”effect.

Now, following your suggestions and advice, I changed the routine, in this way:2 days on / 1 day off:

11:00 am
5 minutes warm-up
150 wet jelq
10 minutes pumping 2HG (the maximum pressure that can not stand, I feel more than just pain)
50 wet jelq (the goal of this is just to drain a little ‘blood)
3 minutes cold water
3 minutes massage + hot water

11:00 pm
5 minutes heating
5 minutes jay stretch downwards
5 minutes stretching upwards
5 minutes rotations
5 minutes inverted v-stretch
BTC 5 minutes stretching

It ‘strange feeling when I do the stretching AFTER the pumping, feeling the penis “gummy”, I’m not well able to understand to what I can pull, I feel the penis much less elastic and I feel the point where maximum traction is ONLY on ligament, and I find this a little ‘dangerous. For this reason I exercise a traction softer.

If you can recommend a routine that allows permanent gains in length, including the use of the pump, you listen gladly and I thank you so much in advance. :)
P.S. I hope that the quality of my English will be better with the passage of time, I tried to do my best :)

Starting sept 2012: BPEL 15.5 cm - NBPEL 13.5 - EG 13,0 cm

Today: BPEL 18.8 cm - NBPEL 15.3 cm - EG 14.0 cm

Goal: BPEL 19 cm - NBPEL 17.0 cm - EG 16 cm

Good info.

That gummy feeling is just lymph fluid. It’s really nothing to be worried about.

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.75", Meg: 5.5", Aheg: 5.25", Heg: 4.5" - 11/18/11

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg: 5.63", Aheg: 5.38", Heg: 4.75" - 5/18/12

Bpel:+1/4", Bpeg:6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg:+1/16", Aheg: +1/16", Heg: +1/16" - 6/18/12

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