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My Thoughts on the Bathmate After 2 Years.

My Thoughts on the Bathmate After 2 Years.

It is great for girth and terrible for length.

That is pretty much it.

I MAY have gained a little bit of length, but I gained a LOT of girth. For sure.

Warning. If you like blowjobs or anal, then stay away from the Bathmate. At least that is my experience.

Now, every time I do a BM session I completely fill the tube girthwise, and the results are magnificent in the bedroom. Wifey now complains if I do not use KY or Astroglide. She says it feels like I am pulling out skin when I pull my dick out. It is so tight it feels like I have it in her arse! However, I can not last very long because it just feels too good. That is the down side of having a fat dick, I guess.

The gains seem to be permanent. I can quit working out for weeks and still have a fat chubby.

So, these are my personal findings after 2 years of using this thing off and on. Mostly on.

Wrong section? :D

That’s the italian one. :p

Le donne non hanno peli sulla lingua... e se ne hanno non sono i loro!

Seem like that’s the way pumps work, better for girth than length.

Would love to hear your routine. I have a bathmate but don’t use it much. Tend to stick with the regular air pump.

But between yours and raybaby’s results,sound like I should put the bathmate to work. Wanting about another 1/2+ of midshaft girth.

Well I use my BM along with manual stretches as more of a warm up to jelqing, but I have noticed some significant girth gain even while not using it daily

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Seem like that’s the way pumps work, better for girth than length.

Would love to hear your routine. I have a bathmate but don’t use it much. Tend to stick with the regular air pump.

But between yours and raybaby’s results,sound like I should put the bathmate to work. Wanting about another 1/2+ of midshaft girth.

Well, from what I have experienced, the BM should do it for you.

I use it every other day for 15-20 min while doing my shower stuff.
I also use it in the bathtub.
For some reason, I get a better working in the tub.
I think it is because it is under the water and no chance of it loosening up at all due to leaking air.

Thanks! That’s not a ton of time at all.

Yeah I think their directions are to use it seated in the tube rather than standing up. Will definitely give it a go.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Thanks! That’s not a ton of time at all.

Yeah I think their directions are to use it seated in the tube rather than standing up. Will definitely give it a go.

It sure seems to work better for me that way. But I do use it both ways.

Interesting thread, I’m thinking of buying a Bath mate. How much girth did you gain? And what was your routine?

Thanks in advance.

Originally Posted by DuBois
Interesting thread, I’m thinking of buying a Bath mate. How much girth did you gain? And what was your routine?
Thanks in advance.

No real “routine” per say.

I use it every other day in the shower and then add on times when I take a bath at night.

Sometimes I do some dry jelqing afterwards, but not usually.

Hello vincent,

Nice gain. I wanted to know if you are using it at the max pression and how much exactly have you gained?


I don’t know exactly how much I have gained. I do not measure because as soon as I get a measuring tape near my dick, it starts deflating. End of story.

I do use the Bathmate to maximum pressure/suction. I also do 100 kegels while in the unit. About 25 to 50 at a time. I put on the unit right after I wash up down there. I then take it off and fill with water and reapply when I get out of the shower. This makes a much bigger dick in the unit for some reason. Much more intense feeling as well. I do 20 minutes most every day.

I am now filling the Bathmate 100% girth wise. I measured the outside of the unit and it is just over 8 1/4”. So I am sure I am pumping up very close to 8” every day. This is mid shaft. I do not think it is just fluid because my dick does not have that pudgy, fluid look after the workouts anymore like it used to.

Have not done the dirty deed in the past few weeks with wifey. I got some Cialis and I am hoping to take some of that tonight and try it out. Hopefully, I will get a few howls out of her and some comments.

Wish me luck,

MAN,, I have to get one !!!! , you make it sound perfect.

I’m ok with my length,, I know more girth will get noticed by my gf.

Question is, do the gains stay?? I have always been skeptical about pumping

Start: 17 Feb 2012, 8.25bpel x 4.92mseg; bpfsl=??; fl=6.5x4.5

Current: 29 April 2013, 8.875bpel x 5.8mseg; bpfsl=9.25; fl=7x5

Goal: 9NBP x 6.25mseg and the best EQ ever!

They seem to stay for me. I have used this thing for just over 2 years now and there have been times when I did not use it for maybe 2 months at a time. My flaccid did change but not my erection size.

Why does the water have to be in the tube ?

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