Originally Posted by Titleist
I find when my balls start to sag the heat is just right. If you use a heating pad, remove the nearing pad 3-4 minutes before you plan to exit the tube.
Titleist, you’ve basically covered all the questions I had within this thread and thanks for your wisdom.
For me I used to use the Bathmate Extreme 30 that netted me about .25” in girth and length after 6 months of using it on a regular basis. My previous measurements were 6.75” x 5.0” and now its a 6.85/7.15” x 5.25” without pumping.
I’ve recently purchased the contoured Boston Pump 1.75” and wish I would’ve went this route instead of the Bathmate. Its build and quality is comparable to LAs and the level of comfort is off the charts for me. No possible ball sucking and neither the tedious task of constantly having to take a bath in order to get it’s mediocre affect.
Right now my current routine, in which I’d appreciate your feedback on is as follows:
50 slow cold jelqs before getting in the shower.
5 minutes warm and stretches with the heated pad.
20 min @ 4hg with heated pad wrapping tube.
5 min. Jelqs
I do this 2x with a total time of 40 minutes and do some edging with a toy for a few minutes after my final jelqs.
Today I tried 4 sets of 15 minutes pumping to only 4 hg and 3.5 minutes of jelqing in between each sets. I haven’t decided which would be more beneficial but I surely felt worked out after completing this today. This is my first week with this pump and I don’t intend on moving past 5hg for some months. I’m just looking for the best workout possible as I have a fair amount of free time and privacy available, but I neither want to go overboard especially within the first three months.
So in summary:
Which workout do you think is best?
Is a heated lamp better than a pad?
Could I use a ADS like Phallosan Forte for more lengths gains throughout the day? I usually get together with my girlfriend on the weekends and planning on using this as my rest days.
Thank you!