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Mushroom head possible without dedicated cylinder?

Mushroom head possible without dedicated cylinder?

Is it possible to pump for bigger glans to match my gain in girth without investing in a dedicated mushroom head cylinder?

Using the search button, at the top of every page, I found more than 60 posts with the phrase “mushroom head.” In the first dozen were six or seven threads that talk about exercises that some feel might help. Try using the search feature and reading old posts. Then if you have specific questions, come back here and ask them.

Last edited by westla90069 : 10-30-2003 at .

Wrap right below the head using Theraband, Ace bandage, a strip of bicycle inner tube, strip cut off a rubber glove, or whatever is similar and handy. Get erect and wrap snug, but not too tight. I’ve found it’s not wise to pump longer than 20 minutes per set wrapped like this, with 15 minutes an even better limit. Even though the head retains color, blood flow is restricted. I went 30 minutes once and my head turned almost white after unwrapping. Not good. No such problems when I stick to 15 minute sets.

This makes my head bigger, at least temporarily, than any other PE exercise I’ve tried. After each set unwrap and do some Ulis.

I did a search for the hell of it and didn’t see anything about a dedicated mushroom head cylinder, is there such a thing?

Mushroom Head Cylinder

EDIT: Link fixed for current page at LA Pump.

Last edited by westla90069 : 09-15-2006 at . Reason: Fixed link.

Hmmm.. Sorry for using such a old topic, but I wanted to know this too..

If I do what Hobby said, wrapping the are just below the head, will it be enough to isolate the head? And if I use this method would the gains be permanent??

Thanks in advance

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I'm pissed of with my gains and loses. I've been doing this for more than 4 years. I keep measuring wrong and the next time I update my signature you will see impressive results.

Man this thing is expensive!

Will try this method Hobby posted. But for my questions. Anyone know something?

Kaplan offers two sizes of head-cylinder. They cost less then half the price of the lapdist model but I have no idea how effective they are.

At any rate, regular (i.e. normal) pumping should give you some kind of gain without a special tube.

I read somewhere that the Kaplan head-cylinder offers up to a 10% size increase, although I’m not sure why gains should be capped.

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