I have been using Avocet8’s routine for about 4 weeks. I have had some success. I have diabetes and have been on Viagra for over ten years - currently 100 mgs. On at least two recent occasions I have achieved good erections (90 - 95%) with only 50 mgs and once without Viagra but with a mail-order supplement. On other occasions I have not been able to achieve erections over 50%. I also water pump before sex with good results.
I also noticed that I now get morning wood 2 or 3 times a week. The quality is good, not great, but I previously only had morning wood once a month at best.
As a diabetic, however, sugar levels play a significant role in EQ. I will continue to follow the routine - three 10 min sets before bed and and three sets in the am. I will also monitor EQ along with glucose readings so I can disregard days with high glucose levels from my analysis.
I will report results back here or in Avocet8’s thread.