So I get better results from 5hg then 3hg?
Ok I am going to make this short because I have to leave for work soon and hope to get an idea why this is for me. I have been pumping for over 6-7 months now I worked my way up to 5hg several months back but I got a doughnut due to hanging and dropped pumping and hanging for a few weeks. The doughnut is now 100% healed and I took up pumping at 3hg in 20 minute sets it seemed to deflate by my next session later on in the day. This never happened in the past with my 5hg sets before doughnut.
I keept at it here for 3 weeks now and no change small flaccid and not as strong erections. Well fast forward to yesterday I decided to lower my time in sets to 15 minute sets at 5hg I am doing 4 15minute sets a day two morning two afternoon. I am now having a longer thicker flaccid and harder erections. I even measured a gain of about 1/8th an inch post pump while stroking. What could be the cause can my penis be conditioned from back when I used to pump at 5hg that 3hg did nearly nothing for me?
I am going to stick to the 15 minute sets at 5hg for some time and see how it goes maybe its the same idea as hanging then trying to drop weight with no results? I took a few weeks to reach 5hg back in the days when I first started pumping. Well the good thing I guess is I have possibly found my sweet spot in pumping thanks to the tons of useful info here at thunders without it I would have probably ended up pumping at something crazy like 20 hg lol thanks.