Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Thoughts on the Bathmate After 2 Years.

I bought the Hydromax X40 which has more room for girth but makes directional stretches seem difficult. I’m also worried about pulling the top of the Bathmate because it’s difficult to hold the entire base down with one hand and I’ve had the gaiter come off a little while trying. Maybe I’ll just keep trying and see if I can make it work (or buy the older model of the Bathmate perhaps)!

Do you get those gaiter marks on your shaft? With the X40 they’re mostly on my fatpad so I’m not sure it’s the best size for me. But I thought if I’m starting at 5.5” girth I wanted to leave some room to grow.

Last edited by memento : 03-13-2015 at . Reason: Removed superfluous link

Hey guys I am new to PE and I just recently bought a bath mate. I’m trying to make gains in both length and girth. I was wondering what would be a good routine for beginners. And should I jelq with the bath mate?


The best advice, if you are new to PE is to put the bathmate in a box and forget about it for awhile (possibly forever). Then read this:

START HERE ——-> NEWBIE ROUTINE <——- Important Newbie Info

and start on the Newbie Routine.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I just got my hands on the x30… only took 2 days to be delivered!
Ok so it has been 4 years since anyone has posted anything here…. so 4 years worth of data!
Please tell me sone one has made permanent gains?

Ill keep posted on my results later on & the next few weeks!
3 weeks to shagg day;) so we will see if I can add so e till I see this honey little bitch! Lol

Thanks for the great reviews o this guy’s

using bathmate as a sextoy


I used for 2 years the hercule model: for sure I got girth and a bigger gland and flaccid dick (both lenght & girth). I got a slight gain in lenght of 5 mm while erect. I used in past 5 x a week about a 2 x 10 mn or 20 mn sessions.

Today I’m back to jelq and I use the hercule BM only for fun to get huge dick after pumping….

I moved from 17 to 17,5 mm while EL, 18 to 18,5 cm while pumping

Be cautious go step by step when using the BM.

I have huge and strong erections

nice tool


Also if someone can answer this..How to does one stay in the bathmate? Like do I do 1 15min set? Or do I do three 5min sets?
The reason i ask is It says in the instruction manual to do three 5min sets but people here are saying 20mins a set is ok.

Thanks again.

Heres my 50pence on the BM,

Chuss me is awesome!

Heres a success story and a fail in one!

Bought a knock off BM for 20bucks and used it for a few weeks must say am impressed. The BM gives greater confidence knowing you got a fatty hanging until the temporary gains subside and not a mini me in your pants! However I am pretty sure if you keep at the BM the gains will take up some permanency as your weener is not getting a chance to subside and has to adapt to the new fatter weener. Even tho the temp gains do seem to last until the next day.

Anyhoo, after a couple of weeks met a young (20) chick and proceeded to date it and bang it the same night. To be specific within about 30/45 seconds of getting her into my house! (I think she had not had anything in a while)

I had been using the BM for a couple of weeks prior to meeting her and everytime before she would come over I would make sure to use it. I can only say the results were fantastic and it gave me a good boost to be fucking with a slightly/ on somedays, more so, fatter cock! The chick was eating out the palm of my hand and loved it shit shame I didnt make a porno the gal would have done anything!

Now here comes the fail:
The dodgy 20 buck BM valve went rendering it useless, instead of buying another one I faffed about and delayed the next purchase. So being around this girl with less confidence due to not having a plump on 24hrs and fucking her with a slightly underpumped dick blew my chances out the water. Now she is gone and I need a new hoe!

Well, I’m not saying its totally due to not having a BM I lost the girl, propably a mixture of showing beta traits/ being needy/ showing romantic interests when all she wanted was a good pussy stretching and probably has a BF for all that smoochy crap, but who knows anyway on to the next.

Boi, trust me the next girl is gonna get the wrath of the BM, because I have gone and bought a new one! Cha-ching!

I say buy one, is much better than 2 airpumps I have used and thumbs up for Bathmate and no I don’t work for them but I should!

Great thread and would be interesting to hear what the people who started this thread VVC et al. Have to say on the BM four years on.



21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

Is always going to be hard to measure girth growth but tbh as soon as you come out of the bathmate (20min sesh) you can straight away see that the cock hangs much fuller and fatter.

What I want to know is it 20min session per day what most normal people do? Is there anyone out there who does 3x20min sets per day.. That could be a great way to quick gains!

Whoever said it works better sitting down in the bath I completely agree.

21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

Part 2 of the fail/success story.. I should probably get checked into a clinic I barebacked this gal quite a few times.. Probably not the greatest idea. She did say she had been checked out due to an abortion but fuck man at least I havent got seaside visitors in.. Could have much worse! Fingers crossed is ok!

21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

Was that Van Vincent cock a mould? What routine did he use? One 20 min set a day?

Is it better warm or cold watter?

Why nobody can say how much he gained exactly? You don’t even know it approximately siberi45?

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Almost Ready

Wow guys! Thank you for all the good information. I read the entire thread and wanted to get a good grasp on the BM. The Hercules is what I bought because my penis is just over 6 inches erect and 5” girth (actual measurements soon). I wish more people would state their gains and time frames of BM (or water pump in general). I know many of you started using it and I’d love to get a solid routine for my 20-30 minute bath session after the gym. My routine is geared towards the bath time because I will sweat out the fat, do my PE exercises, read/watch shows, and get clean all at once.

The Takeaways In this Thread:

1) BM gains are 90-95% girth, 5-10% length
2) BM routines are best with ramping up over time (first flaccid, then eventually hard with more pressure added)
3) Estimated time frame for reaching permanent girth gains range from 6 months to a year+ (depends on goal)
4) BM frequency ranges from once a day to multiple times daily
5) Sessions range from 5 - 35 minutes

The best data and information would be from the people who have used a water pump for at least 6 months. I think everyone would love for those people who have used the BM or other water pumps consistently to simply post their sizes, routine, and after thoughts. This would best guide the less understanding such as myself.

Originally Posted by AllKnighter
Wow guys! Thank you for all the good information. I read the entire thread and wanted to get a good grasp on the BM. The Hercules is what I bought because my penis is just over 6 inches erect and 5” girth (actual measurements soon). I wish more people would state their gains and time frames of BM (or water pump in general). I know many of you started using it and I’d love to get a solid routine for my 20-30 minute bath session after the gym. My routine is geared towards the bath time because I will sweat out the fat, do my PE exercises, read/watch shows, and get clean all at once.

The Takeaways In this Thread:

1) BM gains are 90-95% girth, 5-10% length
2) BM routines are best with ramping up over time (first flaccid, then eventually hard with more pressure added)
3) Estimated time frame for reaching permanent girth gains range from 6 months to a year+ (depends on goal)
4) BM frequency ranges from once a day to multiple times daily
5) Sessions range from 5 - 35 minutes

The best data and information would be from the people who have used a water pump for at least 6 months. I think everyone would love for those people who have used the BM or other water pumps consistently to simply post their sizes, routine, and after thoughts. This would best guide the less understanding such as myself.

Nicely summed up

21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

It’s really too bad VVC didn’t stick around. I hope as some one who is using the bathmate that his story was true. Although I do agree with others about the bathmate its seems to be an expensive warm up tool.

Originally Posted by AllKnighter
Wow guys! Thank you for all the good information. I read the entire thread and wanted to get a good grasp on the BM. The Hercules is what I bought because my penis is just over 6 inches erect and 5” girth (actual measurements soon). I wish more people would state their gains and time frames of BM (or water pump in general). I know many of you started using it and I’d love to get a solid routine for my 20-30 minute bath session after the gym. My routine is geared towards the bath time because I will sweat out the fat, do my PE exercises, read/watch shows, and get clean all at once.

The Takeaways In this Thread:

1) BM gains are 90-95% girth, 5-10% length
2) BM routines are best with ramping up over time (first flaccid, then eventually hard with more pressure added)
3) Estimated time frame for reaching permanent girth gains range from 6 months to a year+ (depends on goal)
4) BM frequency ranges from once a day to multiple times daily
5) Sessions range from 5 - 35 minutes

The best data and information would be from the people who have used a water pump for at least 6 months. I think everyone would love for those people who have used the BM or other water pumps consistently to simply post their sizes, routine, and after thoughts. This would best guide the less understanding such as myself.

Thanks for the quick summary. I’m new to this community and look forward to growing my girth. BM is ordered and I’m dying to give it a try!

Originally Posted by chibears23
Thanks for the quick summary. I’m new to this community and look forward to growing my girth. BM is ordered and I’m dying to give it a try!

If you can, return it. That is unless your looking for temp gain and an expensive warm up too. That’s my two cents I’ve be using my consistently for five months and the gains are gone by morning.


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