Thunder's Place

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Permanent Girth Gains from Pumping?

Not sure if this question belongs here or not- new to the form - been pumping off and on for years - just decided to get serious about PE now that the kids are older and require less attention.

I ordered the bullmaster 357 - thought the full package thing sounded like fun. Here’s my thoughts.

A. Pumptoys is amazing and Dave is a saint. The quality is top shelf for sure - not cheap novelty stuff. (I came from a Boston pump which wasn’t bad either)

B. This things is huge and is way to much fun - no joke.

C. If this question is in the wrong spot feel free to move it - has anyone ever gotten permanent testicular gains? I love taking them out of the tube and going from almonds to duck eggs.

D. Any other full package pumpers - does your two buddies bounce back up and huge your tight after pumping, I get zero hang after. Is this normal at first then the start working there way back down over time. I was hoping for a lower hang.

Any thoughts? Lover to chat and learn for the old pros.

It takes time. I have full package pumped for close to two years now, and I have definitely increased my testicular size.

I am using a 2” cock tube for the time being to give my scrotum skin a rest. I am frequently derailed by injuries usually around areas not sucked up by the cock tubes. I hope to be back in my LongJohny soon, but may just work on packing the 2 inch tube while I pluck and wax away the areas under pressure in the LongJohnny and that are under cock rings.

Find the right cock ring for after and all day wear. It should constict enough to enhance an erection, but not so much it keeps you hard without stimulation.

The large Pumptoys ring is nice, but I am really liking my new Optimale ring which is a bit tighter and less stretchable. I am not sure it’s going to work after a good session in the LongJohnny, but we will see.

Follow my progress here:

Viking Guy's pumping adventure

Dang I was checking out your thread viking - your one of those vets I need to be listening to. Thank you for all your post - I’ll be studying more in depth later and hope to learn from your success and failures. Just started full package and loving it. Please feel free to provide any and all advice. Love to hear it.

Thanks, I am flattered, don’t really consider my self a veteran, but I do have some experience. I will keep an eye out for your posts!

Follow my progress here:

Viking Guy's pumping adventure

Gains from pumping

I’ve pumped on and off for 18 years, with the last 4 years consistently with the objective of girth gains. Until I started pumping intentionally I didn’t get much of a permanent girth gain from it, but once I did take it seriously I made real progress. I went from EG of 5 to EG 5.9

Originally Posted by Bodymod
I’ve pumped on and off for 18 years, with the last 4 years consistently with the objective of girth gains. Until I started pumping intentionally I didn’t get much of a permanent girth gain from it, but once I did take it seriously I made real progress. I went from EG of 5 to EG 5.9

What was the difference between not taking it seriously and taking it seriously?

Originally Posted by BiggerPenis73

What was the difference between not taking it seriously and taking it seriously?

If he’s like me, it was rededicating to consistency.

Started: BPEL 6.5", EG 4.5"

Current: BPEL 8.0", EG 5.3"

Goal: BPEL 8.5", EG 5.5"

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
Pumped 20 minutes at 5 hg, twice a day. Five or six days a week plus one 45 minute session a week at 4 hg.

After five years, I had gained over one inch in girth.

How much length did you gain from this?
Did you do any jelqing or anything else or just pump?

Just packed a 2.250 chamber after starting with a 1.75. it works if you spend the time…it takes years and I found it is not unpleasant trying. 7 inch girth in the chamber, when I had zero idea that one could change size not more than 7+ years ago. if I get to 9 x 8, whom am I kidding…I won’t stop…it’s too fun and I find it too interesting.

Start-2017 BPEL 5.5- EG 5.0

Present- BPEL 7.999 - EG 6.25 BPSL 8.5

How long did it take you to get that half inch?

Originally Posted by raybbaby
Years ago, I used a Bathmate to gain a half inch in girth that is permanent. Hasn’t changed in probably ten years. So, I say yes, pumping can definitely get you permanent girth gain.

Do you have your routine that you used for Pumping on this website? If so can you direct me or link me to it.I’d like to look into it.

Originally Posted by Titleist
For most it is.

I just passed 300 days of pumping. 1 or 2 days off a week. A one month completely off period.

My routine varied but I’m mainly on 15 minutes total: 5 minutes, then massage, 5 minutes, then massage, 5 minutes then massage. @5-6 HG.

I have gained an inch in length in the tube. I’m thicker which is nice but I don’t measure.

The main thing is that in my mid forties I have excellent erections.

The only thing I would change is that possibly a second evening session (so 2 a day) would be optimum. I’m considering a Bathmate for convenience and as I’m certainly conditioned not having a gauge doesn’t worry me so much.

Like everyone says it’s all about being consistent. I prefer to focus on doing it daily for health and just enjoy gains if they come (they do but I find it psychologically better to just view them as a bonus to a healthy unit).

Hope that helps.

I tried the pump several times but it was very stressful for my penis and not used above 5 o’clock.

Do you have any gut suggestions?

The translator was surprised and wanted to write 5 HG

Originally Posted by roccosiffredi95
The translator was surprised and wanted to write 5 HG

Water pumping is the only way for me.

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)


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