Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Sore balls after pumping..?

Originally Posted by as_si_pe
There is no way I’m ever going to fill this tube at the base - it’s over 2 inches in diameter

So you have a 4.6 MSEG and are using a cylinder with an internal diameter greater than 2”? I assume you’ve seen gprent’s cylinder sizing thread?

I think we know what the problem is here. Sell the Bathmate and get a cylinder that fits.

Shugoo, zerozero - is the Bathmate’s tube the right size for your girth according to gprent’s sizing chart?

Start: NBPEL: 6.75", MEG/BEG: 5.25" Goal: NBPEL: 7", MEG/BEG: 5.75"

You will be fine with the Bathmate. When I got mine my girth was only 5”, you don’t need a snug fit in a Bathmate. As a matter of fact, at my new girth of 5 1/2”, sometimes 6” post pumping, the bellows leaves rings around the base of my penis. I believe the idea behind having a more slender cylinder when airpumping, is that it will keep your nuts from being pulled into the tube. This shouldn’t really be a problem with the width of the comfort ring on the Bathmate. It just takes a little bit of getting used to.

I do full package pumping. Only soreness I get is when I get blue balls.

5.3" NBPEL.

BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!

Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)

My little comment aside, I never understood the question, are you pumping your testicles to? Or are they getting stuck under the tube of the cylinder? Before I started doing cock and balls, my testicles would be sucked up to the cylinder. It hurt like hell, so I went to full package pumping. I love it, I’m still a little confused on the question though.

I had always thought pressing against your pubic bone was how to pump. Anyway, night.

5.3" NBPEL.

BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!

Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)

I got the same discomfort from compression of the vas deferens when I first started using my penomet. It’s fairly easily solved.

When you put the tube on, push it lightly against your pubic bone and then move it from side to side. You should feel the vas deferens “popping” out of the way. Now you can go ahead and pump up without worrying about damaging anything.

Originally Posted by jizzshooter
So you have a 4.6 MSEG and are using a cylinder with an internal diameter greater than 2”? I assume you’ve seen gprent’s cylinder sizing thread?

I think we know what the problem is here. Sell the Bathmate and get a cylinder that fits.

Shugoo, zerozero - is the Bathmate’s tube the right size for your girth according to gprent’s sizing chart?

I have the Bathmate Hercules, which is the smallest hydro pump available, as far as I know.. The lack of girth is why I need to pump!

Originally Posted by Naked Tomato
My little comment aside, I never understood the question, are you pumping your testicles to? Or are they getting stuck under the tube of the cylinder? Before I started doing cock and balls, my testicles would be sucked up to the cylinder. It hurt like hell, so I went to full package pumping. I love it, I’m still a little confused on the question though.

I had always thought pressing against your pubic bone was how to pump. Anyway, night.

I am not pumping my testicles at all, but it feels the highest part of the sack gets sucked up to the cylinder. I do hold my testicles down to be sure they stay out of the way, but it might be the vas deferens that gets sucked into the cylinder. Or it might be the pressure of the cylinder rim on them that causes the pain.

Pressing against my pubic bone is how to pump yes, but is it supposed to hurt it? I’m just wondering if I might be pumping to hard.

Originally Posted by Serenity73
I got the same discomfort from compression of the vas deferens when I first started using my penomet. It’s fairly easily solved.
When you put the tube on, push it lightly against your pubic bone and then move it from side to side. You should feel the vas deferens “popping” out of the way. Now you can go ahead and pump up without worrying about damaging anything.

Thanks for the tip, I’ll try that the next time. Still feel a little discomfort from last session 4 days ago, so I’m gonna wait until this is completely gone before I try again.

Originally Posted by Serenity73
When you put the tube on, push it lightly against your pubic bone and then move it from side to side. You should feel the vas deferens “popping” out of the way. Now you can go ahead and pump up without worrying about damaging anything.

I don’t understand where it’s supposed to go when it “pops out of the way”. We’re talking about a sperm duct that goes from the base of the penis (which is inside the tube at this point) to the testicle (which is outside of the tube). It’s always going to intersect the tube’s edge, there’s no getting away from that.

To update on my previous:
Things returned to normal after a while, I haven’t really thought about it over the summer, but now I’m trying to get back into this, as the results some people have been talking about are too good to pass up. My new plan is just to keep pulling my scrotum away with my left hand and pay close attention to any undesired sensations so I can stop in time if need be + I’m going to keep the slant in the BM’s opening turned a bit to the left to allow my left vas deferens some extra relief because that’s the one that seems to be needing it. I did this for one 11-minute session two days ago and got away without any bad symptoms, so I’ll keep doing it as long as it seems to work.

BPEL = 4.9", MSEG = 4.6" [June 2014]

BPEL = BRB, MSEG = 4.8" [August 2014]

The saga continues..

After 1 or 2 more sessions in September I discovered another problem: shaft compression. Since the penis is not just what we see outside the body and above the balls but the complete shaft actually continues along the underside of the body and really ends somewhere close to the anus, any cylinder edge you press against it somewhere above the balls will effectively be pressing against what is actually the middle of the total shaft. Well, last time I used the BM this shaft compression actually hurt my EQ for a few days, so I got scared of the stupid device again, kicked myself again for spending so much money on it and stopped using it again.

Today I read some more things about it and I think I’m going to have to accept some limitations if I’m to get my money’s worth out of this thing before I chuck it in the garbage:
- No more attempts at high-pressure usage, stop expecting pumping to produce any permanent gains by itself
- No more continuous sessions longer than 5 minutes
- Get into a routine that always involves at least some jelqing afterwards.

All in all, seeing the kinds of problems I and others have experienced from this thing so far, I have to say it’s still a pretty stupid and unergonomic design that doesn’t take into account the real shape of the male body in the area the device is expected to be pressed hard against.

BPEL = 4.9", MSEG = 4.6" [June 2014]

BPEL = BRB, MSEG = 4.8" [August 2014]

I haven’t read the thread but it seems that you have trouble properly placing the device.

Even despite my own disliking to the shaping of the gaiter’s bottom I have been able to use to device without any discomfort and I have seen gains from it alone (both permanent and temporary on top of it).

I would recommend as usual to warm yourself up enough so that the scrotum is fully relaxed and as far below the shaft as possible, the better the erection initially the better you can also put the device on. The key for me is to try and match the bottom of my penis with the bottom of the device leaving space above for a more natural erection angle, also leaving the balls outside as much as possible. Trying to pull the scrotum after initiating the vacuum has only increased discomfort so I never do that anymore, I just simply put it on so that it’s comfortable to use.

Progress Report Thread: New guy, never done anything like this before

Pictures: Dude151 Pictures

Stats also at Profile

Originally Posted by Dude151
I have been able to use to device without any discomfort and I have seen gains from it alone (both permanent and temporary on top of it).

Mmmyeah, I’m not seeing that in your stats thread. What I’m seeing is that you got most of your girth gains during the first month, when you were doing a combination of jelqing, stretching and pumping, and after you restricted your routine to pumping only your girth gains pretty much stopped. And since extra girth should be the main effect of pumping, that’s not a good sign and not consistent with what you’re saying above here.

BPEL = 4.9", MSEG = 4.6" [June 2014]

BPEL = BRB, MSEG = 4.8" [August 2014]

I gave stretching and jelqing a go and I only did them a few days here and there inconsistently. The first big change is probably partly just a combination of natural growth, newbie gains and semitemporary pump, a buffer if you will and it has carried over to all the other months even though I thought that 12+ hours would be enough to have it go down completely.

On average I’d say I’m gaining about a millimeter per month and I think that’s very good, even less is still great. Gaining as much per month as I did the first month would simply be insane.

Progress Report Thread: New guy, never done anything like this before

Pictures: Dude151 Pictures

Stats also at Profile

Originally Posted by as_si_pe
I don’t understand where it’s supposed to go when it “pops out of the way”. We’re talking about a sperm duct that goes from the base of the penis (which is inside the tube at this point) to the testicle (which is outside of the tube). It’s always going to intersect the tube’s edge, there’s no getting away from that.

To update on my previous:
Things returned to normal after a while, I haven’t really thought about it over the summer, but now I’m trying to get back into this, as the results some people have been talking about are too good to pass up. My new plan is just to keep pulling my scrotum away with my left hand and pay close attention to any undesired sensations so I can stop in time if need be + I’m going to keep the slant in the BM’s opening turned a bit to the left to allow my left vas deferens some extra relief because that’s the one that seems to be needing it. I did this for one 11-minute session two days ago and got away without any bad symptoms, so I’ll keep doing it as long as it seems to work.

I just saw this reply. I’m a bit late, but here goes:
The vas deferens do not connect at one point. They move down on both sides of your penis and attach well above the base. You should be able to fit the tube opening between them by pushing them slightly out of the way. Try to feel around with your fingers and track them from the balls to the their attachment point. That should help give you an idea of where to place the pump.

Saw this thread and had a similar experience to this. Long time lurker, first time poster.

Anyways.. I started pumping (bathmate hercules) about a month ago. I was actually making some very nice gains. In 3 weeks I went from 150 mark to the 160 mark, Great EQ, and noticed approximately a .2” gain in MSEG (not aware if these were permanent or not but still cool!) but after those 3 weeks I was experiencing a dull pain after pumping somewhere in my left testi. I also noticed when pumping my left testi (normally hangs lower than my right one) seems to get pulled up when using the bathmate. Not actually getting sucked up into the bathmate like I read from warning and other users, But it just seemed to start getting pulled up. So after the 3 weeks I noticed my spermatic cord very inflamed with a dull, “toothache” like pain throughout the day (after pumping) right above my LEFT testi. So I did some research reading about all the horrifying testicular injuries such as testicular torsion and epididymitus (sp?) but I came to the conclusion that it was a varicocele.

For those who don’t know “Varicocele /ˈværɨkɵsiːl/ is an abnormal enlargement of the pampiniform venous plexus in the scrotum. This plexus of veins drains the testicles. The testicular blood vessels originate in the abdomen and course down through the inguinal canal as part of the spermatic cord on their way to the testis. Upward flow of blood in the veins is ensured by small one-way valves that prevent backflow. Defective valves, or compression of the vein by a nearby structure, can cause dilatation of the testicular veins near the testis, leading to the formation of a varicocele.”

So now I am a little worried about using the BM because I never noticed this varicocele before using the BM. And have came to two scenarios with the BM:
1. While pumping, I positioned the bathmate too LOW on my sack (because I have a pretty bad turkey neck going on) and sucked a pre-existing varicocele into the BM. Because it was sucked in a lot of blood pooled in the varicocele cause it to get inflamed, swell up and be painful.
2. While pumping, I positioned the bathmate too LOW on my sack and while pumping to max pressure I compressed the spermatic cord too much, causing damage to it and causing a varicocele to form.

I then took a week off all PE exercises and for the most part the pain went away, swelling went away. It is still there, I can feel it (“bag of worms” type feeling) but it has gone down significantly. After my week off I started a light pumping routine with low-mid pressure. Making sure to position the BM high enough on the pelvic that my varicocele does NOT get sucked up into the bathmate (although because of my turkey neck my unit is up against the bottom of the BM). So far I pumped for 2 days without any pressure, inflamation or pain.

Varicoceles are quite common approximately 15% of young adults from ages 15-25 develop one (and I am 22). But I am still quite worried about the Bathmate because of the amount of pressure it puts on the base of the pelvis and top of the scrotom especially pumping to max pressure. I feel like if I got the x30/x40 this wouldn’t happen cause they have a hand pump.

The reason I wanted to post was because OP seemed to have very similar symptoms as mine and wanted to get an update on if OP was still using the BM and if he was still experiencing any of his symptoms and just to share my story/ideas. This was disappointing cause them gains felt amazing and I want to get back to it. But I read if a varicocele gets too big/painful surgery could be required. Havent visited a dr. Yet but I am going to schedule an appointment to get checked out. Any ideas/recommendations would be awesome!

Edit: BTW forgot to add that sex/masturabtion is fine. No pain during/afterwards. Plumming seems to be fine. Ejaculate still same color/sensation.

Last edited by lilb : 03-23-2014 at . Reason: Forgot to add

What’s the tightest pumping sleeve? My cylinder is a little wide at the base, and my current sleeve isn’t cutting it

Originally Posted by Serenity73
You should be able to fit the tube opening between them by pushing them slightly out of the way.

Not likely, as even the Hercules model is much much thicker at the base than I would ever hope my EG could ever get. I’ll just limit the pressure like I said above and I will take long breaks anytime I feel any discomfort whatsoever after using the thing. If that means multiple weeks of interruption between consecutive uses, so be it - I’d rather have a functioning medium-sized penis than a dysfunctional one.

BPEL = 4.9", MSEG = 4.6" [June 2014]

BPEL = BRB, MSEG = 4.8" [August 2014]


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