Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

OK, pumpers. We can come out of the closet now


Originally posted by OR eon
Simply put, your comments, IMO, smack of chest thumping and saying “that my dick looks better and is more powerful” than other dicks.

Can we please be gentlemen and try not elevating ourselves at expense of others?

OR eon,

What you are missing in your post is the fact that most men who come here do not want fluid-bloated dicks (read the many posts with this theme) and that many who read this forum are deterred from taking up pumping, worried they might distort their own.

Any member who prefers bloat can certainly go for it by over-pumping.



Originally posted by avocet8
OR eon,

What you are missing in your post is the fact that most men who come here do not want fluid-bloated dicks (read the many posts with this theme) and that many who read this forum are deterred from taking up pumping, worried they might distort their own.

Any member who prefers bloat can certainly go for it by over-pumping.


That may well be…I’m just questioning the license you take to be so deragatory about another man’s/mens dick(s). Again, IMO it smacks of chest thumping!!

OR eon

Originally posted by ThunderSS
Did I do that??


Seems like Avocet8 attribituted bread making machine analogy to you in a prior post…,maybe not…that’s why I had a ? after Thunder.

OR eon

[Yes, T. The expression originally came from you. I thought it apt.]

PE is about choice, OR eon. You can do what you want to your dick; others can do what they choose to do to theirs.

When a man sets out to distort his with excessive bloat, the result is not at all appealing to me, nor to many others here in our forum. My opinion about that seems to fall in the majority view here.

The emphasis of the Pumper’s Forum at Thunders has always been on penile enlargement with the outcome of good or even better sexual function than before. I believe those are very fine goals. Other pumping forums are free to encourage their own agendas. Here, though, we work toward safety, function, and size gains. That is what this particular forum is about.



They just aren't pretty.....

You can tell them a mile off at the steam baths…..a bloated loaf of uncooked bread is about as attractive…..and I’m not into food-sex!!!!

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

Just my two cents:

As an avid reader of this forum, I must defend Avocet8 on this point.
Most of the men here that I have read seem to want the HEALTH benefits
from pumping. Myself included. Most of the threads I have read from new
guys want a healthier penis and want nothing that is going to make
it look deformed. I my opinion, the overpumping just seems to risky in
the long run. Of course, I have no fact to back that up, that is why I stated
it was my opinion.

I can only go on what has been my wife’s reaction since I started to safely pump
within limits. She thinks my cock is sexier. She plays with it more AND goes down on me more.
And she loves
the thicker, fuller erections. All this from safely pumping in short sets at low pressure.

It is also my opinion that if a guys wants to over pump and push his penis as much as possible,
go for it. But I would ask the “other” user of that cock what she(or he) thinks about it.


Keep working, keep learning


pumping side effect - DISCOLORATION

My cock looks like a rainbow, very bruised mid-shaft in the back (near the balls), with some bruised dots on the front part(what everyone see).

I’m trying a cream called ”Hirudoid” by Sankyo, was made for bruised things in general, I’ll keep you posted if this damn thing works fine or not.

Take care with your pumping (I do still doing it though!)

Any others idea for discoloration creams?

"The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary!


Looks like you may be overpumping. Take a break for several days, and then recommence pumping but only use a 3-day/week schedule. What kind of routine are you doing now?



When I read your above post…it jogged my memory of your post in the “Lube thread”…

“I don’t use any lub at all. Why do u guys use it? I have huge discoloration problems, are they anyway related?”

So I went back to check…that was my first thought….not using lube on your dick/in cylinder.

Generally heat causes tissues/blood vessels to expand whereas cold cause constriction….I would try heat to see if you can hasten dissemmanation of degraded red blood cells and other tissue components.

Another thought that I had on your Lube post was….can you “pack” without lube?

Wishing your dick a speedy recovery….

OR eon
65 yo

My pumping rountine is 2-3x week for 30-40minutes, the others day, i do jelqing, stretching, etc…

The problem is that I can’t say when the bruised began, maybe i was overpumping at the time.

I dont use lube because I’m afraid the lubes (like vaseline or petroleum stuff) might do some damage to the seal, I might try dome hair conditioning as a lube very soon (Use this stuff as Jelq Lube)

I kinda pack the cylinder mid-shaft, and I fell the shaft stretch as hell in the cylinder also.

Thanx for the advices

Anyway, Pumping is awsome!

"The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary!

just tryed pumping with lube few minutes ago. AWFUL

Actually, I couldn’t pump at all, my balls would go into the cylinder all the time.

Might keep with my ”dry pumping” routine

"The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary!

Originally posted by vinnie
just tryed pumping with lube few minutes ago. AWFUL

Actually, I couldn't pump at all, my balls would go into the cylinder all the time.

Might keep with my ''dry pumping'' routine


I have no trouble with my nuts going into my 1 3/4 x 8” cylinder…but when I go to 2 x 9” cylnder….I used to have problems which I overcame by sitting on edge of chair and pulling down on my nuts while I’m making upstokes of pump plunger….no problem.

I feel that my body, nuts and cylinder have developed synergy as it’s only very rarely that my nuts go up into 2 x 9” cylinder.

What lube did you try? Have you thought of trying shave cream?
Until I discovered shave cream I didn’t want any lube on my dick at all and I never packed!

Keep on trucking…

OR eon


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