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Please review my pumping routine for gains

Please review my pumping routine for gains

So, I got my deluxe LA pump today and I’m ready to starting doing it tonight. After doing some research this is the routine I’ll use. If you think I should change something please let me know.
Currently I’m at 6.75nbp x 5.5 girth. My pump is 1 3/4 x 10 inches. I’d like to get a goal of about 8nbp and 6 girth. But, for now length is more important for me. I’ll do this routine 5 days a week Mon-Fri with weekend off.

10 minute hot wrap
5 minute stretching concentrating more on the upper angles to hit the tunica
5 minute jelq 3-4 seconds long about 50% erection (about 50 jelqs including some short stretches)
5 minute pump at 5hg
5 minute jelq
5 minute pump 5hg
5 minute jelq
5 minute stretching
10 minute hot wrap

What do you think? Should I another pumping session? How many weeks should I stay with this routine until I change?

I don’t think you need ten minutes of hot wrap. Make it 5 each time and save yourself 10 minutes of work time each session.

15 minutes of jelking is a whole lot of strokes in one session. Work up to these easily and slowly, adding some amount each time. Might be helpful to count stokes in the beginning. Later you can do it by timing or just by feel. The object is to condition yourself to stresses slowly. Even if you have normally done a lot of jelking, the pump action will add its own dimension of stress so account for that.

See Pumping 101 for a sensible in-cylinder routine time that works up slowly. After that you’ll be able to tell by the feel of it how much your dick can take. I believe that starting out slowly makes gains come faster later. Overdoing it early on just slows the whole process down.

Even though the penis technically is not (although it does contain “smooth muscle” tissue), pretend your dick is a muscle. Would you work your abs for 15 minutes your first week in a gym? Not without a whole lot of discomfort.

Keep us posted. Above all, have fun at it as you learn.



Thanks avocet8. I’ll break down 3 sets of jelqing to 2, which will be 10 minutes. You mentioned in Vacuum Pumping 101: “Week 1: One 10 minute session per day”

Do you mean 10 minute straight or did you break that into two 5 minute sets with jelqing in between?

Avocet8, Do you still recommend the pumping 101 routine where as it goes from 10min/15min/20min. Or do you think newbie pumpers should just do short time like you do now?

It’s probably 6 of one and a half dozen of the other. I feel that if you want to really condition your dick to pumping, the 10, 15, 20 minute system works well. After that you can tinker with multiple shorter sessions without fear of injury so long as you don’t exceed your own, personal vacuum limits.

mike 2002:
I meant 10 minutes in the cylinder if you are completely new to this. Shorter sets won’t hurt you. The object in the beginning is to condition your unit to these new sensations and vascular pressures. That takes longer than you might think, so look at it as a week-by-week progression.

Vacuum erections are not normal. If they were, God would have given us all pumps. Your object should be to slowly make vacuum erections a normal event for your own tissues and venous/arterial system without damaging them in any way.



I was going to do pumping 5 days a week, but I changed that. As a newbie, I think pumping every other day would give my penis more than enough time to rest. I’ve been to other discussion boards on the net and many have said every other day gives your penis time to recover. I’ll do this for the first month and see how the results are.

Really? My routine is :

10 min Jelq
10 min pump (4-5hg)
10 min Jelq
20 min pump (4-5hg)
10 min Jelq

No rest in between. I definetly feel worked but not overworked. The day after, my penis feels like I just had a good workout in a gym. Not sore, but it feels worked, which I think is a good feeling. Maybe this may be my breakthrough. Also, I incorporate a “shock session” once or twice a month since I’ve heard that it could help you get over some “plateaus” that you may reach during out PE endeavors…

wanna 7.5;

I could live with that routine. And some similar ones with variations. (He’s doing an hour/day. He might get off with less with refinements. Good program. This is not supposed to consume us, although it tends to(!)

You should feel “worked” at the end. But still stimulated for sex if that happens along, or masturbation. Or ignore the ability and just move along with other aspects of life.



After PEing….sometimes I just can’t help myself….its like an hour long cock tease!!! I usually masturbate afterwards and my penis does have any pain, it actually feels better and warmer too! :) Also, should some stretching be incorporated into this? I was thinking of only doing it randomly throughtout the week, like 3-4 times a week since I have a low LOT and dont think that I have very much more “inner penis” by hanging. I also dont like those tunica stretches, my tunica feels worked after pumping anyways…

I don’t think my penis was getting a good workout at 5 hg for 5 minutes. Now I’m pumping anywhere from 10hg to 15hg for 10 minutes then I jelq for about 10 minutes (5days a week). I hope this will give me gains soon.

Sup ppl

I’m new to this whole PE thing and want to give it a try.. I wanna try to pump and see if I make any gains this way.but I wanted to know if you can buy a descent pump discretely.

Pumping at 10-15” Hg is really bad for you. That is screaming “DANGER.” I suggest doing around 7”Hg if 5” is not enough.

My routine is this (not a good routine for newbies):
I pump 5 times a week, Mon-Fri. Each session I do a light massage/jelq/stretch warm up for about 10+ min while my cylinder heats up. Once my cylinder is heated up, I pump for 15 minutes on 5-7”Hg. I then rest for 5 minutes doing light massage/jelq while I wrap my cylinder with my heating pad and I let it warm up again. I do that for 6 times. After my “5 day x 6 x 15min x 5-7”Hg x 5min rest in between” session is complete, my penis stays plump and fat for 6+ hours and I get strong erections afterwards.

Wow man, 15Hg?

I get a good pump at only around 3” to max 4” Hg with only 1 to 2 sets of five minutes.

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