Pumping gave me varicocele
In May 2011 i started pumping in hopes of correcting a curvation (at the base - NOT the shaft) i got when using a ADS earlier on. I did create a thread in here mentioning some discomfort in my scrotum early on - even when i was using barely any vacuum. The discomfort disappeared and i kept going (following the 101 pump thread to the point). Then, 4 months later the discomfort suddenly appears from no where and it’s serious this time. I get my ass to the physician and BAM, a doppler scan reveals a cluster of thick veins running down my left side to the testicle. I’ve never ever had anything like this. I was recommended to undergo surgery if the discomfort did not go away. Now, months later, and not even thinking of PE, it’s better, but it’s still there. Getting sterile is a concern (im still young).
Whatever this lead to, im asking myself; is this the end of my short and problem-ridden PE-career? Stretching gave me permanent deformations (twisting at the base), pumping which was to improve this have now created another problem. One guy told me that it may be a congenital disorder. The thought of knowing that i may not be able to do anything to enlarge my dick is quite depressing. Maybe Tissue engineering is the only solution for guys like me? And who knows when it will be available. Im worried more stretching
(if i try one more time) may worsen my penis base curvation even more, and if so, then it too may need surgery. It’s not even sure i will gain anything at all, except problems. Any input on the matter?