Should I give up pumping?
This may be the wrong thread to post on. I just really need advice and I can only post here.
I’m 20 and just started working. I start Monday. I’m usually a homebody, so I don’t go out much. I had this pump for nearly a month now and my mom has this habit of going to my sisters room everyday, to clean it. One day she found my vape in my sweater that was hanging inside the closet and obviously she got mad. She also obviously searches my room and sometimes clean its. She’s some sort of clean freak or something. Even if I cleaned my room, she still comes in.
I enjoy pumping and I feel like I may have to throw it away? I have a $70 leluv pump so it’s sort of affordable to buy again but man. Well, I just checked and now they raised it to $90 for some reason.
What if she goes into my room while I’m working? When the package was delivered she wanted to know what was in the box and I just said some workout stuff (supplements). She was reading the address of where it came from. I guess she still thinks I’m buying vapes, etc. I haven’t smoked for nearly 2 years now. Oh, I also bought some nootropics one day that kind of looks bad because it’s white powder and you need a scale to make sure you take the right dose but I told her it’s nothing bad.
I can lock the door but maybe she has a spare key.
Need some advice.
Last edited by Mellifluous : 04-08-2016 at .