Originally Posted by Adrian_1995
I was operated on for a varicocele last year, and the place of the incision was just above where the Bathmate area was. So I think that the use of this worsened my possible condition, or was what caused it.What kind of pump do you use? How long ago did you have surgery?
this is the pump I have (https://www.amazon.it/D%E1%BB%8Bl%E1%BA%A1t%E1%BA%A1t%C3%B3r%E1%BB%8B-Ingr%E1 %BA%A1n%C3%B3%E1%BB%8Bm%C3%A9nt%C3%B3-%E1%BA%A1ll%C3%BBng%E1%BA%A1m%C3%A9nt%C3%B3-Vac% C3%BB%C3%BBm-All%C3%A9n%E1%BA%A1m%C3%A9nt%C3%B3/dp/B0CCMKV89Q/ref=sr_1_15?crid=2VX38PZWF57JF&keywords=electricfo r+penis+qid =1692741471&sprefix=pump+for+the+penis+ele%2Caps%2 C282&sr=8-15)
it often happens to me that if I don’t hold the balls with my hand as the pressure increases he starts pulling them in together with the penis, I don’t know if it’s due to the lubricant or too big silicone ring or something else, I did the operation for more of 4 months