New to pumping
Been pumping for a month or so, so about 15 sessions. I see most pumpers use 5 hg, but I don’t feel any different or look any different at 5 hg (hardly any expansion). Do you absolutely have to feel the difference or see it to get gains, or not?
When pumping, any time i set it to a certain pressure, it drops in pressure slowly yet my penis stays relatively the same size, so is it okay to pump it back up? For example, I go in the tube, pump to 5hg, and then pressure drops to 3hg, but my penis is almost the same size as 5hg. I then pump it ack to 5hg and it expands a bit more, and pressure drops again. Is it okay to do that?
Also, how can you tell the difference between fluid build up and a regular post pump, um, plumpness?
August 2008: NBPEL 4"