New cylinder
I got my new 2 x 9 cylinder in the mail today. Was pretty excited to get it and it was great to use. I was getting sick of using the 1.75 x 9 that I had. I hadn’t exactly packed the tube as far as length is concerned, although I’m not too far off. But the girth work I felt was getting limited. And that’s what I’m after.
Currently my routine consists of mostly clamping followed by 1 set of Pumping. It is as follows.
6 sets of clamping for 10 minute intervals
1 set of pumping for 10 minutes at between 4-8 Hg
For about a month now I’ve had trouble getting my unit into the the old cylinder (1.75 x 9) after all the clamping. Now that I got my new tube that’s not much of a problem. Hoping to make it a problem soon. :)
I would pump more, but I feel like what I”m doing already is taking up so much of my time. I like to use the pumping to supplement my clamping. I’m unsure of gains as I have not measured in months. I will at the end of December. One thing for sure though, is I plan on clamping and pumping for at least a solid year before I decide to cut back on PE. So far I”m off and running. I started on 8/6/12. This is about the longest I’ve ever lasted in PE, so far.
Anyway just wanted to post about my new toy.