Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Made My Pump Today!!

Made My Pump Today!!

Hey dudes, anyone out there looking to get a pump I highly recommend going down to your local Auto Zone picking a Might VacII for $28 total and then off to your nearest Petsmart to pick up your “ProQuatics” Deluxe Gravel Vacuum. They even have different sizes!! Small, Medium, and Large….haha if they only knew!! The Vacuum ran a whole <$8. So for under 40 bucks I have a darn fine Pump complete with guage and rigid cylinder!. The only munipulating I had to do was heat up the hose that came with the Might Vac, to make a good air tight seal.

I just did my first 10 minute session and then put some heavy duty rubberbands around the base for about 30 minutes. I’m off to go do my jelqing and squeezing for the night.

Thanks to b1nzen48 for the help!!

I think I”m in love with pumping, it’s finally feeling that “void” :)

Pump on Brothers

Great! I have been thinking of doing just that to get a smaller tube to work on girth.

I am by no means an “expert” like others here, but I would advise you to get a

“ThereP” Wrist strap to wear afterwards for a few hours. You can wear it for

several hours after you pump and I may be a bit crazy here, but I am sure the

magnets help with healing.

Keep working, keep learning


After alittle time with the pump I realized that no munipulation of any parts was needed at all. The MightyVac came with adjustment tips that made the tube from the cylinder fit right up to the MightyVac.

There ya go, for under 40 bucks you have a complete, quality, working pump. It has everything pumps 3x times the price do. Release valve, pressure guage, rigid tube….what more could you ask for??

I knew you could build it TB. Was it easier than you thought? I don’t know why more guys aren’t making their own pumps. I guess a lot of them figure that if you don’t spend the kind of money the manufacturers want they’ll just end up with a toy. What are you using for you seal? PM me and we can talk about it. Can you post a pic of your pump? A lot of guys have asked me but I am unable to. It sure would help a lot of members out if you could.

Guys, how loud is the pump when operating?

Would it wake the wife and kids? :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Originally posted by b1nzen48
I knew you could build it TB. Was it easier than you thought? I don't know why more guys aren't making their own pumps. I guess a lot of them figure that if you don't spend the kind of money the manufacturers want they'll just end up with a toy. What are you using for you seal? PM me and we can talk about it. Can you post a pic of your pump? A lot of guys have asked me but I am unable to. It sure would help a lot of members out if you could.

It was MUCH easier than I thought. Couldn’t have been easier really. Everything just butted right up, and works like magic. I don’t see how those commercial ones could be any better. Hell some of those $140 pumps use the same vacuum device as mine. (MightyVacII) And an acrilic cylinder is an acrilic cylinder, your paying for the flange and the hype with other companies in my opinion. But I don’t see how that flange should inflate the price by 70 or so bucks. I’m in college so dropping 90 bucks to get a cylinder shipped to me is like not eating for a month!

As for a seal I haven’t come up with anything yet, I’ll definatly get back to you on that one, esp since I have a little tender ring around my stuff from the cylinder.

I will try and post a pic by next week, sister in on her honeymoon and took the camera with her…..

If anyone out there is looking to save some cash and make a quality pump, feel free to PM me or B1nzen48.

Originally posted by RB
Guys, how loud is the pump when operating?

Would it wake the wife and kids? :)

If you are serious, the pump is right up next to silent. :)

>As for a seal I haven’t come up with anything yet, I’ll definatly get back to you on that one, esp since I have a little tender ring around my stuff from the cylinder.<

Yeah, the gravel cleaners tend to dig in. I epoxied a slice of 2” schedule 40 PVC on mine, then smoothed and shaped it using a file and sandpaper. Maybe not the ideal solution, but it was quick and easy. The larger contact area made it much more comfortable.

Got a pic of te pump, that would be awsome!

I swear I'm going to stop at 8... ok maybe 8.5 :D

Welcome to Thunder’s place. Make sure you read the link below. Spelling and grammar are a must for these forums. There is a spell check button at the bottom.
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Just trying to give you some helpful hints for posting here at Thunder’s. :)


The seal is all I would worry about. That and cylinder size. What diameter are the small, megium, large cylinders?


Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."

Originally posted by QuestorSilvanthus


The seal is all I would worry about. That and cylinder size. What diameter are the small, megium, large cylinders?


Well it seals fine right out the box, but without some padding the cylinder digs in quite a bit and I can see over a period of time might become painful. It is definatly an easy operation, I’m going to try some double sided foam tape. Also, I only looked at the small, and medium. The small was 1.75” x 9” I belive, and the medium was 2” x 10”.

Hopefully I’ll have a picture up by tonight!


Originally posted by QuestorSilvanthus


The seal is all I would worry about. That and cylinder size. What diameter are the small, megium, large cylinders?

Dang right after telling someone to use Spell Check I made a spelling error. I am just going to shut up now! :)

Oh, by the way megium = medium.


Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."


I also used a gravel cleaner for my cylinder. Then I made a collar for the base made out of epoxy putty (Home Depot - Devcon Marine/Plastic Epoxy Putty, #S-80-80345, about $3). It’s difficult to work with, but you can work it with a little water on the fingers.

But while this kept it from gouging, I found that I still didn’t get a good seal (I don’t shave), so I cut a donut out of a gardener’s kneeling pad (also Home Depot - about $2). This material is a dense closed-cell foam, and it seals quite well as well as making it even more comfortable. The pad comes with a skin on one side which does not hold a seal well, so you have to cut the skin off to get to the bare foam. I use Vaseline on the bottom of the foam collar - against my crotch - but no lube is needed between the epoxy collar and the foam collar.

There is a picture of this whole setup in a thread I started in the Members’ Pics forum back on 6/02, the subject of which started out "Homemade Cylinder". With any luck, this link will take you to it:

Homemade cylinder, and TheraP wrist strap

Quality Pump on a Budget

Following Tigerbass’ lead, I stopped by AutoZone and picked up a Mity Vac II vacuum pump, selling for $25.99 plus tax. I then cruised over to PetsMart and picked up a ProQuatics Deluxe Gravel Vacuum (Medium)[cylinder is 10” long X 2” diameter], selling for $6.99 plus tax. The girl cashiering at Petsmart was all friendly when I checked out. “So, what size of aquarium do you have?” she inquired. “Uh,uh, medium,” I responded. “So, like a 30 or 40 gallon tank,” she responded. “Yeah.” I said. She wasn’t done at this point. “So, what kind of fish do you have?” “Tropical,” I minimally replied. “So, just friendly fish,” she responded. “Uh, yeah,” At that point, I couldn’t wait to get out of there. I was not prepared to discuss the nuances of aquariums and their maintenance. Of course, I could have replied, “No, I’m not buying this to clean out my fish tank. I’m going to use the cylinder with a vacuum pump to make my dick thicker and longer.” Another sweet, young virginal cashier would have had her innocence shattered.

I then made one more stop, at a sex novelties shop that I knew carried pumps, for a little comparison shopping. They were selling the Mity Vac pump (no fittings or attachments other than a hose and NO GAUGE!!!) for $117.95! This pump was marketed under the Boston Pump brand. They also carried pump cylinders, the 2” cylinder was priced at $93.95! Granted, the Boston Pump cylinders are very nice: made out of Lucite with a nice smooth flared bottom and red ruler markings going up the side of the cylinder and a quick release coupling fitting on the top of the tube. Nevertheless, the markups in the sex business are unbelievable.

Later last night, I pulled the funky-shaped nozzle off the end of the gravel vacuum cylinder, wrapped electrician’s tape around the rim of cylinder for increased comfort, hooked up one of the two 2’ pieces of 1/4” diameter vinyl tubing that came with the pump using the supplied (with the pump) cone-shaped adaptor to connect the other end with the cylinder. I guess you could use the piece of 1/2” vinyl tubing that came with the gravel vacuum; it appears that ChuckR is using it in his setup, based on the photo he provided. I have always seen penis pumps with the smaller tubing, so that’s what I used.

Following Avocet’s Pumping 101, I lubed up with Albolene and did 15 minutes of jelqing (about 300 reps), then stuck my sausage in the tube and proceeded to slowly pump up. Wow! What a sensation!! I would not want to do this without the gauge. I did 5 minutes at 3.5” hg pressure, then released the pressure, removed the cylinder and did another 100 reps of jelq. Coming out of the tube, I definitely noted the extra girth/thickness. Jelqing seemed to get rid of the splotches/discoloration and seemed to be synergistic and therapeutic with the pumping. I then pumped for another 5 minutes or so at 3.5” to 4.5” hg, got out of the tube, jelqued some more, cleaned off the lube, put on a rubber cock ring around dick and balls and went to bed.

By the end of my session, I realized that I needed more padding around the rim of the cylinder than a few pieces of electrical tape. I swear I could feel the sharp, hard plastic edges of the cylinder through the tape! Today, I prowled the plumbing sections of Lowe’s and Home Depot looking for a better solution for padding the end of the cylinder. I wanted something that was quick, easy and did not require glue. I found a possible solution at Home Depot; however, I will refrain from posting about it until I test it out this weekend.

Thanks, Tigerbass and ChuckR for showing us how we could make a quality pump at a budget price!

J Meister "Building a phallus worthy of worship."

Hey J Meister! It’s just too freakin’ easy to put a pump and cylinder together isn’t it? If I figured it right you cost was only $33.00 before tax! You what the funny part is?, someone else will read this thread then turn around and ask who has the best pumps for the money!!! I’m sorry, but I just have to laugh, but I suppose if you have the money to burn or are mechanically incompetent, then thats what you pay the big bucks for, but even still, when a pump and cylinder come in the mail you still have to put it together. It just doesn’t make any sense to me to pay out that kind of cash.

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