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make your own pump for about $20.00


make your own pump for about $20.00

It’s simple tomake your own pump with readily available parts and adrill press. Here’s what you need from the pet store.A 2”x 10” aquarium gravel cleaner complete with tube, a good ridged one for around 7 0r 8 bucks. A single aquarium air line valve and some air pump tubing(abou t3or4bucks).

At the party or dollar store you can find a plunger style balloon pump for around $3.00.Also look for rubberized foam garden kneeling pad for around $2.00 for the seal.

Next, it’s off to the hardware store for some electrical tape and a
PLASTIC tube of cheap caulking and some 5 minute epoxy.

After you have acquired these materials please come back to review the following post for detailed instructions to build an effective pump for pennies on the manufacturers dollar.

how to make your own pump for around $20.00 (INSTRUCTIONS)

Here they are. Your detailed instructions for making your own pump.First, find the right size drill bit to match the air tubing and drill a hole in the end cap with the nipple of the gravel cleaner.Next cut the air tubing your desired length,mix a little 5 minute epoxy and secure it inthe hole.Apply epoxy to both sides (inside and out)of the hole.Make sure you have good coverage all the way around the tube and not inside thetube. You don’t want to block the tube as this is the vacuum release tube. After the epoxy has cured, attach the airline valve and its done.You now havepressure adjustment as well as a safety pressure release. Next’ take the tube of caulking,cut the end off and squeeze out all the caulking. The only thing we need here is the end withthe nozzle. After squeezing it out cut the tube abbout an inch back from the nozzle.We want the tube and the nozzle together to make the other tube nipple for the pump. After cleaning the nozzle attach it tothe suction end of the ballon pump by wrapping the two parts together with electrical tape. Ensure that you have a good seal.Now you can cut the tubing that came with the gravel cleaner anattach it to your vacuum tube and caulking nozzle(nipple) and your pump is complete except for the seal which is optional. To make my seal both comfortable and effective I used a rubberized garden kneelingpad, 1.75”and2” sanding drums and my drill press. Here’s how you make it. Cut a large enough square of foam so that it will cover the pubic bone at the base of your penis enough to provide sufficiant comfort. Next take the smaller sanding drum, extend the sanding sleeve down far enough to penetrate all the way through the foam and chuck it up in the drill press. Now, secure the foam to the drill press table using some masking tape ensuring the drum sanding sleeve is centered on the foam and bore your hole all the way through the foam. After this do not remove the foam from the drill press table.Instead, you now change the drum sander to the 2”size,extend the sleeve as in the previous step and bore into the foam only about 1/8”-3/16”to make a collar for the base of the vacuum tube to fit into. Well, there it is fellow pumpers. A pump that is effective,cheap,and easy to make. The nice advantages to making a pump this way is the only replacement part you really need to worry about is the dirt cheap electrical tape to refresh the seal between the caulking nozzle and pump.As far as the foam seals wearing out,who cares? For the price of th kneeling pad you can get ten seals out of one pad.Same thing with the pump. They’re made out of plastic and if you happen to break the olunger it will only about $3.00 to reolace. Imo,given the cost efeectiveness of this home made pump,I could make around adozen or so compared to buying one off the net. Please don’t take me the wrong way as I am sure that there are certain advantages to manufactured pumps and in no way intend to trash the manufacturers. I am only telling you an efficient way to make your own pump if you have the means to accomplish it or you’re on a really tight budget. Also when using this pump it is a good idea to apply lube to the collar of the foam seal to ensure a seal between the foam and vacuum tube.

hey thats a lot of pissin around when all you have to do is suck on the end of the tube to get the same or even more vacumn

It may seem like alot of work when you look at the length of the post, but in reality, after I had all the materials I had the pump made and was pumping in about an hour give or take a few minutes. I tried just sucking on the tube but had problems maintaining a constant seal for the length of time required to get a decent pump with my thumb over the end of the tube. I enjoy designing and making things for myself which is another reason why I opted to make my own pump. I posted this info for those who like to be creative and if they come up with a design of their own based on what I’ve posted then I hope they post their design as well.

>I tried just sucking on the tube but had problems maintaining a constant seal for the length of time required to get a decent pump with my thumb over the end of the tube.

A stiff spring clamp works fine. Suck to the desired vacuum, then bend the hose over and clamp it. My tubing is the thick, black, automotive vacuum hose, but a stout little spring clamp seals it off completely. It doesn’t leak at all.

The aquarium siphon things are great for making tubes. I glued a slice of 2” schedule 40 PVC around the base of mine to add more surface area, then rounded the edges using a file and sandpaper.

I doubt many will understand this description without a picture or drawing, but here’s an attempt:

I cut the tubing that came with the siphon off about 1/2” above the cap’s nipple. I found a dome-shaped rubber faucet washer that is the right diameter to fit snuggly in the remaining stub of tubing and against the rim of the cap’s nipple. I stuck a 3/16” plastic T fitting in the hole of the washer, and attached two vacuum lines to it. I have one line to suck (and clamp off), and a long separate line running to my vacuum gauge. Works great.

>I enjoy designing and making things for myself which is another reason why I opted to make my own pump.

Hell yeah! Me too. It’s satisfying when your creation actually does what you wanted it to. Keep inventing.

Last edited by hobby : 01-08-2003 at .

Thanks for the reply hobby, excellent input on the subject. I was just wondering what you might think of putting a second tube in place of the guage so that you could double pump your balls and dick without the possibilityof massive water retention like what pumpers get from usingthemonster tube.You couldstill pump in the same amountof time as opposed to a longer session of pumping them seperately.

Well, you could splice in all kinds of lines and pump your dick, balls, nipples, earlobes, little finger…whatever, all at once. But keep the gauge in there too though if you have a gauge. It’s quite handy.

I’ve only tried ball pumping twice. I used an empty plastic parmesan cheese container. I drilled a hole in the bottom and epoxied in a short piece of vacuum hose, which accepts my T fitting. The diameter of the bottle (2.5”) was a little too big for me. Used for balls only, it started sucking in the base of my dick, and it didn’t want to hold vacuum even with plenty of lube. It sealed better when I pumped balls and dick together, but the bottle was too short to accomodate my expanded dick.

I need to find a slightly smaller container, and make a broader sealing area at the rim. Tryn4more has used plasti-dip (the stuff used to coat tool handles and such) on his homemade tubes. I haven’t tried it yet, but with enough coatings, it may work to take the bite out of factory jar rims and form a wider surface to seal.

Oh, a while back I found a glass jar that seemed to be exactly the right size for my balls. I figured it wouldn’t work, but I tried drilling a hole in the bottom using a stangely spiraled tapered bit that was probably intended for use on a milling machine. The jar broke. Forget drilling glass unless you use a diamond bit (which I don’t have) and lots of care, and perhaps also a water bath. It can be done, but it ain’t easy.

You can make holes in glass ,not by drilling but grinding .A small grinding tip can be obtained from hardware or tool shops[depends which country your in]it will have a short spindle on it which is put into a electric drill,fill the glass container with water and put the glass container in a bucket of water so the spot you want to put a hole in is 1/4 ” under the water and go for it .Its a long and slow job.Try doing it for 10 minuets give it a rest and try again later or your drill will over heat

I didn’t mention it, but I first tried a cheap grinding tip in a hand drill. I ran it at fairly low RPM and didn’t use water, but it wore down to a nub before it made more than a slight indentation in the glass. Maybe a better quality grinding tip works better.

BTW, from what I’ve read the diamond bits drill through glass better and last longer when used in a drill press.

No matter what, making a hole in glass is a real bitch!

There are drill bitsthat are made specifically for drilling holes through glass for about $5 or$6.00. You can usually find them at a hardware store (not some place like home depot as they tend to only sell high demand products). You may also want to try your local custom glass and mirror shop, chances are they will have an industrial quality bit and could provide you with more specific details for drilling glass such as type of coolant, drill speed etc.

make your own pump for about $20.00

Lowe’s sells the bits for drilling glass, they’re made by Porter Cable…haven’t heard any complaints about them.


Hi pumpers!

Hello! Im new to pumping and Im doing it mainly for my bend. I saw my sisters gravel cleaner in the aquarium and bought one for only 9 bucks. I tried just sucking on the hose to it and it gave very good pressure. I just wonder how much I could use since I have not tried it before.

"What goes up, stays there!"

Welcome to the to the world of pumping Tbone. My overall experience with pumping has taught me this far that you want to feel expansion in the tissue and a moderate tugging sensation on the ligaments, but no pain, stay within your comfort zone, don’t overdo it or you may hurt yourself. I like to combine a manual routine with pumping. The best beginners advice and guidelines are laid out in Advocet’s pumping 101 thread and will provide you with the meat and potatoes to get started on a good routine. Also, search and read this forum, then search and read it again and again. Every time I do I pick up on something else that may fit my situation as every pe routine has its personal nuance that makes it work for that individual. You may want to take a look at my thread and replies for making a pump for around $20.00.Hope this helps and happy pumping!

OOPS!!!! I can be a bit of a dumb ass sometimes! This is the thread for making your own pump. Sorry.

Originally posted by b1nzen48
Welcome to the to the world of pumping Tbone. My overall experience with pumping has taught me this far that you want to feel expansion in the tissue and a moderate tugging sensation on the ligaments, but no pain, stay within your comfort zone, don't overdo it or you may hurt yourself. I like to combine a manual routine with pumping. The best beginners advice and guidelines are laid out in Advocet's pumping 101 thread and will provide you with the meat and potatoes to get started on a good routine. Also, search and read this forum, then search and read it again and again. Every time I do I pick up on something else that may fit my situation as every pe routine has its personal nuance that makes it work for that individual. You may want to take a look at my thread and replies for making a pump for around $20.00.Hope this helps and happy pumping!

Thanx man

I have been stretching allot before using ADS and have just recently started jelqing. I think Im gonna start pumping with jelqs in between sets like I have seen others do. Maybe pump one day and jelq the other. The thing with pumping is that it is so much fun. I dont know why but I guess it is the direct effect of seeing your unit getting bigger.

"What goes up, stays there!"

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