Pimple thing from pumping?
About a year ago, while pumping on a regular basis, I developed some kind of pimple thing on the skin of the underside of my shaft sorta near the base. It would be at it’s biggest after pumping, and maybe shrink a little if I gave it a few days off. It eventually felt like it had a somewhat hard internal feel if I squeezed it.
Eventually I took a sterile needle and lanced it and squeezed out the inner fluid. It also bled a little, but after a while it was mostly gone.
Back to pumping regularly again, I developed another one of these “pimples” very close to where last years was. (underside of the shaft near the base)
What are these called? And what can I do about this new one? Is lancing it a viable option?
And how can I prevent it from happening yet again in the future?