No pressure gauge=dangerous?
Guys, my pressure gauge is not working all right, so I have to pump without it. I have been pumping for a while, but not everyday due to working problems etc. My point is I know how it feels but I´m no expert.
Is it too risky to do that while I get a new gauge? I´m always moderate, can I trust my feelings while using the pump? (I know sometimes I have to wait for long seconds to really feel that there´s more pressure while I add pressure in the session, so sometimes you don´t realize instantly if the extra pressure is a little bit too much for you, that is why I add very little at a time, to have control and do it gradually)
Thanx and best regards, josip.
PS: I remember I posted in january that my skin was irritated…I never really rested for more than a week and the dick is NOT in a perfect shape…I think I´m gonna let it rest for a month to let the skin recover after years of jelquing, of course I will use oil and creams.
What do you think guys? That´s all.