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Pumping with DMSO. Questions before I start my journey.


Pumping with DMSO. Questions before I start my journey.


I want to start using DMSO with my occasional pumping.

I have some indentation on the left chamber, which I would like to try this on, but also as a general lube.

I have both 70% dmso/30% aloe vera, and I also have 90% dmso/10% distilled water.

They have been sitting for like 3 years, so I’m hoping they havent leached into the little white plastic containers, or have gone bad in some way..

I plan to pop a couple of vitamin e, to get a lube going in the tube, especially around the tip/glans where I don’t really want the dmso, but I do need a lube to reduce friction.

For the chambers, and sides, I will use this vitamin e in combination with the dmso.

I’m hoping it does some magic, as I’ve only used it once before, years back and don’t remember what it did except perhaps a strange tingling but really can’t remember.

Any tips, suggestions, or experiences are welcome.


Interested in your routine. Keep us updated :)

Do you use heat while pumping ? Water pumping ?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Tried dmso 90%/10%. I applied vitamin E first as a lube all over my cock and freshly cleaned tube.

I Than applied a tiny bit of dmso after the vitamin E was all over. After about a minute it penetrated my skin, and I got a very warm feeling. This startled me actually and I began to wipe it all off. It seemed to effect the areas where I have shaven more, as thought it entered through the root of the hairs..

I don’t know if I will try it again. I was able to pump at a higher pressure, but this could all be my imagination also.

If you guy have any tips on the dmso let me know. I would like to try it again, but got a little scare.

Be aware tha DMSO is a powerful anesthetic… You’re ability to tolerate higher pressures than normal would be due to this effect.. Be CAREFUL!

Was - NBPEL 6.5" BPEL 7.5" MSEG 5.5" Now - NPBEL 8.1" BPEL 8.7" MSEG 6.3"

I don’t think it’s a bad idea. I’ve thought about it myself - I think it’s unlikely to be dangerous so long as you don’t go much farther with the pressure than you know you can take without the DMSO. One tip though, as soon as applying the DMSO I’d wack my cock straight into the tube. DMSO is absorbed into the skin and the blood stream very quickly so you want to be pumping while that’s happening in the local area for your pants. Population: your penis.

Any updates on this? I will be ordering two 4oz tubs of dmso (70%dmso/30%aloe vera) for a topical while pumping. Any other helpful tips?

I did consider trying this myself a while ago.
My only thought is the dmso will in theory soften up everything but since it’s being applied topically I’d guess the skin will be affected most, the skin will be the most elastic tissue anyway .
With that in mind I would definitely avoid any fluid build up as that can overstretch the skin anyway, in combination with the dmso I think there may be a risk of getting a baggy looking cock !

This is only a suspicion but it was enough to put me off the idea.

Be good to hear from the original poster how he got on .

Curious on the purpose of DMSO and aloe in this case? I know you can use it on skin ailments but what use is it for PE?

Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

Dmso supposedly has a great ability to break down scar tissue and soften connective tissue and has been used surgically to allow skin to be stretched further than otherwise possible.

In theory apply it then clamp or pump and you should get better than normal expansion. I’ve only used it to break up scar tissue and it works !

It’s not without its problems though, read up and be safe if you try it.

There is a thread discussing DMSO and Detoxified iodine. I use it daily to prevent/heal possible scaring from my Trimix injections. I have only been injecting for six months, but there is no evidence of scaring and no negative side effects. In fact, it seems to have reversed some of the discoloration on my glans from pumping and extending.

I usually wait before applying vitamin D oil, but based on the above, I guess I should apply it first and than apply the DMSO solution. I will start doing it and see what happens.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
Dmso supposedly has a great ability to break down scar tissue and soften connective tissue and has been used surgically to allow skin to be stretched further than otherwise possible.

In theory apply it then clamp or pump and you should get better than normal expansion. I’ve only used it to break up scar tissue and it works !

It’s not without it’s problems though, read up and be safe if you try it.

What kind of scar tissue you are talking about?

I have some peyronies(kind of scar tissue) inside my dick. You or someone else thinks it could penetrate up to my dick?

Any danger to dmso?

I had some scar tissue on one side of the shaft from an old injury, I think dmso is used in some peyronies treatments.

There’s a good thread on dmso and iodine treatment in the injurys forum which is full of good information and covers any potential problems with its use.

Several guys reported success with treating scar tissue, worth a read.

Originally Posted by LordVayne

Curious on the purpose of DMSO and aloe in this case? I know you can use it on skin ailments but what use is it for PE?

From what I’ve read, dmso can cause severe drying of the skin when its just dmso mixed in with distilled water. The aloe vera will help in keeping the skin nice, soft and moisturized.

So sort of the same effects like cotisone on collagen? BTW why didn’t anyone use cortisone b4 a PE work out (if so nvm my comment)??

Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

I remember a while back there was a guy who said on a Russian PE site he’s a member of a bunch of guys gave DMSO + PE a try and that none of them found any success with it. DMSO is certainly useful for some things potentially associated with PE, but for actual enlargement I would be surprised if it’s a useful tool. Breaking down scar tissue and increasing the elasticity of skin is one thing, but increasing the elasticity of a structure like the tunica is a whole different ball park. This is particularly the case since the DMSO has to travel across the skin to even get to the tunica/CCs. Most of it, therefore, will get carried away in the blood stream.

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