Originally Posted by raoul2307
I am seriously thinking of buying a penis pump. I’ve started the Newbie routine 3 months ago, and i can barely see any results. I’ve heared that pumping is the most efficient and fastest way to gain some more. I wanted to ask if pumping is also good for lenght ? ( i’ll combine it with jelqing ) I’m focused in adding 1more inch in LENGHT in the next 3 months.Is pumping good for lenght? Can you please give me an advice?
If you’re three months in, you may be ready to introduce pumping into your routine.
I can’t say that pumping is the most efficient and fastest way to gain for everyone. It is a definite help to some.
Whether pumping helps more with length or girth is probably similar to any other exercise. There’s a long track record of men here who wanted to gain length and gained girth instead; men who wanted to gain girth and gained length instead; and men who only wanted to gain one or the other, and gained both.
One inch in length in three months is ambitious, but this graph suggests that it is not impossible.
I’d suggest that you read extensively from the Pumper’s Forum thread, including Vacuum Pumping 101. Before you buy pumping equipment, make sure to read Gprent’s excellent thread Selecting Your Cylinder Size.
Jelqing (and stretching) in conjunction with pumping is a good idea.
And whatever you do… do not overdo. Don’t let the prospect of gains lead you to do too much too soon.
PE is a marathon, not a sprint.